robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"houstonpeaceroundtable" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"notinourname" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
From: "robert " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 18:37:48 -0600
Subject: [GMLH] FW: Urgent about Plame-gate with neocon hijacked Bush regime..

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How accurate is the following as well?:

Fitzgerald gossip straight from my inbox

By Jan Frel
Posted on October 19, 2005, Printed on October 20, 2005

I just got this e-mail from a Democratic House member's staffer with
tons of good dirt on the Plame investigation. I'm reprinting it whole
cloth to share all, and show that while these Hill staffers are
well-informed, they sure could use some capitalization classes. Among
the things I hadn't seen before: -Fred Flights, an assistant to John
Bolton, is a named name who could be indicted. -Sens. John McCain and
Lindsey Graham have been suggested as replacements for Dick Cheney.
-Colin Powell told John McCain he showed the infamous memo with Plame's
identity on it two just two people; Dick Cheney and George Bush.
-Fitzgerald is looking at the precedent set from the indictment of
Tricky Dick's veep Spiro Agnew to pursue against Cheney. That's red meat
folks. Text of the e-mail: below, some extremely sensitive information
about the impending conclusion of the valerie plame investigations. the
sources include two senior members of senate and key staffers; counsel
for individuals that have been called before the grand jury; and two
journalists taking a lead position in investigating the case. the
following represents a composite of the information from those sources.
plamegate coming to conclusion. the investigation has focused mostly
closely on vice president cheney and his staff, as well as us ambassador
to the un (and former undersecretary of state for arms control) john
bolton and his staff. we are told that eight indictments have already
prepared, with the possibility of another ten. these indictments include
senior white house staff, most notably vice president cheney's chief of
staff scooter libby, fred flights (special assistant to john bolton),
and--very surprisingly--national security adviser steve hadley.
apparently, libby and hadley have both been told by their lawyers to
expect indictments. the indictment of senior bush political advisor karl
rove seems highly probable. most critically, a plea bargain process has
evidently been opened with vice presi! dent che ney's lawyer. that does
not mean that an indictment is coming. but i've some critical background
around the issue. in the past several days, former secretary of state
colin powell had a meeting with senator john mccain (R-AZ), primarily
about the mccain-sponsored amendment on inserting a rider prohibiting
torture onto the us defense budget (a bill which powell has himself been
lobbying heavily for, against objections of president bush). during the
meeting, powell recounted to the senator that he had traveled on air
force one with bush and cheney, and brought to their attention a
classified memorandum about the issue of whether there was indeed a
transaction inolving niger and yellow cake uranium. the document
included ambassador joe wilson's involvement and identified his wife,
valerie plame, as a covert agent. the memorandum further stated that
this information was secret. powell told mccain that he showed that memo
only to two people--president and vice president. according to powell,
cheney fixated on the wilson/plame connection, and plame's status.
powell testified about this exchange in great length to the grand jury
investigating the plame case. according to sources close to the case,
powell appeared convinced that the vice president played a focal role in
disclosing plame's undercover status. in his conversation with mccain,
powell felt that--at a minimum--there would be a serious shakeup at
national security council as a consequence. in particular, vice
president cheney would no longer hold a pivotal role in us national
security affairs. powell apparently did not discuss the potential of a
cheney resignation. lead prosecutor patrick fitzgerald has apparently
been looking at the precedent of formerly indicted nixon vice president
spiro agnew. this shows the likely path, because addressing executive
immunity and privilege questions would necessarily begin start with a
plea-bargain deal that would entail a resignation. this is all likely to
occur within the next week. 28 october (next friday) is the! last da y
of the grand jury, and no requests have been made to extend their
session. the investigator is expecting to wrap up by then. there are
enormous implication for what would be the biggest white house shakeup
since the iran-contra scandal in the reagan era. president bush's
approval rating at 39% has already led to a significant decrease in
policy efficacy with key legislators in congress. i'll spin out the
broader policy implications when i have some time to write at greater
length, but i wanted to get this out immediately. one interesting point
though--it is worth noting that a parade of senior republican senators
have evidently been privately pushing mccain to lobby to be cheney's
replacement. senator lindsey graham (R-SC) has also been mentioned.
meanwhile, the white house has already been developing
countermeasures--notably including senior white house officials
privately voicing president bush's disappointment in karl rove's
involvement in the case, calling it "misconduct." an urgent search for a
rove replacement is already underway.

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