Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Researchers challenge
gravitational waves report for Director of National Intelligence via Accelerating Intelligence News on 12/23/08 A recent
report on High Frequency Gravitational Waves (HFGW) for the Office of
the Director of National Intelligence "seriously misrepresented
theoretical research by Gravwave LLC and other researchers," according
to Gravwave CEO Dr. Robert Baker, a pioneer in HFGW research since
1961. Baker said theoretical research by Gravwave scientists and other
scientists suggests that HFGWs could eventually lead to the ability to
communicate or "see" through the Earth, eliminating the need for
satellite and many other forms of communications, and could pose a
threat to U.S. security. The report, prepared by the legendary JASON
defense science advisory panel, dismissed Gravwave's research
as "pseudoscience." However, Baker, who ironically co-chaired the first
HFGW Workshop at MITRE Corporation (which runs the JASON panel) in
2003, pointed out several flaws in the report that "caused the authors
to make specious technical estimates." The patented (U.S. 6417597 and
6784591 and P. R. China ZL200510055882.2) Li-Baker HFGW detector
is "not based on the Gertsenshtein effect, as stated in the report, but
rather on a different effect found by Dr. Fangyu Li of Chongqing
University, and also supported in many other peer-reviewed
publications," he said. He also pointed out that the Gravwave generator
is based on a variant of the quadrupole (first found by Einstein in
1918), again not on the Gertsenshtein effect, as stated. Baker also
cited other organizations developing HFGW detectors, including
Birmingham University, England and the National Astronomical
Observatory of Japan. Dr. Baker has written some 35 peer-reviewed
papers on HFGW technology, and has been granted six patents on HFGW
devices, including the Li-Baker HFGW Detector. Dr. Eric W. Davis,
senior research physicist at the Institute for Advanced Studies at
Austin, also challenged a recent statement in New Scientist based on
the report, dismissing the idea of gravitational waves propelling
interplanetary spacecraft as "rubbish." Davis, who is author of the
forthcoming Frontiers of Propulsion Science, published by the American
Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (2009), pointed out that "a
very well known example of the rocket propulsion effect that can be
produced by gravitational waves is that of a star undergoing asymmetric
octupole collapse, which achieves a net velocity change of 100 to 300
km/s via the anisotropic emission of gravitational waves," citing J. D.
Bekenstein in Astrophysical Journal. Davis also said a gravitational
wave rocket will perform exactly like a photon rocket. "It will have
the maximum possible specific impulse with light-speed exhaust velocity
because gravitational waves propagate through space at the speed of
light." (Source: )
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