Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: FBI interrogator:
Torture doesn't work, breeds jihad via RSSmeme | Stories Published 24
Hours Ago With At Least 5 Shares on 3/10/08
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Here's a former FBI interrogator -- who interrogated Al Quaeda suspects
-- saying categorically that torture does not help collect
intelligence, but that it does sell impressionable people on the
legitimacy of jihad, on the grounds that a regime that tortures
deserves to be attacked.
Former FBI Interrogator Jack Cloonan explains that regular
interrogation tactics work well on even the worst terrorists, that
there's no such thing as a "ticking timebomb" scenario, and that
waterboarding has done much more harm than good. You can also see
interviews with Jack Cloonan in the Oscar award-winning
documentary, "Taxi to the Darkside." Link (via Jon Taplin)

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