Bye, Bye - George Bush’s GITMO and WELCOME Barack Obama’s Bagram AFB, Afghanistan

2009-04-14 Thread
Now that Barack Obama has courageously closed down the Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) Prison, it looks like the exact same sort of facility, to house difficult to deal with detainees, is being set up in Afghanistan at Bagram Air Force Base, Afghanistan. This is why some courts are now declaring some

Could Hillary Row Out In A Row Boat and Conduct Intense, High Level Negotiations With The Pirates In The Life Boat :;

2009-04-10 Thread
Hillary know how to row a boat? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help see * Visit our other community at * It's active and

Pirates Same As ACORN Working Under A Community Oraganizer - Trying To Steal From The Rich.

2009-04-10 Thread
Is there a difference? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help see * Visit our other community at * It's active and moderated.

FFirst U.S. Pirate Attack Since 1804 On Obama's Watch. Will He Apologize To The Pirates?

2009-04-10 Thread
'The Marine Hymn - To the shores of Tripoli. The shores of Tripoli, in North Africa, were similar to the pirate haven of Somalia, today. The LEATHERNECKS got their name from the wide leather belts they wore around their neck to avoid getting their heads cut off by the Islamic Terrorists of

Where Is George W. Bush When We Need Him?

2009-04-09 Thread
Where is George Bush when we need him. We have an American ship taken over by pirates. The crew got the ship back BUT the captain and a mate still held hostge by pirates. Barack Obama is in hiding, cowering in a corner. As Bush says. You are with us or against us. The Pirates are against

Cowboy Wisdom — 5 Rules Obama Needs Right Now

2009-04-09 Thread
PATRICK DORINSON: By Patrick Dorinson Political Commentator Welcome home, Mr. President. You sure had a long trip. I hope your cold is much better and you get a chance to rest over the Easter Weekend. There are folks that are a lot smarter than I am, or at least the media thinks

Drudge Headlines About The Pirate Crisis. - This is pathetic. All this huffing and puffing and NO Action

2009-04-09 Thread
Drudge Headlines About The Pirate Crisis. - This is pathetic. All this huffing and puffing and NO Action Obama declines comment on hostage crisis off Somalia... Pirates raise stakes with attack on US crew... FBI joins effort in hostage standoff... Captain worried pirate traffic was picking

Drudge Headlines About The Pirate Crisis. - This is pathetic. All this huffing and puffing and NO Action

2009-04-09 Thread
Drudge Headlines About The Pirate Crisis. - This is pathetic. All this huffing and puffing and NO Action Obama declines comment on hostage crisis off Somalia... Pirates raise stakes with attack on US crew... FBI joins effort in hostage standoff... Captain worried pirate traffic was picking


2009-03-27 Thread
AIG bailout --- ? Remember when this economic crisis hit, and Congress let Bear Sterns go under, pushed a bunch of forced marriages between banks, etc.? Then they bailed out AIG. At the time, I thought: That's strange. What does an insurance company have to do with this crisis? I think I

Rushisms From 3/26/09

2009-03-27 Thread
When Bush was president, the jokes were on him. With Obama, the joke's on us -- and it isn't funny. Obama signed a $500,000 book advance five days before being inaugurated to escape ethics rules and to earn a lot of money before his own tax increase goes into effect. Now, I wonder if President

Do you know what happened this week back in 1850, 159 years ago?

2009-03-22 Thread
Do you know what happened this week back in 1850, 159 years ago? California became a state. The State had no electricity. The State had no money. Almost everyone spoke Spanish. There were gunfights in the streets. So, basically, it was pretty much like California is today except the women

Two Brazilians

2009-03-18 Thread
The Department of Defense briefed the President this morning and told OBAMA that two Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq. To everyone's surprise, all the color drained from Obama's face. Then he collapsed onto his desk, head in his hands, visibly shaken, almost in tears. Finally, he composed


2009-03-13 Thread
Teleprompter will hold a press conference today. There are rumors that Obama will also appear, but there is no confirmation yet. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help see


2009-03-13 Thread
more in Asia »By ANDREW BATSON and ANDREW BROWNE Associated Press Premier Wen Jiabao, right, said China is concerned about the value of its U.S. Treasury holdings. BEIJING -- Premier Wen Jiabao voiced confidence in China's economy, saying his government's finances give it room to

