This totally mystifies me. The basic premise is that the Arkansas Democrat was now printing the race of the criminals who are raping or mugging or attacking people in the area and the question is whether they should do this or not. Nobody, least of all me, said anything about only printing this when the criminal is non-white and yet the responder immediately jumped on the idea that the racial description is all too often used only when the alleged criminal is not white. I bet the victims are feeling all warm and fuzzy because they were attacked by someone and the race cannot be printed because potentially white criminals would not be identified as such while all others would be. And the source of this story is a Journalism School - the Poynter Journalism School in Florida. Sorry but their logic truly escapes me totally.

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Rod Paul wrote, in response to rhomp2002:

Because, as in your own examples, the racial description all too often is used 
only when the alleged criminal is not White.

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rhomp2002 wrote:

I fail to see why this would be controversial at all.  If you have a rapist out 
there and he is Chinese or Hispanic or African American, then say so.  
Otherwise all the women would be scared to talk to anyone at all.  It just 
seems stupid to say that a man around 6 feet tall and weighing 180 lb raped 5 
women in a neighborhood and then not say that he was African American could not 
be more stupid IMNSHO.  You need to give people the information they need to 
deal with what is out there on the street.

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