[political-research] Zionism Is an Establishment Value

2008-08-28 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Zionism Is an Establishment Value via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 8/28/08 I saw Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations on MSNBC last night talking about foreign policy with Tom Brokaw and Obama adviser Susan Rice. The Israel/Palestine

[political-research] Rove Fears Neocon Putsch in GOP

2008-08-28 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Rove Fears Neocon Putsch in GOP via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 8/28/08 Politico is reporting that Karl Rove wants Joe Lieberman to get out of the running for McCain VP. Fascinating. It shows that Rove is afraid of the neoconservative movement in

[political-research] Most Israelis Think About Leaving

2008-08-28 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Most Israelis Think About Leaving via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 8/28/08 More on Reverse Aliyah. This is from the Forward in June: A recent survey by the Jerusalem-based Menachem Begin Heritage Center found that 59% of Israelis had approached or

[political-research] Rice Pushes For Division of Jerusalem

2008-08-28 Thread Sean McBride
[Israeli/neoconservative attacks on Condoleezza Rice, the Bush 43 administration and the Mideast peace process.] Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Rice Pushes For Division of Jerusalem via Israel News | by One Jerusalem on 8/28/08 In the dying days of the Bush Administration

[political-research] Gene therapy for ultimate human running speed and strength

2008-08-28 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Gene therapy for ultimate human running speed and strength via KurzweilAI.net Accelerating Intelligence News on 8/27/08 Humans will soon have the ability to modify and greatly enhance muscle fiber strength, enabling speeds of 45 miles per hour and

[political-research] 10 Web 2.0 People Search Engines

2008-08-27 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: 10 Web 2.0 People Search Engines via Alt Search Engines by Guest Author on 8/27/08 By Arnaud Fischer Editor’s note: For up-to-the minute information, just click through on the name of the search engine. If Web 1.0 was about linking information

[political-research] ABC's Jake Tapper: "Today's new McCain ad... crosses a new line into dishone...

2008-08-27 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: ABC's Jake Tapper: "Today's new McCain ad... crosses a new line into dishonesty" via AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth by John Aravosis (DC) on 8/27/08 So basically the media is now calling John McCain an ou

[political-research] Finger on the Button

2008-08-27 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Finger on the Button via Talking Points Memo by Josh Marshall on 8/27/08 Reprinting an Andrew Sullivan post in its entirety ... The op-ed in today's WSJ by the McCain duo of Lieberman and Graham is far more important for this election, it see

[political-research] Mozilla Extension Would Tap Into Typed Commands

2008-08-27 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Mozilla Extension Would Tap Into Typed Commands via KurzweilAI.net Accelerating Intelligence News on 8/27/08 Ubiquity, an experimental extension to Mozilla Firefox, lets people substitute simple text commands for complex Web tasks such as putting

[political-research] Ubiquity Prototype Offers a Natural Language Web Command Line [Featured Fire...

2008-08-27 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Ubiquity Prototype Offers a Natural Language Web Command Line [Featured Firefox Extension] via Lifehacker by Gina Trapani on 8/27/08 Firefox only: Mozilla Labs unveils the first iteration of a natural language web service connector called Ubiquity

[political-research] McCain and Hagee: Still Joined at the Hip by Joe Lieberman

2008-08-26 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: McCain and Hagee: Still Joined at the Hip by Joe Lieberman via OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion on 8/26/08 [A more detailed and serious article describing the dangerous and continuing alliance/triangle between

[political-research] Expand Your Brain with Evernote [Back To School]

2008-08-26 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Expand Your Brain with Evernote [Back To School] via Lifehacker by Adam Pash on 8/26/08 A new school year is just around the corner, but this semester you're looking for a safer way to enhance your brainpower than getting all hopped up on caf

[political-research] LA Times: 'Israel Lobby' Is 'Dead Hand of the Past'

2008-08-26 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: LA Times: 'Israel Lobby' Is 'Dead Hand of the Past' via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 8/26/08 Andrew Bacevich had a good piece in the most forward-thinking op-ed page in the country, the LA Times, that talked openly about the Is