Obama Bear Market’ Punishes Investors as Dow Slumps (That Is Spelled O-b-a-m-a)

2009-03-07 Thread
‘Obama Bear Market’ Punishes Investors as Dow Slumps By Eric Martin March 6 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama now has the distinction of presiding over his own bear market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 20 percent since Inauguration Day through yesterday, the fastest drop under a

Obama #1, Obama #1, Obama #1, Obama #1, Obama #1, Obama #1,

2009-03-07 Thread
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 20 percent since Inauguration Day through yesterday, the fastest drop under a newly elected president in at least 90 years, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The gauge lost 53 percent from its October 2007 record of 14,164.53, slipping 4.1 percent to

Comparing Barack And Abe

2009-03-04 Thread
AS WE ALL HAVE RECENTLY CELEBRATED PRESIDENT'S DAY, IT'S INTERESTING TO NOTE HOW MUCH ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND BARAK OBAMA ARE ALIKE. 1. Lincoln placed his hand on the Bible for his inauguration. Obama used the same Bible. 2. Lincoln came from Illinois. Obama comes from Illinois. 3. Lincoln served

Why Is Barack Obama Sustaining Casualties In Afghanistan? Why Is Barack Obama Fighting In Afghanistan?

2009-03-02 Thread
Why Is Barack Obama Sustaining Casualties In Afghanistan? Why Is Barack Obama Fighting In Afghanistan? Deaths are beginning to accumulate in Afghanistan. What are Barack Obama’s goals for Afghanistan??? What is Obama’s ending point in Afghanistan.? (1) A complete free and Democratic and

Fiscal Respnsibility On $36 Billion a Day - $1.5 Billlion An Hour

2009-02-26 Thread
GOP Chairman Michael Steele was on Hannity tonight and pointed out a great point, Barack Obama has spent $36 BILLION dollars a day since taking office. Just think what $36 Billion adds up to: - 1.5 billion dollars an hour - 25 million dollars a minute - 416 thousand dollars a second Or to put

Fiscal Responsibility OInAn 8500+ Earmark Budget?

2009-02-26 Thread
8500+ Earmarks in New Budget For Next 6 Months = Fiscal Discipline? I wonder what kind of Discipline We Call ( 0 ) Earmarks in a budget --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help see

Re: Republicans vote in Nazi like lock-step opposition to any democratic bills !

2009-02-16 Thread
DEMOCRATS vote in Nazi like lock-step opposition to any REPUBLICAN Options On Feb 16, 8:27 am, liberal mike532 ! wrote: Republicans vote in Nazi  like  lock-step opposition to any democratic bills !

So Which Of These Do You Disagree With???

2009-02-15 Thread
DO YOU MISS THIS GUY? 'Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.'- Ronald Reagan 'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'-Ronald Reagan 'The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just

$78.9 Billion Per Hour - 1.88 Pages Per Minute

2009-02-14 Thread
$78.9 Billion Per Hour - 1.88 Pages Per Minute House of Representatives Members had ten (10) hours to read and digest the stimulus package before voting. This averages out to 1100 pages = 1.88 pages each miniute of the night of February 12-13 ALL NIGHT LONG - No sleep. OR $78.9 Billion

It's now Barack Obama's Economy. May the Obama Economy be as succesful as the Bush Iraq War.

2009-02-14 Thread
It's now Barack Obama's Economy. May the Obama Economy be as succesful as the Bush Iraq War. We must keep in mind ,that during the Iraq War, Democrats did their best to ensure the United States lost Iraq War and as many American Military as possible were wounded and killed so as to embrarrass

A Note From One Of Today's Congress People Who Voted For The Stimulus Package.

2009-02-14 Thread
A Note From One Of Today's Congress sPeople Who Voted For The Stimulus Package. Dear Grand Daughter, I just voted to give you some benefits, today, that I think you will like, that I cannot afford pay for. You and your children will have to pay for these benefits, I am giving you, later on

Re: Bush-Era Offshore Drilling Plan Is Set Aside

2009-02-12 Thread
mikey: May you pay $10 a gallon for your gas. On Feb 12, 5:31�am, liberal mike532 ! wrote: Bush-Era Offshore Drilling Plan Is Set Aside The Obama administration on Tuesday overturned another Bush-era energy policy, setting

Re: A Call to End All Renditions [ it is time for Obama to put up or shut

2009-02-12 Thread
Renditions are for cowards such as Clinton and Obama. Bush dealt with Terrorists lole the MAN he is. Bush placed the Terrorists in GITMO so the entire world could watch and observe wha twas going on there. and watch how the prisoners were treated. On Feb 12, 8:33�am, liberal mike532 !


