[political-research] The Israel Lobby Aims Its Guns on James Baker

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
The Israel Lobby Goes on the Attack Against James Baker The very same lobby which engineered the Iraq War -- the Israel lobby -- is now involved in a major campaign of vilification against James Baker and the Iraq Study Group. Far from having learned anything valuable from the disaster in

[political-research] The Neocons Dig in Their Heels on Iraq

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
! The Neocons Dig in Their Heels on Iraq # modular, reusable data points for data mining # /i = instance # x /i y [implies] y /c x # /c = category James Baker opponent /i AEI (American Enterprise Institute) James Baker opponent /i Bret Stephens James Baker opponent /i Charles Kra

[political-research] Wiki-vandals

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Wiki-vandals* I didn't know I had a Wikipedia entry until about a year ago. I discovered it by googling my name — a vice that I'm sure most writers indulge in, some more than others. I tried to abstain, or, at least, not indulge too often, but the temptation to go back and see how the entry was

[political-research] CFP: Journal of Applied Ontology - Special Issue on "Ontological Foundations for Conceptual Modeling"

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
"Guizzardi, G. (Giancarlo)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2006 14:03:07 +0100 (CET) From: "Guizzardi, G. (Giancarlo)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: CFP: Journal of Applied Ontology - Special Issue on "Ontological Foundations for Conceptual Modeling" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CALL FO

[political-research] Decoding Neoconese

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
Decoding Neoconese 1. Abraham Lincoln = Adolf Hitler 2. America-hating = America-loving 3. American patriotism = Israeli patriotism 4. Christianity = anti-Christianity 5. Christianity = Christian Zionism 6. democracy = global totalitarian police state 7. democracy = neocon dictatorship 8. fai

[political-research] Endemic: The Move To Label All Civil Disobedience "Terrorism"

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Endemic: The Move To Label All Civil Disobedience "Terrorism"* Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act makes peaceful protesters terrorists Steve Watson Infowars.net... Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1196

[political-research] Uncovering the Core Ringleaders of the Iraq War

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
Uncovering the Core Ringleaders of the Iraq War We've got a wonderful opportunity at the moment to discover who were the primary instigators, ringleaders and engineers of the Iraq War, on a precise individual by individual basis. They are ones who are lashing out at James Baker and the Ir

[political-research] Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google* Steele goes further than before in detailing ties, names Google's CIA liaison Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet... Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1200

[political-research] Fwd: New York Times on Israeli War Crimes

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
[The New York Times is a propaganda arm of the Israel lobby, which systematically censors most of the best analytical minds on Mideast politics, because it, and the lobby, can't handle the truth. The Times, and the rest of the mainstream media, are helping to run the United States aground in th

[political-research] Looked in a Mirror Lately, Bud?

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Looked in a Mirror Lately, Bud?* James Wolcott: "In all my time in Washington, I've never seen such smugness, arrogance, or such insufferable moral superiority. Self-congratulatory. Full of itself..." --Bill Bennett

[political-research] The Israel Lobby Is Having Hysterics over the ISG Report

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
The Israel Lobby Is Having Hysterics over the ISG Report My, oh my, what a show -- follow it in Google News. The neocons are having a full-fledged nervous breakdown on the public stage over James Baker's and Lee Hamilton's rough slapdown of their big dreams in the Middle East. This c

[political-research] Robert Kagan and William Kristol Want to Escalate the War in Iraq

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
[Yeah, sharp thinking -- that'll pacify the natives, especially in combination with the saturation bombing of Iran you are pushing. Will someone *please* remove these demented creatures from the stage with a hook, before they can do anymore damage? They make Michael Richards look like a genius

[political-research] Actor James Brolin Latest Celebrity To Publicly Doubt 9/11

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Actor James Brolin Latest Celebrity To Publicly Doubt 9/11* Actor James Brolin Latest Celebrity To Publicly Doubt 9/11 Follows in footsteps of David Lynch on same day Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Wednesday, December... Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1202 [The of

[political-research] It's Happening Again

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*It's Happening Again* Excerpt: The lead-up to the invasion of Iraq has become notorious in the annals of American journalism. Even many reporters, editors, and commentators who fueled the drive to war in 2002 and early 2003 now acknowledge that major media routinely tossed real journalism out th