[political-research] Defense Intelligence Agency "Seeking" Mind Control Weapons

2008-08-26 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Defense Intelligence Agency "Seeking" Mind Control Weapons via Alex Constantine's Blacklist by Alex Constantine on 8/26/08 by Tom Burghardt A new report from the National Academy of Sciences' National Research Council (NRC) argu

[political-research] My 15 Favorite Web 2.0 Sites (2008)

2008-08-26 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: My 15 Favorite Web 2.0 Sites (2008) via RSSmeme by Orli Yakuel on 8/23/08 Shared 57 times I don't recall if I ever listed my favorite services in one post. The reason that I'm doing it now is because I feel something has changed from last

[political-research] Amazon gobbles up Shelfari book-sharing biz

2008-08-26 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Amazon gobbles up Shelfari book-sharing biz via TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home by David Rothman on 8/26/08 This is the TeleBlog, right? Not the AmaBlog? But I haven’t any choice. A third Amazon item this morning, groan, groan, is that Jeff Bezos

[political-research] VP Candidate Biden Is No Friend to File Sharing, Net Neutrality Protection o...

2008-08-25 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: VP Candidate Biden Is No Friend to File Sharing, Net Neutrality Protection or Online Privacy [Net Neutrality] via RSSmeme by Wilson Rothman on 8/24/08 Shared 59 times Tagged Barack Obama (1131) Biden (110) File Sharing (595) Joe Biden (145) Net

[political-research] We Have Met The WMD Terrorists, And They Are US

2008-08-25 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: We Have Met The WMD Terrorists, And They Are US via 911blogger.com - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by Reprehensor on 8/25/08 (Via the emptywheel blog at firedoglake.com) We Have Met The WMD Terrorists, And They Are US By: bmaz

[political-research] Deliciously Savage Review of Pollack--in NYT!

2008-08-25 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Deliciously Savage Review of Pollack--in NYT!--Suggests Brookings Has Been Corrupted via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 8/25/08 I hope everyone read the Times Book Review section yesterday, the front-page blast of Kenneth Pollack's book, Out o

[political-research] The Age of Google (Part 4 of 4)

2008-08-25 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: The Age of Google (Part 4 of 4) via Alt Search Engines by Guest Author on 8/25/08 (The previous installment: Web 2.0) It is hard to imagine how a barely 10-year-old company has been the logo of our age from several years already. But Google does it

[political-research] Intel touts progress toward intelligent computers

2008-08-25 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Intel touts progress toward intelligent computers via KurzweilAI.net Accelerating Intelligence News on 8/24/08 At the Intel Developer Forum, Intel Chief Technology Officer Justin Rattner showed off a number of technologies in computing, robotics

[political-research] Surveillance made easy

2008-08-25 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Surveillance made easy via KurzweilAI.net Accelerating Intelligence News on 8/24/08 Governments around the world are developing increasingly sophisticated electronic surveillance methods in a bid to identify terrorist cells or spot criminal activity

[political-research] Israel 'needs Georgia for Iran strike'

2008-08-25 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: *Israel* 'needs *Georgia* for Iran strike' via georgia israel - Google Blog Search by unknown on 8/25/08 A recent report suggests that the US and Israel had plans to use Georgia as a launchpad for aerial strikes on Iranian nuclear sites.

[political-research] Search faster with multi-browser add-on TilTul

2008-08-24 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Search faster with multi-browser add-on TilTul via Alt Search Engines by Charles Knight on 8/24/08 TilTul`s mission is to automate Internet browsing, making it faster and more efficient. TilTul`s founding team developed an innovative and automatic

[political-research] Search less. Understand more. With Evri

2008-08-24 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Search less. Understand more. With Evri via Alt Search Engines by Charles Knight on 8/24/08 You Asked, Evri Delivered - New Features, More Entities, and More! We’ve gotten some great feedback from our early beta users, and we’ve been busy at Evri

[political-research] Halperin: McCain’s Houses Gaffe ‘One Of The Wors t Moments’ Of The Campaign F...