2009-02-12 Thread

Re: fox [ news?] caught red handed

2009-02-12 Thread
GOLEM = PHONY On Feb 12, 3:34�pm, Keith In Tampa wrote: �On Feb 12, 10:30 am, Golem wrote the following nonsense: I think the new Fairness Doctrine should have a requirement to name products and services in a way that accurately describes its contents. That should be

Re: Barack Obama throws Joe Biden under the bus

2009-02-10 Thread
wncs: What the administration is doing is the best chance bECAUSE it is the only chance it will permit in the arena. On Feb 10, 10:48�am, wncs wrote: Sadly, what Biden said may have some truth in it, although I question his putting an exact numeric percentage on the

America -- What Have You Done? ( A Brit. Questions ? - Got An Answer?)

2009-02-08 Thread
Melanie Phillips President Obama has had, by general consent, a torrid First Fortnight. To put it another way, it has taken precisely two weeks for the illusion that brought him to power to be exposed for the nonsense that it so obviously was. The transformational candidate who

Re: Conspiratorialists and Just Mild Skeptics About 9/11 and Iraq Will Find This a Gripping Hold Onto Your Seats Dramatic Parable, With the Best of BBC Production Values.

2009-02-08 Thread
ZZzzz... On Feb 8, 8:12�am, liberal mike532 ! wrote: � conspiracy theory based on paranoid, mental retardation. by that i take it you mean the bush claims of WMD's in Iraq ! On Feb 8, 8:01�am, Ohio mark

Re: Obama Administration Moves to Heal Rift With Europe

2009-02-07 Thread
Who will defend Europe in world conflicts from now on??? On Feb 7, 9:07�am, swamp fox wrote: Obama Administration Moves to Heal Rift With Europe Ross Colvin, Reuters: US Vice President Joe Biden will seek to break with the unilateralist

Re: Obama Won't O.K. Extraordinary Rendition

2009-02-07 Thread
We each better get our own funerals planned beginning now. On Feb 7, 8:10�am, liberal mike532 ! wrote: Obama Won't O.K. Extraordinary Rendition Pamela Hess, The Associated Press: CIA Director nominee Leon Panetta assured senators

Re: Cheney: worst VP ever?

2009-02-07 Thread
How about Al Gore??? Mr Nobel Prize winning Globla Warming expert could only gain a total of ( 0 ) Senate votes for and ( 97 ) against the signing of the Kyoto Accords when he was vice president? On Feb 6, 11:15�pm, studio wrote: Yep.

Spoiled Brat's Temper Tantrum

2009-02-06 Thread
Listening to The Messiah last night reminded me of a spoiled brat kid having a temper tanrtrum. Getting a stimulus package package passed by a Strongly Democratic House and strongly Democratic Senate with a package that is filled with Democratic Pork should be one of the easiest actions Barack

Re: Rights Groups Say Laws of War Violated in Gaza

2009-02-05 Thread
Winners get al the say. Losers - none of he say. On Feb 5, 7:29�am, liberal mike532 ! wrote: tell me again how you are a veteran ! �do you even know what the UCMJ is ? On Feb 5, 6:45�am, Ohio mark wrote: the only law in war is

Re: Latin America in the Era of Obama

2009-02-05 Thread
Obama can take on Mexico first. It is on the verge of disintegration to its drug lords. On the other hand, Mexico is the primary source of ilegal aliens to become future Democrats - so maybe Obama doesn't care if it disintegrates or not. On Feb 5, 8:37�am, liberal mike532 !

Re: Hey, Republicans, you're going the wrong way!

