*Establishment Republicans Endorse The Communist Party*

Aug 31, 2017 <https://newswithviews.com/author/davidr/>

*by David R. Usher <https://newswithviews.com/author/davidr/>*

A shocking event took place after the University of Virginia
Charlottesville protests.  Establishment Republicans including Mitt Romney
John McCain
Paul Ryan <http://www.wnd.com/2017/08/ryan-plays-the-race-card-on-trump/>,
Gary Cohn
Fox C.E.O. James Murdoch,
many other Republicans endorsed Antifa, the radical paramilitary wing of
the Hitler-era Communist Party

It all began with President Trump correctly saying “I think there is blame
on both sides. You look at both sides.  I think there is blame on both
sides,” …. “You also had some very fine people on both sides”. President
Trump understands that the main players in the recent spate of protests are
Leftists and Anarchists — a fact also noticed by observant writer Dave

Antifa aggressively calls for “pre-emptive violence
<http://the1a.org/shows/2017-08-21/the-antifa-handbook>”, including gun
violence, property seizures, and “all out revolution
Antifa appears to be the unofficial “jackboots” of the Communist Party
U.S.A  (but liberals refuse to admit it
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifaschistische_Aktion> yet).   The CPUSA
party platform boldly endorses violence
<http://www.cpusa.org/party_info/party-program/> to achieve party goals.
There is some evidence that Antifa may also be a multipurpose ACLU tool to
paint immigration enforcement as fascist
Antifa is the Alt-Left, not the Alt-Right, as falsely alleged by the
Southern Poverty Law Center

So who were the “very fine people” on both sides?   I attended Knox
College with
John Podesta
in the radical days of the early 1970’s.  Our campus was occasionally
lively due to Saul Alinsky community-organizing military exercises
(seizing and “liberating” a large Freshman women’s dormitory was one of
them).  Whenever something happened, a lot of us normal college kids not
caught up in “Revolution for the Hell of It
went to see what was going on.  My friends were mostly unimpressed and
though the ruckus to be rather idiotic.

Who are the Leftists raising “Cain” all over the country?  They range from
socialist, Marxist, Communist, to Fascist.   They are all headed for Hell,
but fight about the best way to get there.

White supremacist leader Jason Kessler, a leader of the Occupy movement and
leftist organizer, ran a chat server and was aware of the plan to run over
Charlottesville protesters
Leftist street gangs such as Identity Europa, Traditionalist Worker Party,
& Vanguard America were instructed to take orders from Kessler.

Richard Spencer presides over groups of white nationalists at these events
with folks waving Confederate or “Kek”
<http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/kekistan> flags (an imaginary Egyptian
throwback based on the Nazi flag).  Confederates are leftist, but these
“confederates” are also hard-core Marxist.

The radicals at these staged university protests have four things in
common.  They are leftists, mostly men, mostly white, and often feminist.
They are powerless liberal males scrambling for power in a Democrat party
that has been controlled by radical feminists for decades.  But where are
the women?   Campus feminists are the organizers.  Feminists also organized
Occupy, Black Lives Matters, gay marriage, lesbian rights, transgender,
Ferguson, Baltimore, and hundreds of other viral power memes since the
early 1960’s.   Feminists control every piece of the campus pie via the
campus “Students Against Sexism” office, a funded conglomerate of all
things Leftist on campus.

With the rise of Donald Trump, feminists have seen a string of recent
failures.   Illegal immigration went down in flames.  Black Lives Matter,
the U.V.A./Rolling Stone fake rape power grab, and transgender hijacking
of administrative policy backfired badly.   Campus feminists (especially at
U.V.A) are  rattling cages to ensure continuing chokehold control of

Marxists have been steadily goose-stepping across the United States since
the 1930’s
and now have control of our major institutions.  Race, sex, gender, and
economic disparity are their lightsabers – all of which have been swung
full-force since Donald Trump entered the Presidential arena.   The
powerful feminist grip on politics, academics, law, psychology, government,
military, and most notably “the swamp” (which revolves around feminist
policy) is threatened by President Trump.   That makes our quivering claque
of politically-correct feminist Republicans very nervous.

The rise of multi-issue Marxist/Communist/Fascist/”Anti-fascist” protests
has been very effective keeping the President and Republicans disoriented,
distracted, divided, and conquered.   We must strictly and quietly enforce
federal protest laws, ignore the hysterics, and they will go home.

House and Senate Republicans are making a fatal mistake opposing President
Trump.  The “swamp” is run by liberals who will never vote Republican no
matter how much money we throw at them.  Trump is a wizard dealing with
political correctness.   Liberals threw the book and him and lost.
Republicans should trust the President and stay out of these necessary
battles with the “alt-swamp”.

The Republican base is very unhappy with Congress
<https://www.axios.com/gop-approval-pol-2475814548.html>.  Republicans will
be facing an angry and vindictive voter base in 2018 and 2020 if they
continue sandbagging the President.  Republicans are repeating history –
they foolishly lost the House and Senate in 2006 and gave Obama a truculent
victory in 2008 because they achieved nothing impressive with the 1994
Republican landslide.   Republicans are in far worse shape today because
the only people they are making happy are Democrats.

Removing disruptive illegal immigrants is a minor problem compared to
extensive internal damage to society, government, and law wrought by
revolutionary radical feminists in government and law.  In “The New
Politics of Sex <https://www.amazon.com/dp/1621382877>”, Dr. Stephen
Baskerville proves that *“The potential of sexual politics therefore is not
the extremists, but the steady erosion of family integrity, personal
privacy, critical thought, and civic freedom, through the relentless
politicization of private life by an ideology to which we are now so
acculturated that we are largely immune from realizing its effects”. *

I urge President Trump and Congress to de-fund and dismantle feminist
control over academics and law schools.  Women’s studies, *women’s
interdisciplinary studies*, women’s jurisprudence sections, racial studies,
psychology, and media are implicitly discriminatory sexist institutions
causing widespread anomie.  This Machinery is how Marxists seized control
of everything from our universities to the  Supreme Court.   They are the
radical Leftists who replaced marriage with big government  — the primary
factor killing the American family — driving uncontrolled deficit spending
and high taxes
<http://www.wnd.com/2014/09/who-killed-the-american-family-2/>.  The
Fascist Feminist Revolution
must be “deported” to Make America Great Again.



Posted by: "Beowulf" <beow...@westerndefense.net>

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