[political-research] Re: Switching from Yahoo Groups to Friendfeed

2008-07-27 Thread ojoscriollos
I find this very interesting, and agree that we should all seek alternatives to Yahoo and Google, considering that they are responsible for releasing data to Chinese authorities that resulted in the imprisonment of at least one dissident. They were reprimanded during a congressional hearing,

[political-research] Re: Billionaire Charles Koch plays politics, but out of public eye

2008-08-10 Thread ojoscriollos
I've certainly heard of the Koch famly. Worked for a Gulf regional outpost of Koch Engineering some years ago. They train all their employees in a management style based on W. Edwards Deming's principles. Engineers are a strange lot as far as I'm concerned. I find them generally long on science

[political-research] Re: Information Clearing House in trouble

2008-08-10 Thread ojoscriollos
I read the first edition. This is necessary reading for an understanding of the privitization of our military, national guard, and now the intelligence industry. These could be who the goons in suits are. But then again, another new book on the CIA by an insider says there are more CIA agents

[political-research] Counter-Cointelpro Center

2008-08-11 Thread ojoscriollos
Brava! This is exactly what we need to do--turn the tables on Cointelpro. I propose that we form a group with trusted representatives from various groups to research and compare notes. Groups of all kinds are swarming with Cointelpro operators. They're making life difficult for a lot of people,

[political-research] (unknown)

2008-08-15 Thread ojoscriollos
the Boston Globe (op-ed) Ending the psychological mind games on detainees By Stephen Soldz August 10, 2008   WHEN MOST people think of psychologists, they think of a professional helping them with life's emotional difficulties, or of a researcher studying human or animal behavior. Since the

[political-research] Senate Report on State Secrets Privilege

2008-08-16 Thread ojoscriollos
from the Federation of American Scientists Secrecy News Secrecy from the FAS Project on Government Secrets   Aug 12 Senate Report Scrutinizes the State Secrets Privilege A new report from the Senate Judiciary Committee examines the use of the state secrets privilege by the executive branch

[political-research] Plausible Deniability Weapons

2008-08-16 Thread ojoscriollos
from Wired Blog Network Laser Gunship Fires; 'Deniable' Strikes Ahead? By David Hambling August 13, 2008 | 1:02:00 PM   Boeing announced today the first ever test firing of a real-life ray gun that could become US special forces' way to carry out covert strikes with plausible

[political-research] California Becomes 1st State to Condemn Torture in 'War on Terror'

2008-08-20 Thread ojoscriollos
News Release CALIFORNIA BECOMES FIRST STATE TO CONDEMN USE OF TORTURE IN 'WAR ON TERROR'SACRAMENTO, CA (August 14, 2008) – The California Legislature today adopted a resolution aimed at preventing California health professionals from engaging in coercive interrogations of detainees at

[political-research] ASCE ethics report to be made public

2008-08-23 Thread ojoscriollos
In light of the NIST report on WTC-7, and ASCE's analysis of the Pentagon assault on 9/11/01, consider how the ASCE was commissioned to cover up the Corp of Engineer's poor design and construction of New Orleans' canal levees that resulted in the devestation of the city during and after

[political-research] Exquisite tortures and mining of our brains

2008-08-28 Thread ojoscriollos
  Defense Intelligence Agency Seeking Mind Control Weapons by Tom Burghardt Global Research, August 24, 2008 Antifascist Calling... * * * * As Antifascist Calling queried in 'Neuroscience, National Security the War on Terror,' 'If behavioral psychology was handmaid to the horrors

[political-research] California's Apple Moth Fraud--Report by Prof. Chase

2008-08-28 Thread ojoscriollos
Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) in California The True Story: Summary References Through June 19, 2008   Prepared For The People by Professor Glen Chase   INTRODUCTION: The Light Brown Apple Moth and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) eradication program became a hot topic of

[political-research] Plus ça change....

2008-09-10 Thread ojoscriollos
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose   Today's Brasscheck delivery is the film “Waco: The Rules of Engagement,” by director William Gazecki. Perhaps the underlying message in the timing of presenting this film and those of yesterday, which were on the Iran-Contra-Mena crimes, is to 

[political-research] Sen. Feingold Seeks Restoration of the Rule of Law

2008-09-11 Thread ojoscriollos
The man who should have been Obama's VP choice comes to the rescue of our battered Constitution. RAW STORY Published: Wednesday September 10, 2008 Sen. Feingold to hold hearing on Restoring the Rule of Law Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee's Constitution