[political-research] Bloglines - Robert Scheer: Dream On, Condi

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Robert Scheer: Dream On, Condi By Robert Scheer on Iraq Condoleezza Rice is someone I knew to be a very bright scholar when we

[political-research] Bloglines - “Real Journalism” FOX News Complains Washington Press Corps Asking Too Many Questions About Cheney

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   News Hounds We watch FOX so you don't have to. “Real Journalism” FOX News Complains Washington Press Corps Asking Too Many Questions About Cheney In Hannity & Colmes Let me get th

[political-research] Bloglines - The Pentagon's War on the Internet

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. WhatReallyHappened.com The Pentagon's War on the Internet In DICTATORSHIP The Pentagon sees the internet in terms of a military adversary that poses a vital threat to its stated mission

[political-research] Bloglines - Goodbye Iraq, hello Afghanistan by Pepe Escobar

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. NeoCon Watch neocons "counterfeit conservatives" exposed - genuine traditionalists championed - America First will restore the Republic Goodbye Iraq, hello Afghanistan by Pepe Escobar By

[political-research] Bloglines - Ami v Finkelstein

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Gorilla in the Room We await the return of the Gorilla E-mail info, tips, questions or suggestions to girtips {at} yahoo . com Ami v Finkelstein By Brian Former Israeli Foreign Minis

[political-research] Bloglines - Weldon: 'Able Danger' ID'd 9/ll Ringleader

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News Get all the latest headlines from around the world in one place! Weldon: 'Able Danger' ID'd 9/ll Ri

[political-research] Bloglines - Technorati, New State O' Blogosphere and "Filter by Authority"

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. John Battelle's Searchblog Thoughts on the intersection of search, media, technology, and more. Technorati, New State O' Blogosphere and "Filter by Authority" In Media/Tech Business Model

[political-research] Bloglines - Arianna Huffington: Happy Valentine's Day, Dick: Why the Press is Acting Like a Jilted Lover

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Arianna Huffington: Happy Valentine's Day, Dick: Why the Press is Acting Like a Jilted Lover By Arianna Huffington on Dick Chen

[political-research] Bloglines - Hannity & Colmes Launches New Witch Hunt Against University Professors

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   News Hounds We watch FOX so you don't have to. Hannity & Colmes Launches New Witch Hunt Against University Professors In Hannity & Colmes FOX News has a new weapon in its crusade

[political-research] Bloglines - The Decline And Fall Of Europe

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   washingtonpost.com - Op-Ed Columns The Decline And Fall Of Europe By Fareed Zakaria Cartoons and riots made the headlines in Europe last week, but a far less fiery event, the pu

[political-research] Bloglines - Abramoff and the Mob

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines Abramoff and the Mob The Weekly Standard masterfully fleshes out the story of the floating casin


2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. UNDERNEWS Undernews is the online report of the Progressive Review, edited by Sam Smith, who has covered Washington under nine presidents and edited alternative journals since 1964. The Review is an online jou

[political-research] Bloglines - A Raft of Yahoo RSS Feeds and a Quick Search Trick

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   ResearchBuzz News and updates about search engines, databases, and other information collections. Since 1998. A Raft of Yahoo RSS Feeds and a Quick Search Trick In Search Engines-Y

[political-research] Bloglines - Iraq Has Become the Deadliest Place for Journalists, Report Says

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   NYT > International Find breaking news, world news, multimedia & opinion on the US, Africa, Canada, Mexico, South & Central Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Iraq. Iraq H

[political-research] Bloglines - U.S. and Israelis Are Said to Talk of Hamas Ouster

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   NYT > International Find breaking news, world news, multimedia & opinion on the US, Africa, Canada, Mexico, South & Central Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Iraq. U.S. a

[political-research] Bloglines - OPEN RESEARCH SOCIETY: A Non-Government-Association

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. semanticweb at Yahoo! Groups Discussion about the Semantic Web OPEN RESEARCH SOCIETY: A Non-Government-Association By Miltiadis Lytras Dear All, after few months of silence we are more t

[political-research] Bloglines - If Robots Ever Get Too Smart, He'll Know How to Stop Them

2006-02-14 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. KurzweilAI.net Accelerating Intelligence News A collection of news articles and stories relating to the accelerating nature of technology If Robots Ever Get Too Smart, He'll Know How to S

[political-research] Bloglines - Who Will Blow the Whistle Before We Attack Iran?

