[This is a reformatted send of my last post, which didn't format correctly.]
For any anti-Semites who want to lay the blame for the Iraq War on "the Jews," read the following article carefully.  Reform Jews are the largest Jewish denomination in America.  According to the polls I've read, Jews as a group more strongly opposed the Iraq War than other ethnic or religious group in America.  Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle and William Kristol do NOT represent "the Jews."  What creates confusion in these matters is that quite a few Jewish neoconservatives falsely claim (or strongly imply) that they are spokespersons for Jews as a whole.  Gentiles who are not familiar with the incredible complexity of Jewish politics, both in Israel and the United States, might sometimes be taken in by these claims.
These views represent authentic Jewish values, at least as I understand them:
In addition, the Reform movement leaders demanded transparency from officials on the war and condemned abuse of prisoners in U.S. custody. They called for generous benefits for military personnel and their families, as well as proper equipment and medical care.
Reform Jews Call for Clear Iraq Exit Strategy
Conference Here Urges December Start of Pullout

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