Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Joe Lieberman - Our
Next Secretary Of Defense? via Crooks and Liars by Logan Murphy on

If John McCain is our next President it's not just possible, it's a
good bet -- and an invasion of Iran would be inevitable. How long would
it take? Six months? A year? The very thought of Lieberman as head of
State, Defense or DHS scares the hell out of me.

>From Raw Story:

If Sen. John McCain (D-AZ) prevails in his bid to keep the White House
in Republican hands for the next four years, one of his most hawkish
colleagues could find himself overseeing the Department of Defense,
State or Homeland Security within a McCain White House.

Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Democrats' onetime vice
presidential nominee who left the party last year, is seen as a likely
McCain pick for a cabinet level appointment, according to Roll Call:

Atop McCain's short list, according to closely aligned Republican
Senators and aides, likely would be two of the Arizonan's most vocal
supporters: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) for attorney general or Sen.
Joe Lieberman (ID-Conn.) as secretary of State, Defense or Homeland
Security. Graham and Lieberman have been stumping for McCain for months
and are considered two of the most loyal and ardent backers of his Iraq
War policy. Read on...

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