[political-research] Re: [abidemir] Re: Re: Re: Reply to Twain Re: 2007 Global Bilderberg ...

2007-06-02 Thread Summer Twain
blessings Charles, obviously it is easy to track WITHIN the Global Security State -- but for those of use outside the Security State, relying only on public domain resources -- yes, I would assume it would take considerable work to piece together the pieces of the puzzle, infer the ultimate

[political-research] Israel is an Ethnocracy

2007-06-02 Thread Sean McBride
[Great word: ethnocracy. And in this case we are talking about a messianic, Armageddonist ethnocracy. Other ethnocracies: Nazi Germany; white South Africa. Ethnocracies by definition are anti-American and in conflict with the core values of modern Western democracies. Israel is on a collision

[political-research] TB Test

2007-06-02 Thread Sean McBride
[Echoing Stephanie...] Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: TB Test via xymphora by Andrew on Jun 02, 2007 Lots of good questions have been raised about the case of Andrew Speaker. the American personal injury lawyer who traveled on many planes on his way to and from Europe, supposedly

[political-research] Ron Paul Excluded From CNN's Online Poll

2007-06-02 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: *Ron Paul* Excluded From CNN's Online *Poll* via Google Blog Search: Ron Paul poll OR polls OR polling by unknown on Jun 01, 2007 Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney are listed. As of 5:42 EST on

[political-research] All Roads Lead to Jerusalem: The True Legacy of Dr. Jerry Falwell

2007-06-02 Thread Sean McBride
[Inside the mind of CUFI (Christians United for Israel] and the Israel lobby. David Brog, like William Kristol and Elliott Abrams, is a leading neocon manipulator of crackpot Christian Armageddonists. Notice that he is using 9/11 as a tool to promote Judeo-Christian fascism and absolute

[political-research] Report: In Meeting, �Wild-Eyed� Bush Thumped Chest While Repeating �I Am The President!�

2007-06-02 Thread Sean McBride
[Bush is as mad as a hatter. Behold the handiwork of the neocons. Republicans are running for the exits from this mess. Bush needs a major intervention and some serious cult deprogramming.] Report: In Meeting, ‘Wild-Eyed’ Bush Thumped Chest While Repeating ‘I Am The President!’

[political-research] Ghost Troops Donald Buswell and Kay Lucas in the news -- again!

2007-06-02 Thread Captain May
Once again, members of the cyber-intelligence unit Ghost Troop have registered in the ongoing infowar against Bush League lies. On May 30, Army Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell, the 911 NCO was featured in a story by the Ft. Worth Weekly:

Re: [political-research] Israel is an Ethnocracy

2007-06-02 Thread Albert Underwood
... Ethnocracy simply denotes regimes that express the identity and aspirations of one ethnic group in an ethnically divided society. It is a form of government based on the rule of one ethnic group over other groups. The constitutional and institutional character of an ethnocratic regime can

[political-research] Re: Al-Qaida Targets 7 Cities: NY, DC, LA, More

2007-06-02 Thread better_off_said
It's the devil's way now There is no way out You can scream, and you can shout It is too late now, because You have not been paying attention... 2+2=5 ~ Radiohead --- (Funny I had that song on as I read this...) I've been paying attention. And everytime I

[political-research] Re: TB Test

2007-06-02 Thread better_off_said
My wild guess is that he doesn't have TB at all, and that this is some kind of test of protocols, or perhaps a political stunt to increase border security. That's a valid theory. Also, it could initiate some type of requirement for medical screening for all passengers, or a no fly list for

[political-research] Dick Cheney and the Crazies

2007-06-02 Thread Sean McBride
[All roads lead to the neocrazies...] Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Dick Cheney and the Crazies via Pen and Sword by Jeff Huber on Jun 02, 2007 It would be silly if it weren't so deadly serious. On June 1, in a news conference in Madrid, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

[political-research] SUCKERED BY SORCHA-Bell Gets Duped By 'Sorcha Faal'-Oz Drought Hoax-A TOP US radio commentator claims Australian authorities are in secret talks to evacuate 11 million citizens du

2007-06-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
heheheh. maybe sorcha faal is one of those media professors who like to fake absurd stories to get in the news to make weird points on social commentary. to me this shows how desperate media types are to foment STRATEGY OF TENSION. - Original Message - From: civl ecco Sent:

Re: [political-research] TB Test

2007-06-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
when they say untreatable, what they mean is resistant to (many) antibiotics. mr speaker is welcome to stop by www.aaaom.edu and get treated with acupuncture and herbs. presuming he lives long enough to be set free from quarantine. - Original Message - From: Sean McBride To:

[political-research] Ron Paul's Reading List for the Farsighted

2007-06-02 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Ron Paul's Reading List for the Farsighted via Antiwar.com Blog by Scott Horton on Jun 02, 2007 On May 15th, Dr. Ron Paul, the antiwar Republican presidential candidate and congressman from Texas, was denounced by America's Mayor in the second

Re: [political-research] SUCKERED BY SORCHA-Bell Gets Duped By 'Sorcha Faal'-Oz Drought Hoax-A TOP US radio commentator claims Australian authorities are in secret talks to evacuate 11 million citizen

2007-06-02 Thread Sean McBride
Hey, dude, who fingered Sorcha Faal as a hoaxster quite a few months ago. :) The Faal materials are a bit like Weekly World News, but somewhat more sophisticated. The repetitive rhetorical structures in the Faal pieces make for interesting analysis. There is a Faal formula organizing all the

[political-research] Re: SUCKERED BY SORCHA-Bell Gets Duped By 'Sorcha Faal'-Oz Drought Hoax...

2007-06-02 Thread better_off_said
--- In political-research@yahoogroups.com, Sean McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm still betting that Sorcha Faal is a working group in an intel agency. You got that right. Oh and, hats off to you and your finely tuned hoax sensor. ;)

[political-research] US may collapse as a superpower: analyst

2007-06-02 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: US may collapse as a superpower: analyst via BuzzFlash.net: published by bloozguy on Jun 02, 2007 In his latest book, 'The Mess they Made: the Middle East after Iraq', Gwynne Dyer says there's no doubt that the US will withdraw its troops from Iraq