[political-research] David Lynch Exercises His Common Sense on 9/11

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
Following are some of the questions raised by David Lynch which anyone who is merely *sentient* would notice right off the bat. Many of us raised these questions within weeks of 9/11. We have all seen enough by now to know that these basic questions are not being answered, and cannot be answer

[political-research] The Neocons and the Litvinenko Hit

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,,329651947-103610,00.html In bed with Russophobes The Litvinenko murder is being used by neocons in their campaign against Putin's national revival Neil Clark Monday December 4, 2006 Guardian Three weeks on, we are still no closer to knowing wh

Re: [political-research] james brolin

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
Actually, Barbara Streisand has been quite critical of Israel, as have many, many Jews. She hardly touts the official line of the official Israel or Jewish lobbies. But there is not the slightest doubt that the neocons intend to blame the hapless George W. Bush for all their screw-ups -- they

[political-research] Roots of Debacle in Iraq Are in Neocon Ideology

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/editorial/16164905.htm Posted on Tue, Dec. 05, 2006 Commentary Roots of debacle in Iraq are in neocon ideology The leading advocates of the war were wrong about nearly every aspect of it. By Justin Logan This week, the Baker-Ha

[political-research] An Element of Hilarity in the ISG Report

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
An Element of Hilarity in the ISG Report I'm not sure everyone realizes this, but we have just witnessed an extraordinary moment in American politics. James Baker and Lee Hamilton have just delivered an *thunderous* bitch slap to the president of the United States, to "sonny." I knew thi

[political-research] Gates Warns Against War with Tehran

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
Gates Warns Against War with Tehran http://www.nysun.com/article/44675 This is the most important thing we need to know about Robert Gates. The neocon era is over. Believe me, there are much worse threats to the United States than Bob Gates, and they were very close to taking us ov

[political-research] Iraq group’s proposals worry Israel backers

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*Iraq group's proposals worry Israel backers* The Iraq Study Group's near-term recommendations for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict already are raising hackles in some pro-Israel quarters — and long-term expectations could be even more problematic Source: http://jta.org/page_view_story.as

[political-research] How Google Finds Your Needle in the Web's Haystack

2006-12-06 Thread Sean McBride
*How Google Finds Your Needle in the Web's Haystack* Source: http://www.ams.org/featurecolumn/archive/pagerank.html

[political-research] Content Analyzing Opposition to the ISG Report

2006-12-07 Thread Sean McBride
It's easy to do: just review opposition opinion, line up all the categories and instances, and crunch them. What you will discover is this: 1. *ALL* of the angry critics of the ISG report are pro-Israel militants, without exception. They are now completely out of the closet, not even tryi

[political-research] The Neocons Have Ruined American Access to Iraqi Oil

2006-12-07 Thread Sean McBride
[The neocons have ruined American access to Iraqi oil, while using and abusing American military power to try to improve Israeli security.] [The propaganda meme that the Iraq War was engineered by the oil lobby is a Big Lie and disinformation gambit concocted by the neoconservatives and the

Re: [political-research] Re: The Neocons Have Ruined American Access to Iraqi Oil

2006-12-08 Thread Sean McBride
Leander, You seem to be arguing -- correct me if I am wrong -- that the nasty battle currently underway between America Firsters (traditional foreign policy realists with the American interest in mind) and Israel Firsters (messianic neoconservatives and neoliberals with a narrow militant e

[political-research] Keep Your Eye on the Israeli Ops

2006-12-08 Thread Sean McBride
The biggie at the moment: >Israeli op /i attacks on Iraq Study Group< ! Keep Your Eye on the Israeli Ops # /i = [instance] Israeli op /i 9/11 cover-up Israeli op /i agitation for Iran War Israeli op /i AIPAC Israeli op /i apologetics for Avigdor Lieberman Isra

[political-research] Baker and Junior: A Godfather Moment

2006-12-08 Thread Sean McBride
Baker and Junior: A Godfather Moment James Baker has essentially just grabbed Junior by the throat, shoved him against the wall, and growled: "Sonny boy, this is Jimmy talking at ya. Have you forgotten who your real family is? Have you forgotten who put you in the White House? Smar

