Rand Paul Reveals His True Colors and Destroys Himself

By Roger L. Simon

[image: Description: rand_paul_dmv_homepage_5-27-15-1]
(AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

It’s not often a man you believe one of the few worthy of a Nobel Peace
Prize, if that award were even halfway honest, reaches out to you on
Twitter, but that is what happened to me Wednesday evening when the
courageous Dr. Zuhdi Jasser <>
posted the following:

@rogerlsimon can you please please write a column now asking @RandPaul
<> to withdraw? "Paul:GOP hawks ‘created’ ISIS"

The link is to an Associated Press article headlined “Rand Paul Says GOP
Hawks ‘Created’ ISIS
Dr. Jasser had obviously read my posting of Tuesday, “Jeb Should Withdraw
to Save the Country from Hillary
<>.” He wanted
me to do the same for Rand. (In fairness to Jeb, my earlier post was meant
to prod him to an altruistic, patriotic act.  In the case of Rand, it would
be because he had, as Bobby Jindal is quoted as saying by the AP,
disqualified himself.)

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul is blaming his own party for
the rise of the Islamic State group.

The freshman senator from Kentucky said Wednesday that the GOP’s foreign
policy hawks “created these people.” That assertion led potential 2016
rival Bobby Jindal, Louisiana’s governor, to say Paul was unqualified to be

The Islamic State group, commonly referred to as ISIS, has seized one-third
of Iraq and Syria
in recent days made gains in central Iraq

“ISIS exists and grew stronger because of the hawks in our party who gave
arms indiscriminately,” Paul said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” He continued:
“They created these people. ISIS is all over Libya because these same hawks
in my party loved – they loved Hillary Clinton’s war in Libya. They just
wanted more of it.”

Alas Rand (I had higher hopes for him), like father Ron, has a
mega-chauvanistic view of the world.  The USA is so big and strong it
causes everything, including, at one point, 9-11, and now ISIS, if you can
believe that. Never mind that the Islamic State is just another avatar of
Islamic imperialism’s desire for a world caliphate that has been going on
for centuries, long before our country was in existence — the Battle of
Tours (732), the Siege of Vienna (1683) and on and on. The violence has
been there forever, too.  As any literate person knows, it’s in the Koran
and the Hadith.  Beheadings were part of Mohammed’s game plan. It’s what he
did and what he called for. This was not invented by a cabal of neocons in
Chevy Chase, Maryland, in 2003.

And of course ISIS is part of a straight line that goes from the Muslim
Brotherhood (founded in Egypt in 1928, long before the current crop of
Republicans were even alive) to Al Qaeda via Zawahiri and on into the
modern age with ISIS, all working from the same ideological playbook, as
are Boko Haram, Hamas, al Shabab, al Nusra, etc., etc.

Rand, again like father Ron, is essentially racist in blaming this on
America and not recognizing other cultures have belief systems to which
they truly adhere and that those belief systems may be dangerous, even
evil.  America did not evolve Islamist ideology anymore than it did Nazism,
but the Islamists have the potential to wreak just as much havoc if they
are not stopped.   I don’t blame Dr. Jasser for being upset. I’d be
furious.  People like him, at immense personal risk, have been working for
the necessary reform of Islam every waking moment of their lives.

Ironically, Rand is overtly or covertly the ally of Barack Obama, who does
not take the Islamists’ ideology seriously either, because to POTUS all
things are America’s fault.  (Maybe Rand should go on an apology tour of
his own.)  Interestingly, just now, it is being reported that 29 more
Christians have been hacked to death
in Nigeria.  Was that our fault too?  Well, yes, if we continue to do
nothing about it.  With a Rand Paul in the White House, it’s almost certain
that we won’t.  I’m with Bobby Jindal on this one. I’ve lost it with Rand.
Too bad.  He has some interesting ideas for domestic policy.  But with the
Middle East going nuclear, he’d be too much of a risk.

Posted by: "Beowulf" <>

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