Interesting note:  Chip Berlet has apparently promoted Robert Goldberg and his book "Enemies Within: The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America":
Berlet and Goldberg strongly give the impression that they would like to derail any honest investigation into what really happened on 9/11.  Why are they so fearful of open discussion and debate about one of the most momentous events in American history?  What is so objectionable about seeking truthful answers to the many unanswered questions about 9/11?  What kind of authentic historical scholar would be not only incurious about such matters, but actively hostile to following the evidence wherever it leads?
Goldberg himself, while railing against conspiracism, seems to have organized his mental world around the threat of a grand conspiracy against his own interests:
"According to Robert Alan Goldberg, antipathy toward Jews as a religious and ethnic group has been a pernicious periodic theme within European Christianity for two millennia."  [From the opening sentence of Berlet's article.]
You know, these folks have tied themselves up in the most remarkable intellectual knots.  Daniel Pipes is another obsessed opponent of conspiracism who is equally obsessed with a grand conspiracy against Israel which includes not only all of Islam, but any non-Muslim who doesn't hate Islam with sufficient intensity.
In any case, I wonder just how spontaneous has been Robert Goldberg's attack on Steven Jones, and what, precisely, is the full range of his political connections and associations.
What do you want to bet that Goldberg has absolutely nothing useful to contribute to a factual and rational discussion of 9/11?
tim_howells_1000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

September 17, 2006

Dr. Cecil O. Samuelson
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
Open Letter
Dear President Samuelson,
I'm writing to you regarding your ongoing review of professor Steven Jones, who has been placed on administrative leave.  I am very concerned that a fine scientist and human being seems to be the victim of a serious injustice in this case.  I am one of the millions of Americans (36% according to a recent Scripps-Howard poll) who join Professor Jones in raising the most serious questions regarding the involvement of US Government insiders in the attacks of September 11, 2001. 
A glance at professor Jones' CV will tell you that he is an exceptionally distinguished scientist, a professional of the highest order whose presence honors your institution.  A five minute chat will reveal him as the most reasonable, decent and kind hearted individual imaginable.  It is difficult to conceive of how a development like this could possibly have occurred. 
My understanding is that the problem stems from a brief interview with professor Jones on KUER radio.  After listening to a recording of the interview and the lengthy commentary that followed I am astounded that the baseless accusations leveled at prof. Jones by the invited commentators could possibly have led to such a serious move by the University, if this is indeed the case.
The deadly serious accusation of racial scapegoating and antisemitism was made by prof. Goldberg on the basis of the flimsiest kind of pseudo-psychological analysis.  To my knowledge, Professor Jones has never mentioned the Jewish people let alone implied that they were responsible the attacks or for anything else.  Four of the five callers responding to the radio show rejected Goldberg's analysis, and did so most articulately, in my opinion.  Has prof. Goldberg's absurd slander really led to such drastic action against prof. Jones by BYU?
The absurdity of the situation is highlighted by prof. Goldberg himself.  He claims that "conspiracy thinking" has "entered the mainstream  … crossing all racial, class educational and religious lines."  He supports this remarkable claim by correctly pointing out that over 75% of Americans have rejected the conclusions of the Warren Commission, and believe that President Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy and a coverup.  The implications are clear.  If you really intend to adhere to prof. Goldberg's standards of ideological purity, then the Steven Jones case is barely the tip of an iceberg of titanic proportions.  You will be forced to investigate and remove the vast majority of your administration, faculty and staff.  No one's words and actions can be taken at face value; everything will have to be interpreted by an expert in Conspiracy Thinking such as professor Goldberg.  In all probability, you yourself will be hounded, disgraced and ruined. 
Please stop this madness.  Professor Steven Jones must be completely cleared and reinstated, as a matter of simple human decency, for the good of your university, and for the good of the country.
Tim Howells, Ph.D. (US Citizen)
Research Scientist
Uppsala University Hospital
Uppsala Sweden
cc Earl M. Woolley
    Scott Sommerfeldt
    Alan R. Parkinson
    Steven Jones
    Deseret Morning News


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