[political-research] UK Police Chief hints at internment

2006-10-16 Thread tim_howells_1000
UK Police Chief hints at internment Abu Turab / Prisonplanet.com | October 14 2006 Last July, Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said that another terrorist attack in London was inevitable. "I think there will be further attacks" he explained, "in fact I know there will be further

[political-research] Saperstein Attempts to Dampen Dovish Jewish Lobbying Effort to Counter Aipac

2006-10-16 Thread Sean McBride
Saperstein Attempts to Dampen Dovish Jewish Lobbying Effort to Counter Aipac Source: http://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2006/10/15/saperstein-attempts-to-dampen-dovish-jewish-effort-to-counter-aipac/ For anyone who threatens Aipac's hegemony will be treated harshly not just by

Re: [political-research] UK Police Chief hints at internment

2006-10-16 Thread Sean McBride
The neocons and their allies have made it absolutely clear that they intend to use acts of false flag terrorism to commit the greatest act of genocide in human history, and to imprison and murder anyone who gets in their way, including patriotic American and British citizens. This is the

[political-research] The Greatest Web Site of All Time - New York Times

2006-10-16 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/15/arts/15morr.html?_r=1oref=slogin For a one-man operation, the amount of material is staggering. And Mr. Scaruffi, 51, a freelance software consultant and occasional university lecturer living in Redwood City, Calif., also runs thymos.com, which contains his

[political-research] Wikipedia, Karsh and Cole An encyclopedia articl...

2006-10-16 Thread Sean McBride
Wikipedia, Karsh and Cole An encyclopedia articl... Wikipedia, Karsh and Cole An encyclopedia article should be an objective accounting of a person's life and work. The wikipedia entry on me is constantly being distorted by a small group of far rightwing activists who put the comments of my

[political-research] The Revenge of Gaia: Earth's Climate Crisis the Fate of Humanity

2006-10-16 Thread Sean McBride
The Revenge of Gaia: Earth's Climate Crisis the Fate of Humanity Author: James Lovelock Paperback: 192 pages Company: Perseus Books Group (2007-06-30) ISBN: 0465041698 List Price: $15.95 Amazon Price: $10.85... Source: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0465041698/ __._,_.___

[political-research] What If All Humans Vanished?

2006-10-16 Thread Sean McBride
What If All Humans Vanished? Our recent ruminations about nuclear weapons and who's got 'em/who doesn't got us to thinking about apocalypse. It's the stuff of science fiction, but what would happen if all of a sudden there were no people on Earth? The Times of London put together a timeline of

[political-research] Perle's World: Sibel Edmonds movie - director interview

2006-10-16 Thread Sean McBride
Perle's World: Sibel Edmonds movie - director interview Oct 15, 2006Part 3 I recently interviewed Mathieu Verboud, Co-Director of a new film about FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Kill The Messenger (youtube trailer ) This is Part Three (see Part One, and Part Two) This particular

[political-research] Agents raid homes of Rep. Curt Weldon’s daughter, close friend

2006-10-16 Thread Sean McBride
Agents raid homes of Rep. Curt Weldon's daughter, close friend Posted on Mon, Oct. 16, 2006 By John Shiffman, Mitch Lipka and Patrick Kerkstra INQUIRER STAFF WRITERS Federal agents raided the home of the daughter of U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon (R., Pa.) and his longtime friend Charlie Sexton this

[political-research] Is neo-con darling Chalabi's private security force behind Iraqi massacres of civilians?

2006-10-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/ Is neo-con darling Chalabi's private security force behind Iraqi massacres of civilians? October 16, 2006 -- With the Iraqi bloodbath against civilians and policemen continuing, it is interesting to note the comments made by the the Iraqi Interior

Re: [political-research] The Greatest Web Site of All Time - New York Times

2006-10-16 Thread Albert Underwood
I'm always suspicious of anything promoted as 'popular' by the NYT. A NYT promotion will quickly make an otherwise unknown site popular, because the NYt site is a well-known site. Ah, the power of mainstream media.MySpace has been popularized in mainstream media with the faux-news

[political-research] Digital age may bring total recall in future

2006-10-16 Thread Sean McBride
Digital age may bring total recall in future - CNN As a research project, the idea is being obsessed with recording everything I can, said Bell, the head researcher in a project called MyLifeBits for nearly ... ... Source: http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/10/16/explorers.memory/ __._,_.___