2008-08-24 Thread Sean McBride
[Martin Halperin: one of a zillion neocon spin artists in the mainstream media. As a journalist, he is a joke. He's a neocon agitprop specialist.] Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Halperin: McCain’s Houses Gaffe ‘One Of The Worst Moments’ Of The Campaign For…Barack Obama via

[political-research] 8 million victims of world's biggest cyber heist

2008-08-24 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: 8 million victims of world's biggest cyber heist via Cryptome on 8/24/08 August 24, 2008 (offsite) Things you can do from here: - Subscribe to Cryptome using Google Reader - Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your fav

[political-research] Where Neocons Get Their Ideas

2008-08-24 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Where Neocons Get Their Ideas via The American Conservative by Daniel McCarthy on 8/24/08 Compare these words from William Z. Foster, general secretary of the Communist Party USA, quoted in Ronald Radosh’s Prophets on the Right: “Socialist countries

[political-research] A Few Questions For Joe Biden That Should Be Answered, Preferably Under Oath

2008-08-23 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: A Few Questions For Joe Biden That Should Be Answered, Preferably Under Oath via 911blogger.com - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by Jon Gold on 8/23/08 The following question was submitted to the 9/11 Commission by the 9/11 Family

[political-research] Why Bush Will Pardon AIPAC for Espionage

2008-08-23 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Why Bush Will Pardon AIPAC for Espionage via Dissident Voice by Grant F. Smith on 8/23/08 In 2005, Col. Lawrence Franklin was indicted alongside two executives of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) for allegedly violating the 1917

[political-research] Hayden Warns Netroots to "RECOGNIZE THE GEORGIA CONSPIRACY"

2008-08-22 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Hayden Warns Netroots to "RECOGNIZE THE GEORGIA CONSPIRACY" via OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion on 8/22/08 [Tom Hayden's recent article in The Nationargues that "the same Republican neocon

[political-research] Hayden Warns Netroots to "RECOGNIZE THE GEORGIA CONSPIRACY"

2008-08-22 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Hayden Warns Netroots to "RECOGNIZE THE GEORGIA CONSPIRACY" via OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion on 8/22/08 [Tom Hayden's recent article in The Nationargues that "the same Republican neocon

[political-research] Hayden Warns Netroots to "RECOGNIZE THE GEORGIA CONSPIRACY"

2008-08-22 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Hayden Warns Netroots to "RECOGNIZE THE GEORGIA CONSPIRACY" via OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion on 8/22/08 [Tom Hayden's recent article in The Nationargues that "the same Republican neocon

[political-research] Neoconservatism Is Apparently Still a Resume-Builder

2008-08-22 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Neoconservatism Is Apparently Still a Resume-Builder via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 8/22/08 McCain's surrogates, including Georgia boy Randy Scheunemann, are attacking Obama adviser Dan Kurtzer for visiting Syria to try and advance the I

[political-research] The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Tran...

2008-08-22 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture via Amazon.com: Google in Books on 8/22/08 If you pick your books by their popularity--how many and which other people are reading them--then know this

[political-research] [HuffPost]: Official Net Worth: McCain $36.4 Million, Obama $799,000

2008-08-22 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: [HuffPost]: Official Net Worth: McCain $36.4 Million, Obama $799,000 via NewsJunk.com on 8/22/08 Earlier this year, the nonpartisan Sunlight Foundation did an analysis of the net worth of each of the 535 members of Congress based on their personal

[political-research] Robots Detect Behavioral Cues to Follow Humans

2008-08-22 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Robots Detect Behavioral Cues to Follow Humans via KurzweilAI.net Accelerating Intelligence News on 8/22/08 University of California, Davis researchers have developed a system that allows follower robots to use behavioral cues from human leaders and

[political-research] And None Dare Call It Treason

2008-08-22 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: And None Dare Call It Treason via AntiWar.com by Patrick Buchanan on 8/22/08 Excerpt: Who is Randy Scheunemann? He is the principal foreign policy adviser to John McCain and potential successor to Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski as national

[political-research] Read what they read

2008-08-22 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Read what they read via RSSmeme by Chrix Finne on 8/18/08 Shared 58 times The Reader team has always been interested in politics, and we use Reader (of course) to stay current on all the political happenings. As we were reading and sharing amongst

[political-research] The Kindle as am audio player, professional tool and more: Beyond just DRMed...