2009-02-04 Thread
Complaining? Enjoy. On Feb 4, 8:04 am, swamp fox wrote: Hey, Republicans, you're going the wrong way! It seems to me that Republican pols are misreading not only the moment, but more critically, they're still misreading the

Re: Claire McCaskill

2009-02-04 Thread
She should start with honesty and openess in the Presudent's Office and Congress. On Feb 4, 4:58�am, liberal mike532 ! wrote: Claire McCaskill The sign on President Harry Truman's desk that said The buck stops here had more to do with accountability in the executive

Now We Know What It Is Like To Have A President Who Never Worked A Day In His Life - Barack Obnama.

2009-02-04 Thread
Now we know what it is like to have a President who never worked a day in his 47 years of life - Barack Obnama. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help see *

We Need More Teleprompters In The White House

2009-02-04 Thread
Remember how grand Barack Obama sounded when he could read his teleprompter speeches to vast thousands of people in the world/?? Perhaps we need more teleprompters in the White House to tell Obama how to speak and act and think more grandly. Hope and Change sounded so grand when being read

Re: Republicans Whine That Democrats Aren't Taking Their Economic Advice

2009-02-03 Thread
Democrats can take a the credit for the economic disaster they want to bring to country, Mike. Barack will become a dead duck in the water. DONE. On Feb 3, 7:04�am, swamp fox wrote: Republicans Whine That Democrats Aren't Taking Their Economic

Re: What A Difference Ten Days Make . Thank God the GOP is out of power !

2009-02-01 Thread
It has been an awful 13 days with nothing but scare talk being thrown at us. I have already lived through: The Depression WWII Recession of 1959 Recession of 1980-82 This Obama is a real scare monger. BUT We are filling up the national treaury with the income tax payments that Obama's cabinet

Re: Please explain how capitalism is not a failed system

2009-02-01 Thread
Waiting for Lone Wolf to show a proven BETTER SYSTEM. On Feb 1, 5:47 am, rigsy03 wrote: There is no fair system. Yet. On Feb 1, 3:20 am, \Lone Wolf\ wrote: Please explain how capitalism is not a failed system when poverty, war and misery have

Re: Please explain how capitalism is not a failed system

2009-02-01 Thread
LoneWolf: Not defending any system Show a better system??? The people of the world better off today OR in 1820?? More electricity today or 1820? Less starvation today or 1820? Bigger percentage of the world's people starving today? or in 1820? The inventions and advatages of the riches

Hypocryte Barack Obama to keep Renditions

2009-02-01 Thread Rick Moran Rhetoric notwithstanding, Barack Obama does not want a terrorist attack on his watch. Since he and the Democrats decided to politicize the entire war on terror by making it a virtual crime for the president to do much of anything to protect us, he has suddenly

CONGRATULATIONS IRAQ On Your Successfull Elections Yesterday Which Would Not Have Occurred If Senators Obama and Reid Had Their Way In Opposing The Surge As They Voted For More Americans To Be Wound

2009-02-01 Thread
C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S I-R-A-Q !!! Also Congratulations : General David Petraieus AND President George W. Bush It is just a great thing America had better sense than to listen to Harry Reid's and Barack Obama's urgings for more mayhem, and more U.S. troop injuries and kilings. NOW:

Re: Obama Is a Two-Faced Liar. Aw-RIGHT!

2009-01-31 Thread
Withou reading your article, I rtotally agree with your title, mikey. On Jan 31, 7:05�am, swamp fox wrote: �Obama Is a Two-Faced Liar. Aw-RIGHT! Greg Palast, Truthout: Republicans are right. President Barack Obama treated them like dirt,

I hope Obama Fails, too

2009-01-31 Thread Selwyn Duke Ever since President Obama (PBUH) dropped Rush Limbaugh's name recently, the talk-show host has figured prominently in the news. And now he is being attacked by the mainstream press -- and truly odious entities such as MoveOn.borg -- for saying that he wants

Re: I hope Obama Fails, too

2009-01-31 Thread
of Bush Jr. and Ronnie Reagen. When the toilette overrflows then you call a plumber. In the US there is something wrong and your mentor Limbaugh is not the right man to fix it. On Jan 31, 5:56�pm, wrote: Selwyn Duke Ever since President

BUSH Too Big Deficits Got Us Unto This Recession. OBAMA Too Big Deficits Will Get Us Out Of This Recession. How Can Anyone Believe This GARBAGE We Are Being Fed????