[political-research] A Mysterious Historical Pattern

2006-12-08 Thread Sean McBride
ology that irritates me today somehow can be traced back to them, or is cherished in their quarters. Take care. I am in the process of hibernating net-wise. -L --- In political-research@yahoogroups.com, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Leander, > > You seem to b

[political-research] New Online Search Tool Helps Scientists Explore Genes in Medical Literature

2006-12-08 Thread Sean McBride
New Online Search Tool Helps Scientists Explore Genes in Medical Literature Newswise Thu, 07 Dec 2006 4:30 PM PST Computational biology researchers today announced a new Internet tool for the exploration of the scientific literature in medicine and biology. The freely accessible iHOP service prov

[political-research] Detecting Conflict-Of-Interest on the Semantic Web

2006-12-08 Thread Sean McBride
Detecting Conflict-Of-Interest on the Semantic Web Slashdot Fri, 08 Dec 2006 11:35 AM PST CexpTretical writes "At the 15th International WWW Conference in Edinburgh Scotland, Refereed Track on Semantic Web accepted many thorough and interesting academic papers on semantic web research on subjects

[political-research] The Mainstream Media Promote Christian Zionists and Armageddonists

2006-12-08 Thread Sean McBride
*MEDIA ALERT: I'LL BE ON MSBNC SATURDAY AT 9:45am EASTERN* Topic: The Baker-Hamilton report and whether the U.S. should start talking to Iran and Syria. Please join us if you can. ... Source: http://joelrosenberg.blogspot.com/2006/12/media-alert-ill-be-on-msbnc-saturday.html [Comment: This is a

[political-research] The Neocons Have Finished What the Vietcong Started

2006-12-08 Thread Sean McBride
[The neocons have gravely weakened American influence in the Mideast -- all because of their passion for Israel.] http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,,329657002-103677,00.html Comment - The neocons have finished what the Vietcong started Vie

Re: [political-research] Re: [Fwd: [911InsideJobbers] fetzer draws jones-alamos link]

2006-12-09 Thread Sean McBride
Tim, What you've seen is only a small fraction of what has been submitted to the group, and I've let it through not because I agree with it, but because I thought the latest controversy regarding Fetzer and Jones, especially the politics and psychology of the affair, was interesting and re

Re: [political-research] Re: [Fwd: [911InsideJobbers] fetzer draws jones-alamos link]

2006-12-09 Thread Sean McBride
do-intellectual journals for third-raters and leftist ideologues, like The Nation. tim_howells_1000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Sean McBride wrote: > I thought the latest controversy regarding Fetzer and Jones, > especially the politics and psychology of the affair, was >

[political-research] P2OG/Israeli Black Ops to Foment Civil War in Iraq

2006-12-09 Thread Sean McBride
Pentagon Fomenting the "Civil War" in Iraq By nolocontendere(nolocontendere) P2OG in collusion with Israeli IDF and MOSSAD operatives are responsible for a series of secret covert operations whose purpose is to create an all out civil war in Iraq. The ultimate purpose is to dismember the country

[political-research] Neoconservatives -- exposed, scorned, but still in control

2006-12-09 Thread Sean McBride
*Neoconservatives -- exposed, scorned, but still in control* The one positive aspect of the Baker-Hamilton report is that the reactions it is provoking -- both positive and viciously negative -- have shed as bright a light as one could hope for on our current predicament. Never before have the re

[political-research] Former U.S. Senator: Support for Israel in Congress is Based on Fear

2006-12-11 Thread Sean McBride
Council for the National Interest Foundation <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 14:39:18 -0500 (EST) From: Council for the National Interest Foundation <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Former U.S. Senator: Support for Israel in Congress is Based on Fear Former U.S. Senator: Sup

[political-research] Me Translate Pretty One Day

2006-12-11 Thread Sean McBride
*Me Translate Pretty One Day* Over the past decade machine translation has improved dramatically, propelled by Moore's law, a spike in federal funding in the wake of 9/11, and a new method called statistical-based MT. Meaningful Machines, a New York firm with an ingenious algo.. Source: http