2006-02-13 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. AntiWar.com Your Best Source for antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities. Help keep Antiwar.com alive, donate at http://www.antiwar.com/donate/ Who Will Blow the Whistle Before We Attac

[political-research] Bloglines - NSA Snoop Fiasco: Democrats Sell the Constitution Down the River

2006-02-13 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Another Day in the Empire Just another WordPress weblog NSA Snoop Fiasco: Democrats Sell the Constitution Down the River By Administrator on Uncategorized If we are to believe the corpor

[political-research] Bloglines - Milbank, Matthews falsely suggested that only Democrats and "poor Republicans like Bob Barr" question the legality of NSA program

2006-02-13 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Media Matters for America Latest Media Matters for America items Milbank, Matthews falsely suggested that only Democrats and "poor Republicans like Bob Barr" question the legality of NSA

[political-research] Bloglines - Steve Clemons: Cheney Team's Plame Leak Sabotaged America's Iran-Watching Intelligence Effort

2006-02-13 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Steve Clemons: Cheney Team's Plame Leak Sabotaged America's Iran-Watching Intelligence Effort By Steve Clemons on Iraq An im

[political-research] Bloglines - Abrams Kurdistan Syria Lebanon Oil

2006-02-13 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. xymphora Abrams Kurdistan Syria Lebanon Oil By Andrew While we listen to lots of veiled threats and speculations about possible attacks on Iran, there is a real multi-part conspiracy g

[political-research] Bloglines - Out-hawking Bush on Iran

2006-02-13 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Salon Salon Stories by Category Out-hawking Bush on Iran By By Walter Shapiro Saber-rattling Evan Bayh has joined Hillary Clinton in running to Bush's right on Iran. Will this tou

[political-research] Bloglines - Tim Berners-Lee to give AAAI-06 keynote talk, 18 July 2006 February

2006-02-13 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. semanticweb at Yahoo! Groups Discussion about the Semantic Web Tim Berners-Lee to give AAAI-06 keynote talk, 18 July 2006 February By Tim Finin Tim Berners-Lee will give the keynote talk

[political-research] Bloglines - Iran Attack: Turning America into a Straussian Totalitarian State

2006-02-13 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Another Day in the Empire Just another WordPress weblog Iran Attack: Turning America into a Straussian Totalitarian State By Administrator on Uncategorized In the weeks before the Straus

[political-research] Bloglines - The Forward Discusses Israel's Role in Iraq War

2006-02-12 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Gorilla in the Room We await the return of the Gorilla E-mail info, tips, questions or suggestions to girtips {at} yahoo . com The Forward Discusses Israel's Role in Iraq War By Brian

[political-research] Bloglines - Graham Fuller on Hamas

2006-02-12 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. 'Just World News' by Helena Cobban Info, analysis, discussion-- to build a more just world Graham Fuller on Hamas By Helena on Palestinian issues The very sensible and well-informed long

[political-research] Bloglines - James Lovelock’s Gloomy Vision - RealClimate

2006-02-12 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   runaway greenhouse effect - Google News runaway greenhouse effect - Google News James Lovelock’s Gloomy Vision - RealClimate James Lovelock’s Gloomy VisionRealClimate - 38 minute

[political-research] Bloglines - American Bar Association To Oppose Domestic Spying

2006-02-12 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Daily Kos State of the Nation American Bar Association To Oppose Domestic Spying By georgia10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on ABA The American Bar Association, via Harris Interactive, conducted a

[political-research] Bloglines - When You Make the Cover of Time

2006-02-12 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. John Battelle's Searchblog Thoughts on the intersection of search, media, technology, and more. When You Make the Cover of Time In Joints After Midnight & Rants The shark has been jump

[political-research] Bloglines - JOURNAL: Lessons from the arrival of bird flu in Africa

2006-02-12 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Global Guerrillas Networked tribes, infrastructure disruption, and the emerging bazaar of violence. An open notebook on the first epochal war of the 21st Century. By John Robb JOURNAL:

[political-research] Bloglines - Open IRIS - Semantic Desktop PIM Released!

