Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Josh Marshall (Talking
Points Memo): As Bad as Bush via FAIR Media Views by Josh Marshall
(Talking Points Memo) on Jul 30, 2007 The blogger finds a
rare "opportunit[y] for mirth" in "watching Fred Hiatt, czar of the
Washington Post editorial page, try to kick up enough dust to wriggle
out of his own position on the war." Noting that "because of its
reputation as a non-conservative paper, the Post's fatuous and
frequently mendacious editorializing has without doubt had a greater
role in pushing the public debate into the war camp than any other
editorial page in the nation," Marshall sees in a July 21 editorialMr.
Hiatt's desire to take a nominal and meaningless, a purely semantic
point of agreement--that everyone would like to have most U.S. troops
withdrawn from Iraq--and stretch it so thin that it can cover most
members of the Senate [and] the president.... Meanwhile the key
questions that are the meat of the debate become points of detail that
the members of the grand consensus still need to hash out.... Hiatt and
the Post editorial crew...want to twist and distort and most of all
stretch the terms of the debate so far as to appear to come out on the
prevailing side of the public debate even as they never actually change
their position.
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