[political-research] 90 Million Americans Believe Government Behind 9/11

2006-12-11 Thread Sean McBride
*90 Million Americans Believe Government Behind 9/11* CBS News: According to a July poll conducted by Scripps News Service, one-third of Americans think the government either carried out the 9/11 attacks or intentionally allowed them to happen in order to provide a pretext for war in the Middle E

[political-research] Eyewitness: Noise, shockwave preceded WTC7 collapse

2006-12-11 Thread Sean McBride
*Eyewitness: Noise, shockwave preceded WTC7 collapse* Newly released by videographer Rick Siegel, an interview of an NYU Medical School student broadcast on 101 WINS immediately following the demolition of Word Trade Seven on 9/11. The student, Daryll, heard a loud noise and saw a shockwave rise

[political-research] From Reuters, Automatic Trading Linked to News Events

2006-12-11 Thread Sean McBride
*From Reuters, Automatic Trading Linked to News Events* Today, the Reuters Group begins selling two trading services that allow subscribers to set up automatic trading orders based on the news. The algorithmic trading services will give subscribers the ability to mine past and present Reuters new

[political-research] Collective Intelligence for Semantic and Knowledge Grid -last CfP

2006-12-12 Thread Sean McBride
*Collective Intelligence for Semantic and Knowledge Grid -last CfP &* International Workshop on Collective Intelligence for Semantic and Knowledge Grid (CISKGrid) International Conference on Computational Science 2007 Beijing,... Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/semanticweb/message/3563

[political-research] The Delusional King

2006-12-12 Thread Sean McBride
*The delusional king* Patrick Cockburn, The Independent, December 10 : *Few Chinese emperors can have been as impervious to bad news from the front as President George W Bush. His officials were as assiduous as those eunuchs in Beijing 1

Re: [political-research] Re: Former U.S. Senator: Support for Israel in Congress is Based on Fear

2006-12-12 Thread Sean McBride
ay. I hope that more and more people have the courage to speak out about this outrageous and malignant situation. Tim Howells --- In political-research@yahoogroups.com, Sean McBride wrote: > > > Council for the National Interest Foundation [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Mon, 11 Dec

[political-research] The state of the womb of the mother of a future King

2006-12-12 Thread Sean McBride
*The state of the womb of the mother of a future King* Generally speaking, when you see one intelligence agency... Source: http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2006/12/state-of-womb-of-mother-of-future-king.html

[political-research] The Israel Lobby: Some Key Political Trendlines

2006-12-12 Thread Sean McBride
The Israel Lobby: Some Key Political Trendlines Israeli-motivated attacks on 9/11 skeptics Israeli-motivated attacks on Condoleezza Rice Israeli-motivated attacks on free speech Israeli-motivated attacks on Iran War opponents Israeli-motivated attacks on Iraq Study Group Israeli-motivated att

[political-research] Carbonite Online Backup

2006-12-12 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.carbonite.com/ This may be the best online backup service currently available.

[political-research] 7/7 Witness: Bus Was Diverted To Tavistock Sq. By Two Unmarked Cars

2006-12-12 Thread Sean McBride
*7/7 Witness: Bus Was Diverted To Tavistock Sq. By Two Unmarked Cars* 7/7 Witness: Bus Was Diverted To Tavistock Sq. By Two Unmarked Cars Soon to be published account will detail the plot and cover up of the number 30 bus bombing... Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1209

[political-research] Four Mainstream Articles on 9/11 Truth

2006-12-12 Thread Sean McBride
Four Mainstream Articles on 9/11 Truth By Dustin(Dustin) How about the USS Maine incident that lead us into the Spanish-American War, or the USS Liberty, or the Gulf of Tonkin incident? How about Operation Northwoods, or Operation Gladio and the "strategy of tension"? ... A Dog Without A Yard -

Re: [political-research] The Iraq Study Group: Official damage control and cover-up

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
Ths person -- Larry Chin? -- has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. The Anglo-American establishment, and the creator of the Grand Chessboard concept, Zbigniew Brzezinski, OPPOSED the Iraq War, and the entire neoconservative World War III propaganda meme, from the very beginning. The

Re: [political-research] The Iraq Study Group: Official damage control and cover-up

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
the Iraq War. Fewer than 25 billionaires control the official Jewish/Israeli lobby, and the Jewish community as a whole is not responsible for their behavior. Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ths person -- Larry Chin? -- has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. The An

[political-research] If You Don't Understand the Neocons...

