just sharing 
not agreeing nor disagreeing
Peace, Hugs, and Purrs,
Carolyn Rose Goyda 
Missouri, USA
_rosego...@aol.com_ (mailto:rosego...@aol.com) 

 From: JW
Sent: 12/16/2008 9:53:05 P.M. Central Standard Time
Subj: A  Letter from Evo Morales

Evo Morales is the elected president of Bolivia, a  country I visited 18 
months ago.  He is Aymara -- Native American. --  John Wilmerding

Bolivian President Evo Morales:
20 Ways to Save  Mother Earth
and Prevent Environmental Disaster

Sisters and  brothers, today our Mother Earth is ill.  From the beginning of 
the 21st  century, we have lived the hottest years of the last thousand years. 
  Global warming is generating abrupt changes in the weather: the retreat of  
glaciers and the decrease of the polar ice caps; the increase of the sea 
level  and the flooding of coastal areas, where approximately 60% of the world  
population live; the increase in the processes of desertification and the  
decrease of fresh water sources; a higher frequency in natural disasters that  
communities of the earth suffer[1]; the extinction of animal and plant  
species; and the spread of diseases in areas that before were free from those  

One of the most tragic consequences of the climate change is  that some 
nations and territories are condemned to disappear by the increase  of the sea 

Everything began with the industrial revolution in  1750, which gave birth to 
the capitalist system.  In two and a half  centuries, the so called 
"developed" countries have consumed a large part of  the fossil fuels created 
over five 
million  centuries.


Competition and the thirst for profit  without limits of the capitalist 
system are destroying the planet.  Under  capitalism, we are not human beings 
consumers.  Under capitalism,  Mother Earth does not exist, instead there are 
raw materials.  Capitalism  is the source of the asymmetries and imbalances in 
the world.  It  generates luxury, ostentation and waste for a few, while 
millions in the world  die from hunger in the world.  In the hands of 
everything  becomes a commodity: the water, the soil, the human genome, the 
ancestral  cultures, justice, ethics, death ... and life itself.  Everything,  
absolutely everything, can be bought and sold and under capitalism.  And  even 
"climate change" itself has become a business.

"Climate change"  has placed all humankind before a great choice: to continue 
in the ways of  capitalism and death, or to start down the path of harmony 
with nature and  respect for life.

In the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the developed countries  and economies in 
transition committed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions  by at least 5% 
the 1990 levels, through the implementation of different  mechanisms among 
which market mechanisms predominate.

Until 2006,  greenhouse effect gases, far from being reduced, have increased 
by 9.1% in  relation to the 1990 levels, demonstrating also in this way the 
breach of  commitments by the developed countries.

The market mechanisms applied  in the developing countries[2] have not 
accomplished a significant reduction  of greenhouse effect gas emissions.

Just as well as the market is  incapable of regulating global financial and 
productive system, the market is  unable to regulate greenhouse effect gas 
emissions and will only generate a  big business for financial agents and major 

The Earth is  much more important than the stock exchanges of Wall Street and 
the  world

While the United States and the European Union allocate $4100  billion to 
save the bankers from a financial crisis that they themselves have  caused, 
programs on climate change get 313 times less, that is to say, only  $13 

The resources for climate change are unfairly distributed.  More resources 
are directed to reduce emissions (mitigation) and less to  reduce the effects 
climate change that all the countries suffer  (adaptation)[3].  The vast 
majority of resources flow to those countries  that have contaminated the most, 
and not to the countries where we have  preserved the environment most.  Around 
80% of the Clean Development  Mechanism projects are concentrated in four 
emerging  countries.

Capitalist logic promotes a paradox in which the sectors  that have 
contributed the most to deterioration of the environment are those  that 
benefit the 
most from climate change programs.

At the same time,  technology transfer and the financing for clean and 
sustainable development of  the countries of the South have remained just 

The next summit  on climate change in Copenhagen must allow us to make a leap 
forward if we  want to save Mother Earth and humanity.  For that purpose, the 
following  proposals for the process from Poznan to Copenhagen:

Attack the  structural causes of climate change

1) Debate the structural causes of  climate change.  As long as we do not 
change the capitalist system for a  system based in complementarity, solidarity 
and harmony between the people and  nature, the measures that we adopt will be 
palliatives that will limited and  precarious in character.  For us, what has 
failed is the model of "living  better", of unlimited development, 
industrialisation without frontiers, of  modernity that deprecates history, of 
accumulation of goods at the  expense of others and nature.  For that reason 
we promote the idea of  Living Well, in harmony with other human beings and 
with our Mother  Earth.

2) Developed countries need to control their patterns of  consumption -- of 
luxury and waste -- especially the excessive consumption of  fossil fuels.  
Subsidies of fossil fuel, that reach $150-250 billion[4],  must be 
eliminated.  It is fundamental to develop  alternative forms of power, such as 
solar, geothermal, wind and hydroelectric  both at small and medium scales.

3) Agrofuels are not an alternative,  because they put the production of 
foodstuffs for transport before the  production of food for human beings.  
Agrofuels expand the agricultural  frontier destroying forests and 
generate monocropping, promote  land concentration, deteriorate soils, exhaust 
water sources, contribute to  rises in food prices and, in many cases, result 
more consumption of more  energy than is produced.

Substantial commitments to emissions reduction  that are met

4) Strict fulfilment by 2012 of the commitments[5] of the  developed 
countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least by 5% below  the 1990 
 It is unacceptable that the countries that polluted the  planet throughout 
the course of history make statements about larger  reductions in the future 
while not complying with their present  commitments.