2006-02-12 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Minding the Planet Nova Spivack's Journal of Unusual News & Ideas - Straight from the Global Mind to Your Brain Open IRIS - Semantic Desktop PIM Released! By Nova on Web/Tech Yesterday,

[political-research] Bloglines - Mind Control Parasites in Half of All Humans

2006-02-12 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Slashdot News for nerds, stuff that matters Mind Control Parasites in Half of All Humans By Zonk on it's-in-me-mind! writes "According to a Yahoo News story, half of the worl

[political-research] Bloglines - More nonsense Iran talk

2006-02-12 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. xymphora More nonsense Iran talk By Andrew A common theory is that the upcoming attack on Iran is due to Iran's plan to establish an oil bourse to trade oil in Euros. Paul Craig Rober

[political-research] Bloglines - RFID Injection Required for Datacenter Access

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Slashdot News for nerds, stuff that matters RFID Injection Required for Datacenter Access By Zonk on one-way-to-make-sure-we're-working user24 writes "Security focus reports that

[political-research] Bloglines - UK Telegraph: US Prepares Blitz Against Iran

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Daily Kos State of the Nation UK Telegraph: US Prepares Blitz Against Iran By SusanG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on nuclear weapons The sabers, they are a-rattling. From The Telegraph: US prepar

[political-research] Bloglines - Danish paper cancels plans to republish cartoons about Israel

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. WhatReallyHappened.com Danish paper cancels plans to republish cartoons about Israel In MAINSTREAM MEDIA Search the archives for political-research at ht

[political-research] Bloglines - Bird Flu Detected in Swans In Greece, Italy and Bulgaria

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   NYT > International Find breaking news, world news, multimedia & opinion on the US, Africa, Canada, Mexico, South & Central Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Iraq. Bird F

[political-research] Bloglines - Glenn Greenwald: Silencing Bush critics with prison

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Glenn Greenwald: Silencing Bush critics with prison By Glenn Greenwald on Dick Cheney The significance of this article from to


2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Global Guerrillas Networked tribes, infrastructure disruption, and the emerging bazaar of violence. An open notebook on the first epochal war of the 21st Century. By John Robb EMERGENT

[political-research] Bloglines - Sean Hannity-Joe Lieberman Love Fest

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you, with the following personal message: What is going on here: Israel > Rupert Murdoch > Fox News > Sean Hannity > World War IV, clash of civilizations Israel > Joseph Lieberman > World War IV, clash of civilizations Isr

[political-research] Bloglines - Censored NASA Climate Expert Says NOAA Muzzling Scientists Too...

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Censored NASA Climate Expert Says NOAA Muzzling Scientists Too... By The Huffington Post on George W. Bush James E. Hansen, th

[political-research] Bloglines - "Creation Evangelism": If A Teacher Mentions Evolution "You Put Your Hand Up And You Say, 'Excuse Me, Were You There?' Can You Remember That?"...

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed "Creation Evangelism": If A Teacher Mentions Evolution "You Put Your Hand Up And You Say, 'Excuse Me, Were You There?' Can You

[political-research] Bloglines - Coulter: Let's play the Denunciation Game

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Crooks and Liars John Amato's new On-Line, Virtual Magazine. C&L is averaging more than 135,000 hits a day via Blogads. Coulter: Let's play the Denunciation Game Coulter:  Let's play t

[political-research] Bloglines - Paul Craig Roberts on the Iranian Oil Bourse

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Antiwar.com Blog Ramblings of the Antiwar.com Staff Paul Craig Roberts on the Iranian Oil Bourse Paul Craig Roberts sends this post on the Iranian Oil Bourse: Readers keep askin

[political-research] Bloglines - Google Continues To Take Over World

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   ShoutWire.com ShoutWire Frontpage News Google Continues To Take Over World By ZaWolven Everywhere I look recently, it's been Google this and Google that. So what's next for the wo

[political-research] Bloglines - Paper: Global Warming “Tipping Point” Already Passed…

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Paper: Global Warming “Tipping Point” Already Passed… By The Huffington Post on Global Warming A crucial global warming "tipp

[political-research] Bloglines - Top Mideast Analyst Accuses Bush of Politicizing Iraq Intel

2006-02-11 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. AntiWar.com Your Best Source for antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities. Help keep Antiwar.com alive, donate at http://www.antiwar.com/donate/ Top Mideast Analyst Accuses Bush of Polit


2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. UNDERNEWS Undernews is the online report of the Progressive Review, edited by Sam Smith, who has covered Washington under nine presidents and edited alternative journals since 1964. The Review is an online jou

[political-research] Bloglines - General faults U.S. on Iraqi military

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News Get all the latest headlines from around the world in one place! General faults U.S. on Iraqi milit