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
If You Don't Understand the Neocons... If you don't understand the neocons, you can't possibly understand squat about contemporary American politics. To understand the neocons, you need to read large swaths of Commentary, their lead journal, over several decades, especially starting i

[political-research] Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
*Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles* Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles Court clears Rauf of charges as much vaunted transatlantic airliner attack dissipates into another staged terror... Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/1213 [A by now familiar pa

Re: [political-research] If You Don't Understand the Neocons...

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
Organized dialectic? Yeah, the neocons, who are first-class thespians, are *PRETENDING* to be boiling over with rage at James Baker, the Iraq Study Group and Jimmy Carter. They're all, in actuality, playing on the same team. These are the kinds of comic book fantasies one can easily belie

[political-research] Israel to American Christian Evangelicals: Attack Iran

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
[There is tremendous pressure on Bush from Israel to attack Iran. There is tremendous pressure on Bush from the oil industry and nearly every other power bloc in the United States and around the world NOT to attack Iran. And there is very little discussion in the American mainstream media, whi

Re: [political-research] If You Don't Understand the Neocons...

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
Bush obviously is completely oblivious to everything that is going on around him, and is unable to anticipate the consequences of any actions or the outcomes of any situations. In no sense is his mind operational. With regard to his expendability, I predicted a few years ago that the neoc

[political-research] Fantasy retirement job: neo-con!

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
[Hey, I think he's figured out what the neocon schtick is all about.] http://www.timescommunity.com/site/printerFriendly.cfm?brd=2553&dept_id=511692&newsid=17583573 12/13/2006 Fantasy retirement job: neo-con! By: Rich Bliss Now that I'm approaching retirement, like many Amer

[political-research] Introducing Google Patent Search

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
*Introducing Google Patent Search* Posted by Ryan Sands, Google Book Search Support Team and Google Patent Search Support Specialist Using much of the familiar technology that you've come to love for browsing books on Google Book Search, you can now search the full text of the U.S. patent corpus

[political-research] Handago's predictions for 07 Smartphones

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
Handago's predictions for 07 Smartphones By Fire14 The landscape for smartphone devices is changing. Previously, smartphones were often considered a niche product, only getting a sliver of retail shelf space in carrier stores. These days, however, smartphone competition is fierce. ... WirelessAd

Re: [political-research] If You Don't Understand the Neocons...

2006-12-13 Thread Sean McBride
us Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: indeed. so while individuals such as wolfowitz, pearle, cheney, rumsfeld, and others are certainly more skilled than dumbya himself, would they not be expendable? - Original Message - From: Sean McBride

[political-research] 9/11 and Unconventional Weapons

2006-12-14 Thread Sean McBride
To make my biases explicit: I've got a completely open mind about the existence of highly classified, unconventional weapons and military technologies in the world, and about their possible use in 9/11 and other events. All the money that we poured into SDI may have produced some interesting re

[political-research] The Washington Post is a Neocon Rag

2006-12-14 Thread Sean McBride
[The Washington Post is a neocon rag, a propaganda arm of the Israel lobby, and bears a major responsibility for helping goad the Bush administration into the Iraq catastrophe. Nothing is more preposterous than the belief that the Washington Post is "liberal." Some of the chief Israeli ops at th

[political-research] Israeli-Motivated Attacks on American Presidents

2006-12-14 Thread Sean McBride
*YouTube of the day* Alan Dershowitz on "terrorist supporter" Jimmy Carter: ... Source: http://antonyloewenstein.com/blog/2006/12/14/youtube-of-the-day-55/ [In some fundamental way, the Israel lobby in the United States has lost its mind, gone off the deep end, succumbed to a kind of trancelike

Re: [political-research] If You Don't Understand the Neocons...

2006-12-14 Thread Sean McBride
Who precisely do you think the lead oligarchs are? How do you rank them by power? How do you identify their political orientation and objectives? How do you map their social networks and specific vectors of influence? This is all subject to rational, even scientific, analysis, right?