2008-08-21 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: The Kindle as am audio player, professional tool and more: Beyond just DRMed books via TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home by David Rothman on 8/21/08 Thanks to Sam Hendrix, a TeleBlog regular, for the post below. And a reminder: I love the Kindle’s

[political-research] Open Secrets: Capital Eye: New APIs Let You Dive Into Our Data

2008-08-21 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Open Secrets: Capital Eye: New APIs Let You Dive Into Our Data via Sunlight Foundation Transparency Ecosystem by Massie Ritsch on 8/21/08 If you're the kind of person who loves digging around in data, the Center for Responsive Politics now mak

[political-research] 3 Star Review for ZERO in Times Newspaper 21st August

2008-08-21 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: 3 Star Review for ZERO in Times Newspaper 21st August via 911blogger.com - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by Mercury on 8/21/08 ZERO gets positive review in 'The Times' - check out the page to comment on

[political-research] The Dreyfuss Report: Scheunemann, Iraq and Georgia

2008-08-21 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: The Dreyfuss Report: Scheunemann, Iraq and Georgia via The Nation: All Weblogs by Robert Dreyfuss on 8/21/08 Where's the congressional investigation? Things you can do from here: - Subscribe to The Nation: All Weblogs using Google Reader

[political-research] How RFID Tags Could Be Used to Track Unsuspecting People

2008-08-21 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: How RFID Tags Could Be Used to Track Unsuspecting People via Scientific American on 8/20/08 If you live in a state bordering Canada or Mexico, you may soon be given an opportunity to carry a very high tech item: a remotely readable driver’s license

[political-research] Iterasi Evolves Into A Must Have Research Tool

2008-08-21 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Iterasi Evolves Into A Must Have Research Tool via TechCrunch by Michael Arrington on 8/20/08 Portland based Iterasi launched in early 2008 to allow users to create on the fly bookmarking of entire web pages (not just the URL, the entire web page

[political-research] Libby questioned on forged letter linking Saddam to 9/11

2008-08-20 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Libby questioned on forged letter linking Saddam to 9/11 via Alex Constantine's Blacklist by Alex Constantine on 8/20/08 John Byrne August 20, 2008 House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) issued letters of inquiry Wednesday to Vice Pres

[political-research] Access to Evil

2008-08-20 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Access to Evil via LewRockwell.com Blog by Lew Rockwell on 8/20/08 After barring Ron Paul, the Republifascists will give the main convention speaking slots to the sanctimonious neocon monster Lieberman, the crooked neocon monster Giuliani, and the

[political-research] Descent

2008-08-20 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Descent via Talking Points Memo by Josh Marshall on 8/20/08 A good summary of the danger, from Max Bergmann at DemocracyArsenal ... The big concern with a McCain presidency - a concern which I am surprised has not been vocalized more fully - is that

[political-research] Make War, Add Mayo

2008-08-20 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Make War, Add Mayo via James Wolcott's Blog on 8/20/08 At Counterpunch (via Antiwar, which is holding a quarterly fundraiser--go, give), "Werther" lifts the lid on John McCain's head to see what really makes him snap, crackl

[political-research] Potential Obama VP Is Pro-War, Pro-Patriot Act Neo-Con

2008-08-20 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Potential Obama VP Is Pro-War, Pro-Patriot Act Neo-Con via infowarsnews at Yahoo! Groups by Paul Joseph Watson on 8/20/08 Potential Obama VP Is Pro-War, Pro-Patriot Act Neo-Con Evan Bayh served with John McCain on neocon Committee for the Liberation

[political-research] Sibel Edmonds Case: Richard Perle continues criminal enterprise, MSM still s...

