Harold posted: "Charlie Daniels 8/7/2017 Source ..... Politics is no longer
public service. It is a jaded, high stakes game, played by power drunk
career politicians who have only two priorities in their lives, and the
prosperity and security of the United Stat"
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New post on *ACGR's "News with Attitude"*
<https://a4cgr.wordpress.com/author/amcogore/> Politics Is No Longer
Public Service <https://a4cgr.wordpress.com/2017/08/10/06-1150/> by Harold

Charlie Daniels 8/7/2017 Source ..... Politics is no longer public service.
It is a jaded, high stakes game, played by power drunk career politicians
who have only two priorities in their lives, and the prosperity and
security of the United States is not one of them. Reelection and power have
taken the place of patriotism […]

Read more of this post <https://a4cgr.wordpress.com/2017/08/10/06-1150/>
*Harold <https://a4cgr.wordpress.com/author/amcogore/>* | August 10, 2017
at 12:26 pm | Categories: Corporatism
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Comment <https://a4cgr.wordpress.com/2017/08/10/06-1150/#respond>    See
all comments <https://a4cgr.wordpress.com/2017/08/10/06-1150/#comments>

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