[political-research] Bloglines - Yahoo Now Offers RSS Feed Monitor as Part of Yahoo Alerts

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   ResearchBuzz News and updates about search engines, databases, and other information collections. Since 1998. Yahoo Now Offers RSS Feed Monitor as Part of Yahoo Alerts In Search En

[political-research] Bloglines - Richard Perle Tells More Obvious Lies

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Another Day in the Empire Just another WordPress weblog Richard Perle Tells More Obvious Lies By Administrator on Uncategorized Straussian neocon war criminal and financial shyster Richa

[political-research] Bloglines - Able Danger Hearings A Go

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Media is a Plural Rory O'Connor's blog Able Danger Hearings A Go In Columns The House Armed Services Committee will hold a hearing on Wednesday, February 15 about the controversia

[political-research] Bloglines - NY Times, AP, USA Today ignored experts' doubts about threat posed by foiled L.A. terror plot

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Media Matters for America Latest Media Matters for America items NY Times, AP, USA Today ignored experts' doubts about threat posed by foiled L.A. terror plot In Terrorism Reporting on P

[political-research] Bloglines - The NIO Speaks

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Sic Semper Tyrannis 2006 A daily journal of thoughts and messages from the "muffled zone" that media management has made of our country. The NIO Speaks By turcopolier on Current Affairs

[political-research] Bloglines - Jim Zogby: The Cartoon Controversy: The Real Issue

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Jim Zogby: The Cartoon Controversy: The Real Issue By Jim Zogby US press coverage of the "cartoon controversy" has followed a

[political-research] Bloglines - Israelis Say Putin Is "Spitting In Our Face" By Inviting Hamas To Moscow...

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you, with the following personal message: Did not billionarie Boris Berezovsky, who is an Israeli citizen, not long ago threaten to bring down Vladimir Putin by means of a coup? Perhaps Berezovsky's threat against Putin ha

[political-research] Bloglines - Ratings in Google Groups

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Geeking with Greg Exploring the future of personalized information Ratings in Google Groups By Greg Linden Reto Meier noticed that Google now is allowing users to rate posts in Google G

[political-research] Bloglines - Ann Coulter at CPAC on "Ragheads" and Assassinating Bill Clinton (and Dr. Bill Frist's Diagnosis)

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Crooks and Liars John Amato's new On-Line, Virtual Magazine. C&L is averaging more than 135,000 hits a day via Blogads. Ann Coulter at CPAC on "Ragheads" and Assassinating Bill Clinton (a

[political-research] Bloglines - European citizens turn against media in cartoon row - EUobserver.com

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Flemming Rose - Google News Flemming Rose - Google News European citizens turn against media in cartoon row - EUobserver.com European citizens turn against media in cartoon rowEU

[political-research] Bloglines - New Terrorism Report Questions War

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Early Warning New Terrorism Report Questions War By William M. Arkin on War on Terrorism Domestic and not international terrorism was the main threat in 2005, a phenomenon that is mostl

[political-research] Bloglines - A Pattern of Lies

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Gorilla in the Room We await the return of the Gorilla E-mail info, tips, questions or suggestions to girtips {at} yahoo . com A Pattern of Lies By Brian Anyone see a pattern here?

[political-research] Bloglines - Tales of Asia Rising

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   washingtonpost.com - Op-Ed Columns Tales of Asia Rising By Jim Hoagland The global balance of power is shifting decisively to Asia, which will dominate the 21st century as Europ

[political-research] Bloglines - Interfering with Danish Middle East business prospects

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. xymphora Interfering with Danish Middle East business prospects By Andrew Denmark has in its legal repertoire the concept of intentional interference with

[political-research] Bloglines - The Neocons' Long War by Robert Dreyfuss

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. NeoCon Watch neocons "counterfeit conservatives" exposed - genuine traditionalists championed - America First will restore the Republic The Neocons' Long War by Robert Dreyfuss By SARTRE

[political-research] Bloglines - ACTION: Call PATRIOT Act turncoats on nerve-gas threat

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. 911info The place to find all the real cutting edge information, news, and analysis on the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. ACTION: Call PATRIOT Act turncoats on nerve-gas threat By

[political-research] Bloglines - Loose Chage 2E on google video, Air America

2006-02-10 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. 911info The place to find all the real cutting edge information, news, and analysis on the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Loose Chage 2E on google video, Air America By Total The

[political-research] Bloglines - CLIPS: Only on Fox: Cable channel aired photos of aliens attacking Library Tower