2008-08-20 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Sibel Edmonds Case: Richard Perle continues criminal enterprise, MSM still silent via Against All Enemies by lukery on 8/20/08 In 1989, the Wall Street Journal reported that Richard Perle and Douglas Feith had set up a lobbying company called

[political-research] Hannity and Rove float Lieberman for Secretary of State.

2008-08-20 Thread Sean McBride
[The Israeli/neoconservative lobby at work.] Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Hannity and Rove float Lieberman for Secretary of State. via Think Progress by Satyam on 8/20/08 Recent press reports have hinted that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is strongly considering selecting Sen. Joe

[political-research] Sean McBride: Iraq to Sign $1.2B Oil Service Deal with China (via FriendFeed)

2008-08-19 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Sean McBride: Iraq to Sign $1.2B Oil Service Deal with China (via FriendFeed) via FriendFeed on 8/19/08 Sean McBride posted a link Iraq to Sign $1.2B Oil Service Deal with China 8:14 pm - Comment "Iraq will sign a $1.2 billion oil service con

[political-research] GOP insider Computer Fraud Expert Admits 2000/2004 Elections Stolen

2008-08-19 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: GOP insider Computer Fraud Expert Admits 2000/2004 Elections Stolen via 911TruthAction at Yahoo! Groups by [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 8/19/08 GOP insider Computer Fraud Expert Admits 2000/2004 Elections Stolen ! Insider Republican Vote Theft Computer

[political-research] Huckabee Among the Jerusalemites

2008-08-19 Thread Sean McBride
[Profile of a Christian Zionist.] Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Huckabee Among the Jerusalemites via TIME.com: Middle East Blog by Tim McGirk on 8/19/08 A cellphone rang while former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was eating breakfast in Jerusalem yesterday. “It must be Senator

[political-research] Why No Waterboarding or Gitmo for Anthrax Suspects?

2008-08-19 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Why No Waterboarding or Gitmo for Anthrax Suspects? via The BRAD BLOG by Brad Jacobson on 8/19/08 Guest blogged by Brad Jacobson of MediaBloodhound Do not miss Tom Engelhardt's article, "Double Standard in the Global War on Terro

[political-research] Leading Rabbi Picked to Deliver the Invocation Befor e Obama’s Acceptance Speech

2008-08-19 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Leading Rabbi Picked to Deliver the Invocation Before Obama’s Acceptance Speech via NJDC's Blog by Alexis Rice on 8/19/08 Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, will deliver the invocation at the Democ

[political-research] Who Started Cold War II?

2008-08-19 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Who Started Cold War II? via AntiWar.com by Patrick Buchanan on 8/19/08 Excerpt: The American people should be eternally grateful to Old Europe for having spiked the Bush-McCain plan to bring Georgia into NATO. Things you can do from here

[political-research] Is the Music Industry Digging Its Own Online Grave?

2008-08-19 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Is the Music Industry Digging Its Own Online Grave? via The Inquisitr by Cyndy Aleo-Carreira on 8/18/08 As Twitter and Techmeme lit up with the news that Pandora might be going under and Muxtape was shuttered, the immediate reaction seemed to be a

[political-research] Judiciary Committee To Investigate Plot To Paint Plane In UN Colors And Prov...

2008-08-19 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Judiciary Committee To Investigate Plot To Paint Plane In UN Colors And Provoke Shoot down Over Iraq via 911blogger.com - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by Joe on 8/18/08 http://infowars.net/articles/august2008

[political-research] The Future of the Desktop

2008-08-19 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: The Future of the Desktop via RSSmeme by Guest Author on 8/18/08 Shared 47 times Tagged Analysis (765) Everything is moving to the cloud. As we enter the third decade of the Web we are seeing an increasing shift from native desktop applications

[political-research] Tomgram: Six Questions about the Anthrax Case

2008-08-18 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Tomgram: Six Questions about the Anthrax Case via TomDispatch by Tom Engelhardt on 8/18/08 [A TomDispatch recommendation: Bill Moyers had Andrew Bacevich on his "Journal" for an hour Friday night, discussing his new book, The Limits of Po

