THANK GOD for GOVERNMENT INSPECTORS because you know damn well that
private, for-profit corporations DO NOT police themselves!


Inspectors found problems persisted at Pasadena psychiatric hospital

Government regulators have documented numerous failures in patient
care at Las Encinas within the last year.

By Rong-Gong Lin II

March 3, 2009

Those seeking treatment at Aurora Las Encinas Hospital pass through
manicured gardens on their way to a facility that costs as much as
$1,400 a night. For the money, the private Pasadena psychiatric
hospital promises world-renowned care and privacy, with a decades-long
reputation for service to the rich and famous.

In the last year, however, Las Encinas has been inspected at least six
times by government regulators who have documented numerous failures
in patient care, The Times has found. Despite hospital officials'
promises to fix deficiencies, many of the same problems were found by
inspectors when they went back late last year to check on progress at
the facility.

Among significant problems reported in documents newly released to The

* A 26-year-old patient died in 2006 after staffers failed to check on
him for 24 hours, despite a doctor's orders that he be monitored "very
closely." The circumstances are very similar to a death reported last
year by The Times. In both cases, Las Encinas mental health workers
falsified logs to show that the patients had been checked every 15
minutes, according to government inspection reports.

* An internal memo indicates that hospital administrators knew last
May that they had a problem with people sleeping at work. Diane Hobbs,
the facility's nursing director, warned staffers they could be fired
if caught. Three months later, law enforcement officials told The
Times that a 14-year-old female patient had been raped by a 16-year-
old patient while hospital workers and the suspect's probation officer
slept nearby. Prosecutors have charged the boy with rape, and he will
be tried as an adult.

* A 10-year-old boy was exposed to "cursing language as well as
sexually explicit language" in a group session after he was placed in
a program intended for 12- to 17-year-olds. He had been admitted for
treatment after attacking his brother and threatening to jump out of a
second-story window. Hospital officials admitted they erred in the

* Doctors allowed a patient to remain at the hospital's expensive and
exclusive Two South unit -- which offered concierge service and a
personal attendant -- even though she was no longer receiving
psychiatric care. A doctor told inspectors in October that the
patient, who began treatment 10 months earlier for depression and
alcohol abuse, "was not acutely mentally ill" but "had the resources"
to continue staying at the hospital in order to meet the terms of a
court order.

* No translator was provided for a 79-year-old Vietnamese-speaking
woman during group sessions and numerous other assessments, meaning
that the woman, who had hallucinations, had never been fully evaluated
and went without treatment.

"I stay in my room. I haven't gone to any groups because I don't
understand English," she told inspectors. Her son reported that at one
point, a nurse called him by phone so he could "ask my mother why she
was lying on the floor."

Her case was documented by regulators after a surprise inspection of
Las Encinas in late October. The inspection was done after the deaths
of three patients in five months and after the reported rape of the
teenage patient. The Times reported those incidents last summer.

Inspectors also faulted the hospital for using pre-printed generic
treatment plans for some patients and failing to document neurological
testing in others.

Regulators put Las Encinas officials on notice that the facility was
in danger of losing Medicaid and Medicare funding if the problems

In a plan of correction filed Dec. 11, Linda Parks, the hospital's
chief executive, promised to correct the deficiencies. Among the steps
she said had already been taken: "The facility posted a notice in
their lobby informing the public that interpretive services will be
arranged for patients free of charge."
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