[political-research] The Psychology of Armageddonist Cults

2006-07-19 Thread Sean McBride
The Psychology of Armageddonist CultsThe basic ideological and narrative structure of Armageddonist cults, which is a projection of these cults' will to power:1. claim by the cult to be God's chosen people and supreme authority/priesthood on Earth2. rigid division between the chosen

[political-research] 10 Unknown Windows Freeware Applications You Should Know About

2006-07-19 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.pcfastlane.com/joomla/content/view/2039/27/ Save and share anything you find online - Furl @ http://www.furl.net Search the archives for political-research at http://www.terazen.com/ Subscribe to the RSS feed

[political-research] Great Thoughts on Iraq

2006-07-19 Thread Sean McBride
http://prorev.com/2006/07/great-thoughts-on-iraq.htm [Comment: The large majority of these false predictions -- outright lies, really -- were generated by the Israel lobby. Notice that it is RUPERT MURDOCH, not an oil company executive, who is making ridiculous prognostications about the

[political-research] FALSE FLAG ALERT: Israel vs. Eastern Queen (attn: AMBUNT)

2006-07-19 Thread Captain May
URGENT: Alert to Chase Untermeyer, US Ambassador (Qatar):CHASE: I've been monitoringmainstream media all day, and have issued an alert via Cloak and Dagger radio (1200 CST) and the Dave Glover show (97.1 FM, 1700 CST) that there may be an Israeli attack on the Eastern Queen during

[political-research] 9/11 Truth Aftershocks in Norway's National Press

2006-07-19 Thread tim_howells_1000
http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20060717105851415 The Third Tower by Pernille RyggDagbladet (Daily News - Norway)July 15, 2006 Dagbladet, Norway's third largest newspaper, has now picked up the 9/11 truth thread with a full page feature piece by one of their top writers. Except for

[political-research] Re: Internet radio opens a Pandora's box

2006-07-19 Thread tim_howells_1000
Sean McBride wrote: What's amazing about Pandora is that it managed quickly to turn up quite a few esoteric songs that I had completely forgotten about and once loved, as well as valuable new music that I would have never encountered in my usual rounds. This is truly a breakthrough

[political-research] Israel Invades Lebanon (Juan Cole)

2006-07-19 Thread tim_howells_1000
http://www.juancole.com/2006/07/israel-invades-lebanon-ongoing.html Tuesday, July 18, 2006 Israel Invades Lebanon; Ongoing Airstrikes Kill Dozens of Lebanese Civilians; Hizbullah Rockets Wound 11 in Haifa Israel invaded Lebanon on Monday, sending ground troops into the south. Israeli leaders

[political-research] Israeli War Crimes Against Lebanese Civilians

2006-07-19 Thread Sean McBride
[Comment: The same violence that Israel is applying againstcivilians in the Mideast the Israel lobby would love to apply against civiliansin the U.S., if it could get away with it. Neocon death threats against Americans should be taken with the utmost seriousness.] Joseph A. Palermo:

[political-research] Daniel Ellsberg Says Govt May Have Carried Out 9/11

2006-07-19 Thread Sean McBride
The suspicion that a cabal within the Bush administration was behind 9/11 is now completely mainstream in American politics. The neocon Murdoch-controlled mainstream media are still trying to pretend otherwise, but their efforts will prove to be futile. The hard evidence is massively against

[political-research] Fwd: [GMLH] Bush - Stoned? Drunk? Medicated? Retarded? You decide

2006-07-19 Thread Sean McBride
[Another theory: Bush is being blasted by some kind of next wave remote technology -- the same technology which keeps planting the voice of "God" in his confused head. The entire GWOT leadership has the glazed look of brainwashed cultists, including Dick Cheney and Tony Blair. There are unable

[political-research] John Hagee War Profiteer Extraordinaire-Age Of Tyranny News

2006-07-19 Thread S.T.Ill Freeman
Age Of Tyranny NewsJohn Hagee's CUFI To Be More Zionist Than AIPAC Wednesday, 19. July 2006, 00:32:54 Zionism Hagee's New Christian Pro-Israel Lobby Aims To Be Stronger Than AIPACJohn Hagee is quoted as saying “I went as a tourist and returned as a Zionist” Keywords: John Hagee,

[political-research] 3Reasons Why Bush Will Declare Martial Law Rule As Dictator

2006-07-19 Thread S.T.Ill Freeman
Three Reasons Why Bush Will Declare Martial Law And Rule As Dictator http://my.opera.com/prosperingbear/blog/show.dml/346430Thursday, 13. July 2006, 01:09:02Bird Flu Quarantine, Imperial President, Martial Law 1) To gain immunity for himself and his cabinet for war crimes and

[political-research] Lou Dobbs Crosses the Israel Lobby

2006-07-19 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/07/18/dobbs.july19/index.html It is extremely rare to see anyone in the mainstream media address the points that Lou Dobbs raises in this article -- one is amazed that Dobbs has been able to survive in this world for as long as he has. He deserves, like Stephen Walt

[political-research] Groups Launching D.C. Lobbying Blitz for Israel

2006-07-19 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.forward.com/articles/8125 [Comment: On the very real operations of the very real Israel lobby -- chapter and verse, straight from the horse's mouth. The lobby is all over the Bush administration and all over the U.S. government and media, driving American foreign policy whichever