[political-research] Russian General Says Georgia May Commit False Flag Terror Attacks

2008-08-18 Thread Sean McBride
Since Georgia is a neocon op, false flag ops should be expected as standard operating procedure -- this is what neocons do, by temperament and tradition. Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Russian General Says Georgia May Commit False Flag Terror Attacks via infowarsnews at Yahoo

[political-research] At center of conflict, South Ossetians direct bitterness at Georgia

2008-08-18 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: At center of conflict, South Ossetians direct bitterness at Georgia via CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS on 8/18/08 By Peter Finn, Washington Post | August 18, 2008 TSKHINVALI, Georgia - The windows were blown out of the old

[political-research] Karl Rove Critic Put On Terror Watch List

2008-08-18 Thread Sean McBride
Even CNN now admits: patriotic Americans who are political opponents of the Bush 43 administration and the neoconservatives are being officially defined as "terrorists." Towards a neoconservative dictatorship and police state. Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Karl Rove

[political-research] Christians United for Israel and Attacking Iran

2008-08-18 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Christians United for Israel and Attacking Iran via CommonDreams.org » Views07 by admin on 8/18/08 Though the national sentiment favors wrapping up the Iraq War, there exists a small but powerful movement for starting a new military conflict with

[political-research] Kristol Makes His Fourth Factual Error In His New York Times Column

2008-08-18 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Kristol Makes His Fourth Factual Error In His New York Times Column via Think Progress by Amanda on 8/18/08 Today in the New York print edition of the New York Times, columnist Bill Kristol attacks allegations that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) may not

[political-research] Doubts over the anthrax case intensify -- except among much of the media

2008-08-18 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Doubts over the anthrax case intensify -- except among much of the media via Salon: Glenn Greenwald by Glenn Greenwald on 8/18/08 The more that is revealed about the FBI's still largely-secret case against Bruce Ivins, the more doubts that are r

[political-research] Operation Sentinel: The High-Tech Police State Takes Shape

2008-08-17 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Operation Sentinel: The High-Tech Police State Takes Shape via 911blogger.com - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by simuvac on 8/17/08 Operation Sentinel: The High-Tech Police State Takes Shape by Tom Burghardt / August 17th, 2008

[political-research] Michael Winship: Andrew Bacevich, America and the World

2008-08-17 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Michael Winship: Andrew Bacevich, America and the World via Bill Moyers Journal by Bill Moyers Journal on 8/15/08 (Photo by Robin Holland) Below is an article by JOURNAL writer Michael Winship. We welcome your comments below. Andrew Bacevich

[political-research] Hagee`s CUFI Summit Attracts Record Numbers

2008-08-17 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Hagee`s CUFI Summit Attracts Record Numbers via Israel news latest headlines on 8/16/08 A reported 7,000+ supporters attended the July 20-23 Summit of the Christians United For Israel in DC, including over 400 ministers representing mega-churches

[political-research] Ruppert on the Georgia Debacle

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
long years, the Bush 43 administration -- the neocons and their petulant puppet -- has been one long foreign policy disaster. Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: (title unknown) via Act 2: From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog by FTW admin on 8/16/08 GEORGIA UPDATE -- August 16, 2008 4:

[political-research] McCain in Jan. 2002: ‘Next up, Baghdad!’

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: McCain in Jan. 2002: ‘Next up, Baghdad!’ via Think Progress by Satyam on 8/16/08 The New York Times runs a lengthy article today on how the 9/11 attacks contributed to Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) foreign policy, particulary his aggression towards Iraq

[political-research] Israeli Columnist: 'We Used to Export Oranges. Now It's Assassination Experts'

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
, instructors of “elite units” and secret services – and the most terrible thing: experts on assassination and thuggery. Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Israeli Columnist: 'We Used to Export Oranges. Now It's Assassination Experts' via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 8/16

[political-research] VIDEO: Gorbachev describes Attack Georgia Attack Media "Lies from Begining ...

