From Market Economy to Political Economy By Charles Krauthammer

Friday, November 28, 2008

"[O]ne kind of economic distortion ... will come from the political
directives issued by newly empowered politicians. First, bank presidents are
gravely warned by one senator after another about 'hoarding' their bailout
money. But hoarding is another word for recapitalizing to shore up your
balance sheet to ensure solvency. Is that not the fiduciary responsibility
of bank directors? And isn't pushing money out the window with too little
capital precisely the lending laxity that produced this crisis in the first
place? Never mind. The banks will knuckle under to the commissars of Capitol
Hill. They control the purse. Prudence will yield to politics. Even more
egregious will be the directives to a nationalized Detroit. Sen. Charles
Schumer, the noted automotive engineer, declared 'unacceptable' last week 'a
business model based on gas.' Instead, 'We need a business model based on
cars of the future, and we already know what that future is: the plug-in
hybrid electric car.' The Chevy Volt, for example? It has huge remaining
technological hurdles, gets 40 miles on a charge and will sell for about
$40,000, necessitating a $7,500 outright government subsidy. Who but the
rich and politically correct will choose that over a $12,000 gas-powered
Hyundai? The new Detroit churning out Schumer-mobiles will make the steel
mills of the Soviet Union look the model of efficiency. The ruling Democrats
have a choice: Rescue this economy to return it to market control. Or use
this crisis to seize the commanding heights of the economy for the greater
social good. Note: The latter has already been tried. The results are filed
under 'History, ash heap of.' "

--columnist Charles Krauthammer

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