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Google & Wikipedia? Webzzle via AltSearchEngines by Charles Knight on
11/29/08 Why should you use Webzzle?
Simply to explore the knowledge Web, the meaning based collaborative
Web, with one click.

What can I use Webzzle for?
All that you need is an Internet connection and a browser to use the
Web Explorer. You can:
* Explore the Web and discover new sites,
* Search & find high quality information thanks to the use of concepts
instead of keywords and thanks to the collaborative work of the
* Save, organize your knowledge, your best search results, your best
addresses, your bookmarks, your favorite images, photos and videos, and
qualify them in order to retrieve them very quickly and very easily.
Webzzle in 2 minutes (En)
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Your knowledge : collective intelligence
Webzzle enables you to explore the knowledge Web. To make it possible,
the contributors save knowledge and qualify it with concepts and
Objects. By qualifying, you organize the Web and bring your knowledge
to Webzzle. Doing that all, Webzzle enables us to explore, search
faster and find more relevant information. Thanks to each one of us,
the Web becomes meaning based.

Why organize the Web?
* Because starting from a Web resource that you qualified, you can
explore and discover new Web resources brought by other contributors
from Webzzle or Wikipedia,
* Because it enables you to find very quickly things already seen and
judged “interesting” by yourself or by the contributors,
* Because it enables you to improve the quality of the Web & enrich the
* Because it will drive traffic to the qualified Web resources.

Source: Webzzle

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- Subscribe to AltSearchEngines using Google Reader
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