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: VIDEO: Gorbachev describes Attack Georgia Attack Media "Lies from Begining to End" via GlobalResearch.ca on 8/16/08 For more details, please click on the link to read the article. Things you can do from here: - Subscribe to GlobalResearc

[political-research] Local Police May Get Broader Spy Powers

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Local Police May Get Broader Spy Powers via Truthout - All Articles on 8/16/08 More federal intelligence changes planned. The Justice Department has proposed a new domestic spying measure that would make it easier for state and local police to

[political-research] From the people who brought you the Iraq war comes . . . The ALL NEW Cold War

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: From the people who brought you the Iraq war comes . . . The ALL NEW Cold War via CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS on 8/16/08 August 15, 2008 | 4:09 pm Wait a minute: I thought the greatest threat to the American way of life was

[political-research] International Equilibrium

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: International Equilibrium via The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan by Andrew Sullivan on 8/16/08 Jeffrey Tayler, writing from Moscow, has a smart dispatch on the war in Georgia. His thoughts on NATO: ...that the United States would even consider

[political-research] Michael Ledeen leaves AEI

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
The beginning of a thorough purge of neoconservatives from American public life? Why did it take so long for funders of AEI who aren't Israel Firsters to notice that Michael Ledeen and his comrades were inflicting enormous damage on the American interest? Sent to you by Sean McBride via G

[political-research] US Internet Connection Speed Falling Behind Advanced Nations

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: US Internet Connection Speed Falling Behind Advanced Nations via The Inquisitr by Dominic Rivera on 8/15/08 Are you happy with your current Internet connection speed? The results of a nationwide study of Internet connection speeds in the US revealed

[political-research] Russian Report: CNN used Fake Video in Coverage of Georgia War

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
[CNN is a component of the neoconservative propaganda machine. Any resemblance between CNN and authentic journalism is purely accidental.] Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Russian Report: CNN used Fake Video in Coverage of Georgia War via GlobalResearch.ca on 8/16/08 For more

[political-research] Anthrax fall guy Bruce Ivins reminds Frederick locals of the Olson Case of 5...

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Anthrax fall guy Bruce Ivins reminds Frederick locals of the Olson Case of 50 years ago. via 911blogger.com - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by pduveen on 8/15/08 THE OLSON AND IVINS CASES: SUICIDE OR MURDER? By Peter Duveen

[political-research] Top CEOs Give 10 Times More To McCain Than Obama; McCain Promises Huge Tax B...

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Top CEOs Give 10 Times More To McCain Than Obama; McCain Promises Huge Tax Breaks For Them In Return via Think Progress by Faiz on 8/16/08 The Hill reports that the CEOs of the 100 biggest Fortune 500 corporations have given approximately 10 times as

[political-research] Am I Terminally Naive? Is Georgia More Neocon Unipolar Hubris? Help!

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Am I Terminally Naive? Is Georgia More Neocon Unipolar Hubris? Help! via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 8/16/08 Interesting how the leftwing blogosphere, which used to be a little chary about Israel and the neocons, has gotten religion. I have! Now

[political-research] Russia takes control of Turkmen (world?) gas

2008-08-16 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Russia takes control of Turkmen (world?) gas via GlobalResearch.ca on 8/16/08 For more details, please click on the link to read the article. Things you can do from here: - Subscribe to GlobalResearch.ca using Google Reader - Get started using

[political-research] Do Read This

2008-08-15 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Do Read This via Talking Points Memo by Josh Marshall on 8/15/08 Some bracingly good sense and -- mirabile dictu! -- real on the ground knowledge about the Georgia situation by Michael Dobbs of the Washington Post. Things you can do from here

[political-research] Saakashvili: "Both war and peace are in the hands of Israeli Jews."