[political-research] Northrop Grumman

2006-12-14 Thread Sean McBride
Maybe something here, maybe nothing... # /c = /category # /i = /instance # corrections and additions welcome Douglas Feith /c 9/11 beneficiary Douglas Feith /c 9/11 lead exploiter Lewis Libby /c 9/11 beneficiary Lewis Libby /c 9/11 lead exploiter Northrop Grumman /c 9

Re: [political-research] If You Don't Understand the Neocons...

2006-12-14 Thread Sean McBride
So, who are the 100 most powerful oligarchs on the planet as of 2006? Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Who precisely do you think the lead oligarchs are? How do you rank them by power? How do you identify their political orientation and objectives? How do you m

[political-research] Factiva Expands Taxonomy Warehouse Partner Network

2006-12-14 Thread Sean McBride
http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/news_press_release,34400.shtml Factiva Expands Taxonomy Warehouse Partner Network Posted on : Wed, 13 Dec 2006 10:03:00 GMT | Author : Factiva(R) News Category : PressRelease NEW YORK, Dec. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Factiva(R), a Dow Jones and Reuters Co

[political-research] The Myth Of Sending More Troops

2006-12-14 Thread Sean McBride
The Myth Of Sending More Troops by Martin Sieff UPI Senior News Analyst Washington (UPI) Dec 14, 2006 Space War Wed, 13 Dec 2006 5:26 PM PST News reports this week indicate that President Bush is tilting towards rejecting the advice of the Iraq Study Group and will maintain or even increase U.S.

Re: [political-research] If You Don't Understand the Neocons...

2006-12-14 Thread Sean McBride
They are hardly all on the same page. Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: im not sure it matters. - Original Message ----- From: Sean McBride To: political-research@yahoogroups.com Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:55 PM Subject: Re: [po

[political-research] Semantic Web Creator

2006-12-17 Thread Sean McBride
*Semantic Web Creator* Semantic Web Creator The Topicalizer now sports yet another function called Semantic Web Creator, which builds a web of related terms for a given term by making use of the Google API und Wikipedia Source: http://www.programmableweb.com/url/5479

[political-research] The future for Orange could soon be Google in your pocket (David Smith/Observer)

2006-12-17 Thread Sean McBride
*The future for Orange could soon be Google in your pocket (David Smith/Observer)* *The future for Orange could soon be Google in your pocket * — Google is on the move. The internet giant has held talks with Orange, the mobile pho

[political-research] Tech lessons learned from the wisdom of crowds

2006-12-17 Thread Sean McBride
*Tech lessons learned from the wisdom of crowds* Google, HP Labs, Yahoo, and Microsoft are among companies using "prediction markets" to improve forecasts. The technique rewards employees for success in making predictions. .. Source: http://www.kurzweilai.net/news/news_single.html?id=6193

[political-research] White House Forbids Publication Of Op-Ed On Iran

2006-12-17 Thread Sean McBride
*White House Forbids Publication Of Op-Ed On Iran* Former CIA Middle East analyst Flynt Leverett, now a fellow at the New America Foundation, revealed today that the White House has been blocking the publication of an op-ed he wrote for the New York Times. The column is critical of the administra

[political-research] Researchers Demonstrate Direct Brain Control Of Humanoid Robot

2006-12-17 Thread Sean McBride
*Researchers Demonstrate Direct Brain Control Of Humanoid Robot* "Thought commands" generated by analysis of EEG signals can control the actions of robots, University of Washington researchers have found. .. Source: http://www.kurzweilai.net/news/news_single.html?id=6194

Re: [political-research] The Nation tries to Spin 911 Yet Again ...

2006-12-18 Thread Sean McBride
Wow -- Christopher Hayes is deservedly having his head handed to him by Americans who apparently possess quite a few more brain cells than God granted him. It's a massacre. But all open and fair debates on 9/11 are massacres. Anyone who has observed exchanges like this -- and that include

[political-research] The Israel Lobby vs. the US Military Establishment on Iraq

2006-12-19 Thread Sean McBride
[What the Washington Post doesn't tell you, because it is itself a key component of the Israel lobby and is dedicated to suppressing consciousness of the lobby's existence, is that this conflict is between neoconservatives on the one hand, and just about everyone else on the planet on the other,