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Media Matters for America Latest Media Matters for America items CLIPS: Only on Fox: Cable channel aired photos of aliens attacking Library Tower In Propaganda/Noise Machine In a Februa

[political-research] Bloglines - 700 Club concluded cartoons have "unified" Islam against "West," asked if West will defend "its civilization"

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Media Matters for America Latest Media Matters for America items 700 Club concluded cartoons have "unified" Islam against "West," asked if West will defend "its civilization" In Religious

[political-research] Bloglines - Denmark and Jyllands-Posten: The background to a provocation - Asian Tribune

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Flemming Rose - Google News Flemming Rose - Google News Denmark and Jyllands-Posten: The background to a provocation - Asian Tribune Denmark and Jyllands-Posten: The background t

[political-research] Bloglines - World Jewish Congress in J'lem launches anti-Iran campaign

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   News News World Jewish Congress in J'lem launches anti-Iran campaign By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent The World Jewish Congress has launched a campaign against Iran following

[political-research] Bloglines - U.S. avoids criticizing Putin's invitation to Hamas

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   News News U.S. avoids criticizing Putin's invitation to Hamas By Shmuel Rosner, Shlomo Shamir and Aluf Benn, Haaretz Correspondents, and News Agencies The United States on Thursd

[political-research] Bloglines - Yahoo Allegedly Sells Reporter Out to Chinese Authorities

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Slashdot News for nerds, stuff that matters Yahoo Allegedly Sells Reporter Out to Chinese Authorities By Zonk on watch-what-you-say truckaxle writes "Yahoo! has been accused, agai

[political-research] Bloglines - EFF Warns Not to Use Google Desktop

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Slashdot News for nerds, stuff that matters EFF Warns Not to Use Google Desktop By CowboyNeal on big-brother-is-listening neelm writes "The EFF is asking users not to use the new

[political-research] Bloglines - RJ Eskow: Bill Bennett: Slander Is as Slander Does

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you, with the following personal message: All the mainstream media are loading up on demagogues who will push forward the neocon plan, hatched primarily by Likudniks in Israel, for an apocalyptic clash of civilizations betw

[political-research] Bloglines - Yahoo Updates MyWeb 2.0

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. John Battelle's Searchblog Thoughts on the intersection of search, media, technology, and more. Yahoo Updates MyWeb 2.0 In Media/Tech Business Models Yahoo has rev'd MyWeb 2.0. I think

[political-research] Bloglines - Israel's top security chief: "I'm not sure we won't miss Saddam"

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Daily Kos State of the Nation Israel's top security chief: "I'm not sure we won't miss Saddam" By kos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Iraq Duck! Shrapnel from exploding neocon heads incoming! Th

[political-research] Bloglines - National Security Whistleblowers Hearing

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Antiwar.com Blog Ramblings of the Antiwar.com Staff National Security Whistleblowers Hearing Via Sibel Edmonds: February 9, 2006 Greetings, The hearing on National Security

[political-research] Bloglines - Insurgent Attacks Rising In Iraq...

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Insurgent Attacks Rising In Iraq... By The Huffington Post on Iraq Sweeping statistics on insurgent violence in Iraq that were

[political-research] Bloglines - L.A. Mayor Blindsided by Bush Announcement

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Crooks and Liars John Amato's new On-Line, Virtual Magazine. C&L is averaging more than 135,000 hits a day via Blogads. L.A. Mayor Blindsided by Bush Announcement  L.A. Mayor Blindsided

[political-research] Bloglines - The Democrats' Tiny Megaphone

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you, with the following personal message: It's not the "right-wing" media -- it's the neocon/neolib media, and that includes the New York Times and the Washington Post, once supposedly bastions of "liberal" thought. FAIR s

[political-research] Bloglines - Bush Recycles Terror Plot Disinfo in the Nick of Time

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Another Day in the Empire Just another WordPress weblog Bush Recycles Terror Plot Disinfo in the Nick of Time By Administrator on Uncategorized In a brazen effort to divert attention awa

[political-research] Bloglines - Cheney authorized Libby to leak classified information

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Daily Kos State of the Nation Cheney authorized Libby to leak classified information By kos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Valerie Plame The Oliver North defense. Vice President Dick Cheney's f

[political-research] Bloglines - Cheney 'Authorized' Libby to Leak Classified Information

