[Building the infrastructure for a JINSA-controlled police state in the United States.  Who is a terrorist?  Anyone who disagrees with the neocons.  Richard Perle labeled Seymour Hersh as a "terrorist."  Militant pro-Israel supporters on the Internet have frequently labeled any Americans who have opposed the Iraq War as "terrorists," without a shred of irony.]

Counter-terrorism conference begins in Suffolk


November 15, 2005, 10:57 AM EST

Suffolk County police will join counterparts from the Middle East to discuss counter-terrorism at a two-day conference featuring high-ranking officials from the Israeli National Police, National Defense Force and foreign intelligence service.

The event, underwritten by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), is being held at the Hyatt Regency Wind Watch in Happaugue this Tuesday and Wednesday.

Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota, Brigadier General Simon Perry and Brigadier General Lutsky of Israel's National Police Force, JINSA National Chair Mark Broxmeyer and Jerusalem Shopping Mall General Director Gideon Avrahmi opened the conference with a 10:30 a.m. Q&A session.

The two-day information exchange is an initiative of JINSA's Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP) between Israel and the U.S. Suffolk police officers will spend the two days "learning counter-terrorism measures, intelligence gathering techniques and anti-terror tactics from the world's foremost authority -- Israel," said Spota.

Israeli police commanders, who supervise bomb disposal and undercover units in Israel, will brief their Long Island law enforcement counterparts on the mindset of a suicide bomber, terrorist identification, and the increasing sophistication of terrorists known to employ a range of weapons including cell phones outfitted with explosives.

Copyright 2005 Newsday Inc.

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