Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Fox News Hires
Disgraced Reporter Judith Miller via Think Progress by Amanda on
Today, the Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz reveals that Fox News has
hired former New York Times reporter Judith Miller, who will be an
on-air analyst and write stories for Fox’s website:

“She has a very impressive résumé,” says Senior Vice President John
Moody. “We’ve all had stories that didn’t come out exactly as we had
hoped. It’s certainly something she’s going to be associated with for
all time, and there’s not much anyone can do about that, but we want to
make use of the tremendous expertise she brings on a lot of other
issues. … She has explained herself and she has nothing to apologize

Miller, however, had more problems than her stories not turning out
“exactly” as she had “hoped.” Miller has been a willing participant in
the Bush administration’s quest to peddle lies to the American public.
She was a key player in pushing false intelligence that led the public
into the Iraq war, and was central to the Valerie Plame leak scandal.

On Sept. 7, 2002, she and fellow New York Times reporter Michael Gordon
reported that Iraq had “stepped up its quest for nuclear weapons and
has embarked on a worldwide hunt for materials to make an atomic bomb.”
As proof, she cited unnamed “American intelligence experts” and unnamed
“Bush administration officials.” Subsequently, Condoleezza Rice, Colin
Powell, and Donald Rumsfeld all pointed to Miller’s story as
justification for war. On April 22, 2003, she told PBS’s Newshour that
WMD had already been found in Iraq: “Well, I think they found something
more than a ’smoking gun.’”

In 2005, Miller went to jail for refusing to testify in the Valerie
Plame scandal and reveal her conversations with Scooter Libby. Miller
was often criticized for becoming too close with her Bush
administration sources. While she was in jail, for example, Libby wrote
to her about how much he admired her and urged her to “Come back to
work — and life.”

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