2009-01-30 Thread
How can a political party and our president lie to us like this? Democrats blame Bush deficits for the recession and they think even larger deficits will get us out of this recession. We are S--U-C-K-E-R-S all. How does a President Obama ent and the Democrat Party have the nerve to do

Re: Limbaugh is like a troll that lives under the bridge. He spouts his

2009-01-29 Thread
Mikey: Change the radio statuion you listen to. On Jan 29, 7:45�am, swamp fox wrote: Limbaugh is like a troll that lives under the bridge. He spouts his rhetoric and runs back and hides under his bridge Honoring reporters who just can't handle the

Re: Breaking News Alert , not one of the gutless republicans voted for

2009-01-29 Thread
That is great news, Mikey: Democrats can now take 1,000,000% credit for the succes this stuimulus package is sure to bring us all. On Jan 29, 7:34�am, swamp fox wrote: Breaking News Alert , not one of the gutless republicans voted for America ! The New York Times

Re: Breaking News Alert , not one of the gutless republicans voted for

2009-01-29 Thread
stimulus package will bring to a grateful America. On Jan 29, 8:44�am, swamp fox wrote: as i said before that is indeed good news for the democrats . On Jan 29, 8:31�am, wrote: That is great news, Mikey: Democrats can now take 1,000,000

US to guarantee the sovereignty of Iranian Regime? - (Obama Surrender)

2009-01-29 Thread
January 29, 2009 Rick Moran No hope and change for the Iranian people - not if Obama's State Department gets their way regarding a new overture to Tehran. It will apparently take the form of a letter - either addressed directly to Supreme Leader Khamenei or an open letter.

Sure Glad Barack Obama Has Established the Bipartisanhip in Government That George Bush Was Unable To

2009-01-29 Thread
That's all. Nothing More. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help see * Visit our other community at * It's active and

Obama: Heat as I say, Not as I Do - The MMessiah Lives By Different Rules Than He Asks Us To

2009-01-29 Thread
AMERICANTHINKER.COM Marc Sheppard A piece in yesterday's New York Times featured a photo of an Oval Office meeting last week during which President Obama had removed his suit jacket. And while the Times was quick to point out how this break with centuries old tradition was a sign of a more

Re: Obama: Heat as I say, Not as I Do - The MMessiah Lives By Different Rules Than He Asks Us To

2009-01-29 Thread
To the dedicated Socialist, there is always a difference between the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie. On Jan 29, 1:43�pm, wrote: AMERICANTHINKER.COM Marc Sheppard A piece in yesterday's New York Times featured a photo of an Oval Office meeting last week

Re: Obama: Heat as I say, Not as I Do - The MMessiah Lives By Different Rules Than He Asks Us To

2009-01-29 Thread
What's with these Democrats one can't keep his pants on the other can't keep his coat on. On Jan 29, 1:45�pm, wrote: To the dedicated Socialist, there is always a difference between the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie. On Jan 29, 1:43 pm, lewc

Re: Obama: Heat as I say, Not as I Do - The MMessiah Lives By Different Rules Than He Asks Us To

2009-01-29 Thread
? Skinny, really skinny. On Jan 29, 1:43 pm, wrote: AMERICANTHINKER.COM Marc Sheppard A piece in yesterday's New York Times featured a photo of an Oval Office meeting last week during which President Obama had removed his suit jacket. And while the Times

Re: Obama: Heat as I say, Not as I Do - The MMessiah Lives By Different Rules Than He Asks Us To

2009-01-29 Thread
, 2:45 pm, wrote: 0 Republicam votes for stimulus package - Bipartisanship? 0 Europ[ean volunteers to take GITMO prisoners - healin wounds with the world community of nations? The man is a disaster. On Jan 29, 2:05 pm, wncs

Re: Obama: Heat as I say, Not as I Do - The MMessiah Lives By Different Rules Than He Asks Us To

2009-01-29 Thread
wncs: How does Bush's War compare with: 1. FDR's WWII War - 60,000,000 killed? - 440,000 U.S. casualties 2. Harry Trumans' Korean War - 53,00U.S. killed 3. Lyndon Johnson's Vietnam War - 58,000 U.S. casualties On Jan 29, 3:21�pm, wrote: 0 Attacks on U.S

Income Tax Thief, Timothy Geitner Sworn In As Treasury Secretary.

