[Bottom-up trumps top-down, New Media trump Old Media, the people trump
the oligarchs, the Internet trumps the mainstream media.]

Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Rolling Stone | The
Machinery of Hope via t r u t h o u t on 3/11/08 Tim Dickinson,
reporting for Rolling Stone, writes: "The Obama campaign has shattered
the top-down, command-and-control, broadcast-TV model that has
dominated American politics since the early 1960s. 'They have taken the
bottom-up campaign and absolutely perfected it,' says Joe Trippi, who
masterminded Dean's Internet campaign in 2004. 'It's light-years ahead
of where we were four years ago. They'll have 100,000 people in a state
who have signed up on their Web site and put in their zip code. Now,
paid organizers can get in touch with people at the precinct level and
help them build the organization bottom up. That's never happened
before. It never was possible before.'"
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