5) Establish new minimum commitments for the developed  countries of 
greenhouse gas emission reduction of 40% by 2020 and 90% by for  2050, taking 
as a 
starting point 1990 emission levels.  These minimum  commitments must be met 
internally in developed countries and not through  flexible market mechanisms 
allow for the purchase of certified emissions  reduction certificates to 
continue polluting in their own country.   Likewise, monitoring mechanisms must 
established for the measuring,  reporting and verifying that are transparent 
and accessible to the public, to  guarantee the compliance of commitments.

6) Developing countries not  responsible for the historical pollution must 
preserve the necessary space to  implement an alternative and sustainable form 
of development that does not  repeat the mistakes of savage industrialisation 
that has brought us to the  current situation.  To ensure this process, 
developing countries need, as  a prerequisite, finance and technology transfer.

Address ecological  debt

7) Acknowledging the historical ecological debt that they owe to  the planet, 
developed countries must create an Integral Financial Mechanism to  support 
developing countries in: implementation of their plans and programs  for 
adaptation to and mitigation of climate change; the innovation,  development 
transfer of technology; in the preservation and improvement of  the sinks and 
reservoirs; response actions to the serious natural disasters  caused by 
change; and the carrying out of sustainable and eco-friendly  development 

8) This Integral Financial Mechanism, in order to be  effective, must count 
on a contribution of at least 1% of the GDP in developed  countries[6] and 
other contributions from taxes on oil and gas, financial  transactions, sea and 
air transport, and the profits of transnational  companies.

9) Contributions from developed countries must be additional  to Official 
Development Assistance (ODA), bilateral aid or aid channelled  through 
not part of the United Nations.  Any finance outside  the UNFCCC cannot be 
considered as the fulfilment of developed country's  commitments under the 

10) Finance has to be directed to the  plans or national programs of the 
different states and not to projects that  follow market logic.

11) Financing must not be concentrated just in  some developed countries but 
has to give priority to the countries that have  contributed less to 
greenhouse gas emissions, those that preserve nature and  are suffering the 
impact of 
climate change.

12) The Integral Financial  Mechanism must be under the coverage of the 
United Nations, not under the  Global Environment Facility (GEF) and other 
intermediaries such as the World  Bank and regional development banks; its 
must be collective,  transparent and non-bureaucratic.  Its decisions must be 
made by all  member countries, especially by developing countries, and not by 
the donors or  bureaucratic administrators.

Technology transfer to developing  countries

13) Innovation and technology related to climate changes must  be within the 
public domain, not under any private monopolistic patent regime  that 
obstructs and makes technology transfer more expensive to developing  countries.

14) Products that are the fruit of public financing for  technology 
innovation and development of have to be placed within the public  domain and 
not under 
a private regime of patents[7], so that they can be  freely accessed by 
developing countries.

15) Encourage and improve the  system of voluntary and compulsory licenses so 
that all countries can access  products already patented quickly and free of 
cost.  Developed countries  cannot treat patents and intellectual property 
rights as something "sacred"  that has to be preserved at any cost.  The regime 
of flexibilities  available for the intellectual property rights in the cases 
of serious  problems for public health has to be adapted and substantially 
enlarged to  heal Mother Earth.

16) Recover and promote indigenous peoples'  practices in harmony with nature 
which have proven to be sustainable through  centuries.

Adaptation and mitigation with the participation of all the  people

17) Promote mitigation actions, programs and plans with the  participation of 
local communities and indigenous people in the framework of  full respect for 
and implementation of the United Nations Declaration on  Rights of Indigenous 
Peoples.  The best mechanism to confront the  challenge of climate change are 
not market mechanisms, but conscious,  motivated and well organised human 
beings endowed with an identity of their  own.

18) The reduction of the emissions from deforestation and forest  degradation 
must be based on a mechanism of direct compensation from developed  to 
developing countries, through a sovereign implementation that ensures broad  
participation of local communities, and a mechanism for monitoring, reporting  
verifying that is transparent and public.

A UN for the environment  and climate change

19) We need a World Environment and Climate Change  Organization to which 
multilateral trade and financial organizations are  subordinated, so as to 
promote a different model of development that is  environmentally friendly and 
resolves the profound problems of  impoverishment.  This organization must have 
effective follow-up,  verification and sanctioning mechanisms to ensure that 
present and future  agreements are complied with.

20) It is fundamental to structurally  transform the World Trade 
Organization, the World Bank, the International  Monetary Fund and the 
economic system as a whole, in order to  guarantee fair and complementary 
trade, as 
well as financing without  conditions for sustainable development that avoids 
the waste of natural  resources and fossil fuels in the production processes, 
trade and product  transport.

In this negotiation process towards Copenhagen, it is  fundamental to 
guarantee the participation of our people as active  stakeholders at a 
regional and worldwide level, especially taking  into account those sectors 
affected, such as indigenous peoples who have  always promoted the defense of 
Mother Earth.

Humankind is capable of  saving the Earth if we recover the principles of 
solidarity, complementarity  and harmony with nature in contraposition to the 
reign of competition, profits  and rampant consumption of natural resources.


[1] Due to  the "NiƱa" phenomenon, that becomes more frequent as a result of 
the climate  change, Bolivia has lost 4% of its GDP in 2007.

[2] Known as the Clean  Development Mechanism

[3] At the present there is only one adaptation  fund with approximately $500 
million for more than 150 developing  countries.  According to the UNFCCC 
secretary, $171 billion is required  for adaptation and $380 billion is 
for mitigation.

[4] Stern  report

[5] Kyoto Protocol, Art. 3.

[6] The Stern Review has  suggested one percent of global GDP, which 
represents less than $700 billion  per year.

[7] According to UNCTAD (1998), public financing in  developing countries 
contributes with 40% of the resources for innovation and  development of  

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