2009-01-27 Thread
Income Tax thief, Timothy Geirner was, last night, sworn in as Barack Obama's Treasury Secretary by Vice President Joseph Biden following a 66-34 Senate Vote. It is unclear what the purpose of the swearing in was as the guy has already ingored his signed signatures attesting to the accuracy of

Re: The New York Times’ Frank Rich: Obama is right—the people are to blame

2009-01-26 Thread
Frank Rich coillecting Unemployment Horay. On Jan 26, 6:39 am, Ohio mark wrote: and people wonder why the nyt is going belly up.  with numbnuts like rich is their any doubt? On Jan 26, 5:21 am, rigsy03 wrote: Thirteen Ways of


2009-01-26 Thread
mikey: Abstinence works every time. On Jan 26, 6:32�am, liberal mike532 ! wrote: abortions and birth control should not only be available on demand they should be paid for with tax money ! On Jan 26, 6:25�am, Ohio mark wrote: Speaker

And on the fifth day, subpoenas were served to Obama's senior staff

2009-01-25 Thread
Sunday, January 25, 2009 On Saturday morning, the list of subpoenas served by the U.S. Attorney's office in the Governor Rod Blagojevich case was made public. The list included one major surprise for the new administration. A veritable who's who of Obama staffers, surrogates


2009-01-24 Thread
Rush pays Obama'ssalary. Obama does not pay Rush's salary. On Jan 24, 7:41�am, Cold Water wrote: So true! �I must say that after eight years of not listening to Rush on the radio, I have started listening to him again. �I was rolling on the floor, belly laughing the

Re: Limbaugh on Obama: I hope he fails::Failing is not an option

2009-01-22 Thread
Mnajo: Why should there have been Liberal bitterness during the Bush Presidency which cused more troops to be wounded and killed in Iraq by giving YTerrorists motivation to attack and, maybe, win? On Jan 22, 12:01�pm, MANOJ wrote: After the election is over, the

Obama Outlaws Legal Interrogation Methods, With An Out - Mr. Symbolism Strikes Again.

2009-01-22 Thread
Patrick Casey President Obama signed a few 'National Security' Executive Orders around noon today, apparently designed to increase the rights of illegal combatants -- terrorists -- that are trying to kill as many of us as possible. They were all remarkable, but perhaps the

That Shrinking Feeling: Time, Newsweek Narrow Their Focus - Bashing Bush Putting Media Out Of Business?

2009-01-21 Thread
By Howard Kurtz Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, January 19, 2009; C01 NEW YORK -- When Rick Stengel joined Time in 1981, every story in progress filled a thick binder -- the reporter's version, the editor's rewritten version, the top editors' version, the fact-checked version -- that would

Re: Bush Mocked As He Arrives on Inauguration Dais

2009-01-21 Thread
Mikey: I agre with you. President Bush gets mocked by Bush haters everywhere. Let's hope Republicans treat Barack Obama with more respect. On Jan 21, 9:01�am, liberal mike532 ! wrote: Bush Mocked As He Arrives on Inauguration Dais The crowd packed on the west side

What Now Barack Obama?

2009-01-21 Thread
Barack Obama is finished with days,weeks,months,years of soaring oratory and grand symbolism as well as comparisons to FDR, Kennedy, Lincoln and Washington. What Now? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help

Re: Obama Has to Hold Bush Accountable for the Laws He Broke

2009-01-20 Thread
Nancy Pelosi and Jay Rockefeller were fully informed of all that went on. On Jan 20, 8:48�am, liberal mike532 ! wrote: bull shite ! On Jan 20, 8:29�am, \Lone Wolf\ wrote: The constitutional and criminal misbehavior of the administration that

President George W. Bush: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - 2,691 Days Of Safety. Thank You.