Re: [political-research] Can the Jewish Model Help the West Survive (Kevin MacDonald)

2006-12-20 Thread Sean McBride
Are you aware that billionaire Haim Saban just hosted a meeting at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy which included Avigdor Lieberman, who is notorious for his racist views? He is Israel's David Duke -- actually, his racism exceeds that of David Duke. Saban was able to induce some o

Re: [political-research] Re: Can the Jewish Model Help the West Survive (Kevin MacDonald)

2006-12-20 Thread Sean McBride
ng to destroy themselves. Why destroy what is best about American society to go after a group which is bent on self-immolation? tim_howells_1000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Sean McBride wrote: By the way, I doubt that an explosion of European ethnic nationalism is an ef

[political-research] Is Israel Even Worse Than South Africa?

2006-12-20 Thread Sean McBride
Xymphora makes that argument here: http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2006/12/no-comparison.html Counterarguments? Are there any? One thing is certain: few Americans were ever attacked, abused and harassed by apologists for the former apartheid regime of South Africa. Representatives of the apar

[political-research] On the Protection of the Neocons

2006-12-20 Thread Sean McBride
Phil Weiss: "Wolfe's muddle is the same muddle that Jewish liberals have been in since the Iraq war. They are against the war, but their critique is blunted because they know that devotion to Israel played a part in the thinking of some of the war planners, but they don't want to talk at all abou

Re: [political-research] Re: Can the Jewish Model Help the West Survive (Kevin MacDonald)

2006-12-21 Thread Sean McBride
China, Cambodia and elsewhere murdered many more innocent civilians than the Nazis is a weak argument for the virtues of ethnic nationalism. All murderous totalitarian regimes should be opposed. tim_howells_1000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Sean McBride wrote: European ethni

[political-research] PNAC Members (NML)

2006-12-21 Thread Sean McBride
! PNAC members # /i = [instance] # /c = [category] PNAC member /i Aaron Friedberg PNAC member /i Dan Quayle PNAC member /i Dick Cheney PNAC member /i Donald Kagan PNAC member /i Donald Rumsfeld PNAC member /i Eliot A. Cohen PNAC member /i Elliott Abrams PNAC member /i Francis Fuk

[political-research] New America Foundation Board Members (NML)

2006-12-21 Thread Sean McBride
! New America Foundation board members # /i = [instance] # /c = [category] New America Foundation board member /i Anne-Marie Slaughter New America Foundation board member /i Bernard L. Schwartz New America Foundation board member /i Christine Todd Whitman New America Foundation b

Re: [political-research] Re: Can the Jewish Model Help the West Survive (Kevin MacDonald)

2006-12-21 Thread Sean McBride
ld stage, or even to survive in any form. The neocons have played the role of destructive vampires and predators, but look at the sorry quality of their prey. tim_howells_1000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Sean McBride wrote: The bottom line on all of this for me:

Re: [political-research] Re: Can the Jewish Model Help the West Survive (Kevin MacDonald)

2006-12-22 Thread Sean McBride
anywhere near as network-enabled as American Jews powered by IsUreal with money granted by the US congress. the Jewish model is widespread organizational networking. any group can do it; few are around to attempt it. Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Actually, I think I unde

[political-research] Web 3.0? Entrepreneurs See a Web Guided by Common Sense

2006-12-22 Thread Sean McBride
Web 3.0? Entrepreneurs See a Web Guided by Common Sense By MAXTRUM(MAXTRUM) Intelligence agencies also helped underwrite the work of Doug Lenat, a computer scientist whose company, Cycorp of Austin, Tex., sells systems and services to the government and large corporations. For the last quarter-c

[political-research] Vint Cerf - Google Evangelist On The Internet

2006-12-22 Thread Sean McBride
Vint Cerf talks about Youtube, the future and the semantic web. Of particular interest to me was his opinion on the semantic web:. Q Is the development of the semantic web the next big thing for the internet? A This is a conundrum. .. Source: http://speakingfreely.wordpress.com/2006/12/22/vin

[political-research] The Neocon Assault on Baker-Hamilton. Time to Hit Back

2006-12-22 Thread Sean McBride
The Neocon Assault on Baker-Hamilton. Time to Hit Back. By mjrosenberg And this take is repeated again and again in neo-conservative circles. ... It is the latter that most upsets the neocons. For them, it is an article of ... mere mention of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict sends the neocons in

[political-research] Frederick Kagan Reiterates His Call for a "Surge"

2006-12-24 Thread Sean McBride
http://time.blogs.com/daily_dish/2006/12/saving_baghdad.html [Little doubt remains about which political bloc in American life is going to have to accept the blame for the Iraq War -- it has been conspicuous in its agitation and defiance of reality until the bitter end.]