2008-08-15 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Saakashvili: "Both war and peace are in the hands of Israeli Jews." via Steve Sailer's iSteve Blog by Steve Sailer on 8/15/08 From Haaretz of Tel Aviv (via Philip Weiss): Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili denied on Wednesday ni

[political-research] Masterseek launches new search engine v. 2.0

2008-08-15 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Masterseek launches new search engine v. 2.0 via Alt Search Engines by Charles Knight on 8/15/08 A new business search engine battles Yahoo! and Google for B2B searches. Masterseek’s global search engine provides quick and free access to company

[political-research] Associated Press Gets Rather Bold in Detailing Neocons' Disastrous Back Pages

2008-08-15 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Associated Press Gets Rather Bold in Detailing Neocons' Disastrous Back Pages via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 8/15/08 An important signpost: The Associated Press has referred to the neocon cell, the Project for the New American Century, and

[political-research] Suffocating Dead Zones Spread Across World’s Ocean s

2008-08-15 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Suffocating Dead Zones Spread Across World’s OceansCritically low oxygen levels now pose as great a threat to life in the world’s oceans as overfishing and habitat loss, say experts via CommonDreams.org » Headlines07 by CommonDreams on 8/15/08 Man

[political-research] Digitizing Old Text and Fighting Spam, Too

2008-08-15 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Digitizing Old Text and Fighting Spam, Too via KurzweilAI.net Accelerating Intelligence News on 8/15/08 Carnegie Mellon University scientists have developed a program called reCAPTCHA that collects words flagged as unreadable by optical scanners as

[political-research] #5 Fox News: 12 Year Old Girl Tells the Truth about Georgia

2008-08-15 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: #5 Fox News: 12 Year Old Girl Tells the Truth about Georgia via Today's Top 10 Viral Videos on 8/14/08 YouTube - 44 new posts today Things you can do from here: - Subscribe to Today's Top 10 Viral Videos using Google Reader - Get sta

[political-research] Future wars 'to be fought with mind drugs'

2008-08-15 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Future wars 'to be fought with mind drugs' via Signs of the Times on 8/15/08 Landmines releasing brain-altering chemicals, scanners reading soldiers' minds and devices boosting eyesight and hearing could all one figure in arsenal

[political-research] FBI to Get Freer Rein to Gather Domestic Information

2008-08-14 Thread Sean McBride
[Towards a neoconservative dictatorship and police state. Michael Mukasey is a militant neoconservative. Neoconservatives define as a "terrorist" anyone who gets in the way of their quest for absolute power.] Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: FBI to Get Freer Rein to Gathe

[political-research] Anti-Obama Author on 9/11 Conspiracy

2008-08-14 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Anti-Obama Author on 9/11 Conspiracy via The Caucus by By Sarah Wheaton on 8/14/08 Jerome R. Corsi's book about Senator Barack Obama appears to have distracted him for another project he was planning in January: exposing the government's

[political-research] Radar Theme: Collective Intelligence

2008-08-14 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Radar Theme: Collective Intelligence via O'Reilly Radar - Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies by Nat Torkington on 8/13/08 [This is part of a series of posts that briefly describe the trends that we're currently tra

[political-research] Georgia war 'blow to US energy'

2008-08-14 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Georgia war 'blow to US energy' via Raw Story Breaking News on 8/14/08 The plans of the US and Western oil companies for expanded pipelines in the Caspian region may well be a casualty of Russia's attack... Things you can do from he

[political-research] AT&T To Congress: Google Spies On Web Surfing, So We Will, Too

2008-08-14 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: AT&T To Congress: Google Spies On Web Surfing, So We Will, Too via Silicon Alley Insider by Michael Learmonth on 8/14/08 AT&T (T) says it hasn't yet started systematically tracking Web users, but it will in the near future. The company

[political-research] Evan Bayh Served on Board with McCain, Kristol, Lieberman, Woolsey, and Sche...

2008-08-14 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Evan Bayh Served on Board with McCain, Kristol, Lieberman, Woolsey, and Scheunemann via The Washington Note on 8/14/08 As I reported the other day, Evan Bayh is the favored candidate to find himself on Barack Obama's ticket. Obama will pro

[political-research] Put Not Your Faith in AEI

2008-08-14 Thread Sean McBride
Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Put Not Your Faith in AEI via Talking Points Memo by Josh Marshall on 8/14/08 Andrew Sullivan, who's been on a tear on this story, has another good post on the bankrupt posturing of the neocons, jumping at the hopes of a new Cold War wit

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