With Democrats targeting talk-show host Rush Limbaugh as the de facto
head of the Republican Party, the radio giant is now inviting
President Barack Obama on his show for a face-to-face debate about
policies important to America's future.

"I am offering President Obama to come on this program without
staffers, without a teleprompter, without note cards to debate me on
the issues," Limbaugh said on his program today.

"Let's talk about free markets versus government control. Let's talk
about nationalizing health care and raising taxes on small
business. ... Let's talk about illegal immigration and lawlessness on
the borders. Let's talk about massive deficits and the destroying the
opportunities of future generations."

The offer comes in the wake of a published report by the Politico
stating White House insiders have been targeting the No. 1 rated host
now that President Bush is out of office.

Limbaugh said the debate could take place without spending a single
dime of taxpayer money, offering to fly Obama to South Florida at the
host's own expense, lodge him at the five-star Breakers Hotel in Palm
Beach, and even feed him $100-a-pound beef.

"If you take me out," Limbaugh said addressing Obama directly, "if you
can wipe me out in a debate and prove to the rest of America that what
I say is senseless and wrong, do you realize you will own the United
States of America? You will have no opposition."

Regarding his being placed on a so-called "enemies list," Limbaugh
offered this analysis:

"It's amazing. In 1972, Richard Nixon had an enemies list, and the
media was outraged by this.  They were outraged. At the same time,
those who weren't on it were a little jealous. But they were outraged
that a president would engage in this kind of behavior toward the
media. Now they go after a private citizen. Rahm Emanuel is leading
the team going after a private citizen, and the Drive-By Media
applaud, get on board and help further the mission. We live in
different times."

Limbaugh has verbally slammed the economic stimulus plan of  Obama and
the Democrat-led Congress, calling it an assault on capitalism
intentionally designed to harm the private sector and lead to bigger

"This is a full-fledged attack on capitalism, and the leftist
Democrats have been seeking this for the longest time," Limbaugh said.
"That's why they can't stop themselves. It is Christmas morning every
day for these people. There's nobody that can stop them."

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