2009-01-20 Thread
Who would ever have dreamed on September 12, 2001 that the United States would go 2,691 more days without suffering another Terrorist Attack? Probably less than 1% of the U.S. Population. George Bush: You made protecting the United States from Terrorism your primary mission immediately after

President Obama's First Achievement. t

2009-01-20 Thread
President Obama now has the Dow down below 8,000 points --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help see * Visit our other community at

Re: The Failure That was Bush in 8 minute recap of the 8 years by Keith Olbermann

2009-01-19 Thread
President George W. Bush protected and defended VT SEAN for 2,691 consecutive days against Terrorist attacks so he could show us his film of Hate Bush. Thant you President Bush for defending innocent Americans Something Bill Clinton was unable to do throughout his entire 8 year term. On Jan

Re: George Bush's Legacy is the Failure that was Katrina

2009-01-19 Thread
HURRICANE KATRINA was the GREATEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL EVACUATION/ RESCUE EFFORT IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. (Hard to believe? Compare it with other world disasters.) From a March. 2006 Popular Mechanics Study Of Katrina: The response to Hurricane Katrina was, by far, the largest and fastest

Re: Blackwell: GOP Must Defeat Job-Creating Stimulus Because It Will Ruin GOP’s Election Chances. In Short, Republicans Want Americans to Remain Jobless.

2009-01-18 Thread
The purpose for taxes is to raise money to pay government expenses - NOT Social engineering. The rich are paying 95% of the Federal Income Taxes now. On Jan 17, 11:23 pm, Gonzo wrote: Trickle down economics only creates a nation of peeons. The way you get jobs created is

Experience does Count

2009-01-17 Thread
Otis A. Glazebrook IV For well over two years the Democrat Party and the mainstream media have relentlessly tried to make the case that experience and character don't count. The leader of the free world is actually an entry-level position. All that matters is hope and

Dennis Miller: Waterboarding Terrorists is ‘Heaven-Sent,’ Feels ‘Privileged’ Bush Was President

2009-01-17 Thread By Brad Wilmouth (Bio | Archive) January 16, 2009 - 16:59 ET On Wednesday’s The O’Reilly Factor, during the show’s regular Miller Time segment, Dennis Miller defended the practice of waterboarding terrorists to save the lives of Americans, calling the technique heaven-sent.

Congratulations President George W. Bush for keeping Innocent Americans Safe From Terrroist Attack For 2,689 Consecutive Days Beginning September 12, 2001. Who Could Have Thought??

2009-01-17 Thread
Thank you, President Bush for saving the innocents of the United States from Terrorism. --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help see * Visit our other community

Re: Congratulations President George W. Bush for keeping Innocent Americans Safe From Terrroist Attack For 2,689 Consecutive Days Beginning September 12, 2001. Who Could Have Thought??

2009-01-17 Thread wrote: Thank you, President Bush for saving the innocents of the United States from Terrorism.- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help

Re: A message for Humanity

2009-01-17 Thread
Why did Hamas launch all those rockets into Israel to start thi smess On Jan 17, 4:54�am, Justice denied wrote: *A message for Humanity ** *Oh , man .. Wherever you are , and however you are .. You are a HUMAN , having eyes , heart and mind .. Look

Re: Congratulations President George W. Bush for keeping Innocent Americans Safe From Terrroist Attack For 2,689 Consecutive Days Beginning September 12, 2001. Who Could Have Thought??

2009-01-17 Thread
at will. On Jan 17, 9:06�am, wrote: Bill Clinton's record for a similar amount of time: 1. �The first World Trade Center bombings on February 26, 1993. - Killing 6 and injuring 1046 2. �20 marines killed by Terrorists �in Somalia. �Terrorist Attacks

Re: Congratulations President George W. Bush for keeping Innocent Americans Safe From Terrroist Attack For 2,689 Consecutive Days Beginning September 12, 2001. Who Could Have Thought??

2009-01-17 Thread
:38�am, studio wrote: On Jan 17, 9:06�am, wrote: Bill Clinton's record for a similar amount of time: 8. �9/11/2001 Twin Towers downed and the Pentagon attacked 3,000 Americans killed. Terrorism continues Clinton wasn't President, and Bush

Re: Congratulations President George W. Bush for keeping Innocent Americans Safe From Terrroist Attack For 2,689 Consecutive Days Beginning September 12, 2001. Who Could Have Thought??

