
A law firm that defends and promotes America's Christian heritage has filed
suit against Marine officials on a behalf of a veteran who was ordered not
to express his opposition to Islamic terrorism while driving on military

Jesse Nieto is a 25-year Marine veteran who served two tours of duty in
Vietnam. His youngest son, Marc, was one of 17 service members killed on
October 12, 2000 by Islamic terrorists who bombed the USS Cole. Since 2001,
Nieto -- who is now a civilian employee at Camp LeJeune, North Carolina --
has displayed various decals on his vehicle expressing anti-terrorist
sentiments such as "Islam = Terrorism" and "We Died, They Rejoiced."

Jesse Nieto loyally served America as a Marine for 25 years - including 2
combat tours in Vietnam.  And as a father, he gave our Nation his most
precious possession -- his son, Marc.

Marc and 16 of his Navy shipmates were killed when Islamic terrorists bombed
the USS Cole on October 12, 2000.  Ever since, Nieto has displayed various
decals on his vehicle expressing anti-terrorist sentiments.  These decals
contain messages such as: "*Remember the Cole: 12 Oct 2000*," "*No Quarter
Islamic Terrorist*," and "*We Died, They Rejoiced*."
This summer, the Marine command at Camp Lejeune - for whom Jesse Nieto
currently works - *ordered him to stop expressing his opposition to Islamic
terrorism* - *the very Islamic terrorism that killed his son. *
 Jesse Nieto refused to be silenced; he refused to dishonor the death of his

On July 31, 2008, two military police officers (MPs) issued Nieto a ticket
for displaying *"offensive material."*

Nieto refused to remove the "offensive" decals from his vehicle.  Two weeks
later, *the Base Magistrate ordered him in writing to remove his vehicle
from the base until all decals were removed.*  He further *banned Nieto's
vehicle from all other federal installations.*
*GET THIS:* *The order prevents Nieto from driving his vehicle to Arlington
National Cemetery (a federal installation) to visit the grave of his fallen
son. *

Jesse asked the Thomas More Law Center for help.

The Thomas More Law Center is a national, nonprofit public interest law firm
based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  After conducting an investigation into the
matter, the Thomas More Law Center filed a federal lawsuit against the Camp
Lejeune Commanding Officer and the Base Magistrate.  The civil rights
lawsuit challenges the military's ban on Nieto's anti-terrorist decals on
the grounds that it violates his constitutional rights to freedom of speech
and the equal protection of the law.

The Law Center's investigation revealed that numerous vehicles are permitted
on the Base that display a variety of anti-Christian, sexual, commercial and
personal messages.  Furthermore, according to information provided to the
Law Center pursuant to a Freedom of Information Request, the directive under
which Nieto's decals have been banned has not been enforced at Camp Lejuene
for the last 5 years.

*So why are they banning decals that express opposition to Islamic

The banning of these decals is political correctness run amuck in the
military.  Our troops are being killed by Islamic terrorists, 9/11 was
caused by Islamic terrorists, Islamic terrorists want to destroy America,
Islamic nations persecute Christians, and *now the Marine command at Camp
Lejuene is victimizing a father whose son was killed by Islamic terrorists
while serving our nation.** *

Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law
says on July 31, 2008, two military police officers issued Nieto a ticket
for displaying what they described as "offensive material."

"They decide to make an example of him, issue a ticket, force him to take
off the decals -- and then say if you keep any decals on your vehicle that
have anything to do with the Islamic terrorists, you can't drive your
vehicle on any federal installation," says the attorney.

Thompson says the ban also prohibits his client from driving his vehicle
into Arlington National Cemetery to visit the grave of his fallen son.

The lawsuit alleges that military officials have engaged in viewpoint
discrimination, noting that other individuals are allowed to display
anti-Christian decals of a similar nature on vehicles driving onto the

"That's the Darwin fish that they have, which is an anti-Christian decal,"
says the Law Center president. "They're permitting those. But they are
saying anything that smacks of criticism of radical Islam -- that is, the
terrorists -- we're not going to allow."

Thompson describes the case as political correctness run amok.

"I suspect the next thing the Marine command will want to do is eliminate
the Marine's Hymn since the phrase 'to the shores of Tripoli' celebrates the
Marine victory over Islamic forces in the Barbary Coast War and the Battle
of Derne," he states in a press release.

The Thompson Law Center:'s%20Right%20to%20Battle%20Islamic%20Terrorism

Michael Savage On The Nieto Case:

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