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Crooks and Liars John Amato's new On-Line, Virtual Magazine. C&L is averaging more than 135,000 hits a day via Blogads. Cheney 'Authorized' Libby to Leak Classified Information Cheney '

[political-research] Bloglines - “Hawks Slam Bush Over U.S. Response” by Ori Nir

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Forward Newspaper Online Jewish News, Politics, and Arts, Founded in 1897, Published in New York “Hawks Slam Bush Over U.S. Response” by Ori Nir In htmlentities($article->section) Suppor

[political-research] Bloglines - Nigger thought experiment

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. xymphora Nigger thought experiment By Andrew Both Americans and Europeans seem to be having an difficult time coming to grips with the Danish cartoon controversy. I keep reading that


2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. UNDERNEWS Undernews is the online report of the Progressive Review, edited by Sam Smith, who has covered Washington under nine presidents and edited alternative journals since 1964. The Review is an online jou

[political-research] Bloglines - CIA WRONG AGAIN: DIDN'T PREDICT HAMAS WIN

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. UNDERNEWS Undernews is the online report of the Progressive Review, edited by Sam Smith, who has covered Washington under nine presidents and edited alternative journals since 1964. The Review is an online jou

[political-research] Bloglines - New Version Of Google Desktop Released

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. InsideGoogle part of the Blog News Channel New Version Of Google Desktop Released By Nathan Weinberg on Products Google has released a new version of its desktop search / sidebar suite.

[political-research] Bloglines - Is China the New Threat?

2006-02-09 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Early Warning Is China the New Threat? By William M. Arkin on Future War The Pentagon's new Quadrennial Defense Review takes the first formal step in designating China this country's nu

[political-research] Bloglines - The Adulation of Ignorance

2006-02-08 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. AntiWar.com Your Best Source for antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities. Help keep Antiwar.com alive, donate at http://www.antiwar.com/donate/ The Adulation of Ignorance by Paul Crai

[political-research] Bloglines - CLIPS: Fred Barnes on Islamic cartoon controversy: "We see Muslims' contempt for democracy"

2006-02-08 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Media Matters for America Latest Media Matters for America items CLIPS: Fred Barnes on Islamic cartoon controversy: "We see Muslims' contempt for democracy" In Religious Discrimination O

[political-research] Bloglines - Software That Learns by Doing

2006-02-08 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. KurzweilAI.net Accelerating Intelligence News A collection of news articles and stories relating to the accelerating nature of technology Software That Learns by Doing Attempts to creat

[political-research] Bloglines - Robert Scheer: Where Would Bush Be Without Terrorism?

2006-02-08 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Robert Scheer: Where Would Bush Be Without Terrorism? By Robert Scheer on Iraq Where would the Bush administration be without

[political-research] Bloglines - Evangelical Leaders Urge Bush To Get Serious About Global Warming...

2006-02-08 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. The Huffington Post | Raw Feed The Huffington Post Raw Feed Evangelical Leaders Urge Bush To Get Serious About Global Warming... By The Huffington Post on Global Warming A group of 85 ev

[political-research] Bloglines - Danish paper backtracks over publishing holocaust cartoons - AsiansinMedia.org

2006-02-08 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Flemming Rose - Google News Flemming Rose - Google News Danish paper backtracks over publishing holocaust cartoons - AsiansinMedia.org Danish paper backtracks over publishing hol

[political-research] Bloglines - The Case of the Translator and the House Speaker

2006-02-08 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Antiwar.com Blog Ramblings of the Antiwar.com Staff The Case of the Translator and the House Speaker Remember back in August when Vanity Fair ran that great article about Sibel E

[political-research] Bloglines - Prelude to World War IV

2006-02-08 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Antiwar.com Blog Ramblings of the Antiwar.com Staff Prelude to World War IV I see my good friend Matt has a response to my latest comment on this blog concerning the Muhammed car

[political-research] Bloglines - BitTorrent and End to End Encryption

2006-02-07 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you.   Slashdot News for nerds, stuff that matters BitTorrent and End to End Encryption By ScuttleMonkey on software An anonymous reader writes "As ISPs like Shaw and Rogers throttle the

[political-research] Bloglines - Ground Hog Day

2006-02-07 Thread smcbride2
Bloglines user SeanMcBride ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent this item to you. Gorilla in the Room We await the return of the Gorilla E-mail info, tips, questions or suggestions to girtips {at} yahoo . com Ground Hog Day By Brian Looks like they are working fro

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