2009-01-17 Thread
Americans. On Jan 17, 12:24�pm, studio wrote: On Jan 17, 11:13�am, wrote: You are alive as all innocent SAmericans have been protected by the efforts of George W. Bush for 2,689 consecutive days. Tell that to the 500% increase in worldwide terrorism

Thank You George W. Bush For 2,687 Consecurive Days Of Innocent Americans Being Free From Terrorist Attack

2009-01-15 Thread
That about sums it up 2,687 days free from Terrorist attack. Thank You George W. Bush --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google Groups. For options help see * Visit our other community

Re: Thank You George W. Bush For 2,687 Consecurive Days Of Innocent Americans Being Free From Terrorist Attack

2009-01-15 Thread
Looks like Afghanistan and Iraq were the right places to go to stem Terrorism On Jan 15, 7:32�am, rigsy03 wrote: Amen. On Jan 15, 6:28 am, wrote: That about sums it up 2,687 days free from Terrorist attack. Thank You George W. Bush

Re: The member formerly known as Fritz_da_Cat

2009-01-15 Thread
Gonzo as stupid as Fritz was? On Jan 15, 8:11�am, Mrs. Rabbit wrote: Yep, that's exactly who I thought of too! �Only in my mind, Gonzo was playing the Gong Show, but the theme song was loud and clear! Oh my, that nose. =D Gee, The Muppet Show is one of my old

Re: Maryland: As State Increased School Aid, Grades Went Up

2009-01-15 Thread
Why does't that work in Chicago and Washington. It is a dismal failure there. More money = dismal performance. On Jan 15, 9:05�am, liberal mike532 ! wrote: Maryland: As State Increased School Aid, Grades Went Up Liz Bowie, The

Re: 'History News Network' rated Bush the worst president in the nation's

2009-01-14 Thread
History Channel? Bush is still current events. Wonder what the Hostory Channel wil say in 50 years when Bush is history. The Loons can't even pcae Clinton's achievements above Bush - to say nothing of Jimmy Carter. The Loons don't even try. On Jan 14, 10:54�am, wncs

Time for the GOP to Focus on Democrat Corruption

2009-01-13 Thread By AWR Hawkins The Democratic Party holds to three major rules concerning politics in this country: 1. Democrats make mistakes, Republicans commit crimes. 2. Republicans are not allowed to harp on Democrat mistakes but Democrats are free to confront Republicans over the

U.S. Worksite Fatalities Falls to Historic Low - Congtaulations Geogre W. Bush.

2009-01-12 Thread
Labor Dept: Fewer Workers Killed on Job in 2007 Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Washington - The number of U.S. workers killed on the job has dropped to a historic low. A government report released Wednesday shows there were 5,488 fatal work injuries last year. That's the lowest number

Re: Obama Team, Rep. Frank Eye Bailout Fund Overhaul

2009-01-11 Thread
Good man Barney Frank He was tone of th emajor causes of the problem he is about to fix - His lack of oversight of the banking p[roblem by HIS Congresional Banking Committee. May he can solve the problem from jail. On Jan 11, 5:20�am, florida mike ! wrote: Obama Team,

Irrelevant world governing body treated as such by Israel

2009-01-10 Thread Rick Moran Did you hear that the United Nations Security Council voted 14-0, ordering Israel to cease fire immediately. That's immediately as in, right now, chop-chop, Halt in the name of the crown, I say... As if. Israel is to keep up its offensive in the Gaza Strip

CNN Omits Democratic Party Affiliation of Indicted Baltimore Mayor (Along With Franken,Richardson. Beglojevich)

2009-01-10 Thread By Matthew Balan (Bio | Archive) January 9, 2009 - 15:56 ET During a breaking news brief on Friday’s Newsroom program, CNN anchor Kyra Phillips failed to identify the party affiliation of Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon, a Democrat, who earlier in the day had been indicted on 12

Re: Irrelevant world governing body treated as such by Israel

2009-01-10 Thread
Iraq and Israel did the right thing by ignoring the UN ? On Jan 10, 7:16�am, wrote: Rick Moran Did you hear that the United Nations Security Council voted 14-0, ordering Israel to cease fire immediately. That's immediately

What A Great Idea.

2009-01-08 Thread
Remember what the car companies were told? They were told by the government to put together a plan that showed how they would become solvent. Well, where's that same plan to make the United States solvent? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ Thanks for being part of

Re: What A Great Idea.

2009-01-08 Thread
... On Jan 8, 6:28�am, wrote: Remember what the car companies were told? They were told by the government to put together a plan that showed how they would become solvent. Well, where's that same plan to make the United States solvent?- Hide quoted text

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