[political-research] On Vacation

2006-12-24 Thread Sean McBride
I'm going to be on vacation until the first week of January, and will be able to attend to this list only sporadically during that time. You might want to hold any deep thoughts, on MacDonald or other topics, until then.

[political-research] Still on Hold

2007-01-09 Thread Sean McBride
I spent a wonderful week in Key Biscayne, absorbing the ocean breezes, sunlight and 80 degree days, and since then I haven't been in a mood to break the magical spell with worrying about many of the disturbing controversies that are roiling American politics. So, for the time being, this group

[political-research] Sean's Shared Items from Google Reader

2007-01-26 Thread Sean McBride
Sean's Shared Items from Google Reader This group is still on a brief temporary hiatus. If you are curious to follow some of the news I am currently tracking, visit this URL on a regular basis: http://www.google.com/reader/shared/01640039269683291604 Feel free to share your own

[political-research] Using Google Reader to Share News

2007-02-02 Thread Sean McBride
Using Google Reader to Share News Again, my Google Reader shared items are available on the Web here: http://www.google.com/reader/shared/01640039269683291604 and as a feed here: http://www.google.com/reader/public/atom/user/01640039269683291604/state/com.google/broadcast

Re: [political-research] Re: Using Google Reader to Share News

2007-02-07 Thread Sean McBride
ty in his work Muslim Discovery of Europe (1982).[1]" Interestingly the idea of creative borrowing ismuch around lately. The "Muslims" (Turks, Egypts, Afghanis ... Arabs, Persians ...) I met over here do hardly conform to any of the tags above: backward, arrogant, inflexible. -b

[political-research] Bernard Lewis's Holy War Against Islam

2007-02-07 Thread Sean McBride
o any of the tags above: backward, arrogant, inflexible. -b --- In political-research@yahoogroups.com, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Using Google Reader to Share News > > Again, my Google Reader shared items are available on the Web here: > > http:/

[political-research] Missing the Boat on RSS/Atom Feeds

2007-02-07 Thread Sean McBride
Some major alternative news site are continuing to miss the boat on RSS/Atom feeds, failing to get it. Most of the brightest minds I know on the net -- the minds that created the net in the first place -- have turned almost exclusively to RSS and Atom feeds for news gathering, because they are

Re: [political-research] A political bombshell from Zbigniew Brzezinski

2007-02-08 Thread Sean McBride
>From the very beginning of the controversies generated by 9/11, you may recall >that I argued that the political faction within the American and European >power elite that was closely associated with Zbigniew Brzezinski strongly >opposed the schemes of the Israel-centric neocons. This latest d

Re: [political-research] Remember: Cheney's super secret energy task force?

2007-02-13 Thread Sean McBride
Cheney's office has been much more controlled by neocon zealots than by oil industry leaders. It's a safe bet that the "energy task force" was yet another Israeli/neocon op and con game, designed to trick the United States into attacking Israel's enemies under the dishonest and ludicrous claim

[political-research] Neocon Control of Dick Cheney

2007-02-13 Thread Sean McBride
Correction: James Baker speaks for the American *oil* industry. He's the real deal. Dick Cheney is viewed with contempt in those circles. James Baker is a bona fide member of the Anglo and oil industry power elite. He is capable of independent and rational thought. He has consistently o

Re: [political-research] Edelman - most interesting missing witness

2007-02-15 Thread Sean McBride
Eric Edelman appears to be a key cog in the neoconservative political machine which has been writing Dick Cheney's script: Eric Edelman /c Cornell B.A. /d 1972 Eric Edelman /c Cornell University graduate Eric Edelman /c Dick Cheney adviser Eric Edelman /c Dick Cheney associate Eric Edelman

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