
Hillary Clinton: Basket Case

Posted on: *September 17, 2016*

Description: Deplorable Hillary Clinton]Who really belongs in the basket of

Michael Cutler | FrontPage Mag <>

On September 10, 2016 Fox News reported, “Clinton: Half Of Trump Supporters
‘Basket Of Deplorables’ — ‘Racist, Sexist…You Name It.’

This is the same Hillary Clinton whose campaign slogan, “Stronger Together”
clearly does not include Americans who support Donald Trump and the
effective enforcement of our immigration laws.

[image: Description: Quantcast]

My recent article “Balkanized America: Politicians, pollsters, and pundits
are all responsible for the nation’s division
<>” addressed the way
that Americans are being turned against each other by flawed polls and the
disgusting notion that voters’ desires are determined by their race,
religion or ethnicity.

This is the parallel universe of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and their
immigration anarchist cohorts wherein “Latino voters” supposedly oppose
border security and effective immigration law enforcement.

To suggest that the conduct, goals and aspirations of Americans can be
predicted solely by their race is, by definition, a blatant example of
racism.  This constitutes a vile form of profiling that would never be and
should never be tolerated if done by law enforcement officers.

Furthermore, Hillary labels anyone who wants our borders secured and
immigration laws enforced as xenophobic and racist, blithely ignoring the
irrefutable fact that our immigration laws are utterly and completely blind
as to race, religion and ethnicity.

America’s immigration laws were enacted to protect public health, national
security, public safety and the jobs of American workers.

While Clinton brands as “racists’ those who understand the truth that our
nation’s borders and immigration laws are our first line and last line of
defense against international terrorists and transnational criminals and
who therefore want our borders secured and our immigration laws enforced,
in reality, *she* is actually the racist.

Furthermore, Americans who want our immigration laws enforced are not
“anti-immigrant” as Hillary would have Americans believe, but are simply
“pro-enforcement.”  To be pro-enforcement is to be “pro-immigrant.”  Under
our immigration laws, the United States admits annually roughly one million
lawful immigrants.  The number of new immigrants the United States admits
each year is greater than the number of new immigrants admitted by all of
the other countries of the world *combined*.

These immigrants are immediately placed on the pathway to United States
citizenship and are issued Alien Registration Receipt Cards (Green Cards)
to signify their immigration status.

Under our immigration laws hundreds of thousands of lawful immigrants each
year acquire United States citizenship via the naturalization process.

It defies reason to deem those who support the immigration laws under which
one million aliens legally immigrate to America annually as

Hillary Clinton has used false assertions about the necessity of securing
America’s borders and effectively enforcing our immigration laws to attack
Donald Trump and those who agree with him about the immigration crisis.

In reality, failures of the Obama administration, and those that preceded
it, to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws have facilitated
terror attacks, enabled members of ethnic criminal gangs to flood
neighborhoods across America and flooded communities with heroin and other
illegal drugs.

Those ethnic immigrant gangs pose a threat to everyone but they pose the
greatest threat to the safety and well-being of the residents of those
ethnic immigrant communities where these aliens ply their violent trades.
This is true for all such communities whose residents come from all over
the world.

These failures and lack of integrity of the immigration system resulted in
a massive influx of foreign workers who have displaced millions of American
workers and driven down the wages of those who still have jobs.

In a very real sense, Obama and Hillary Clinton have weaponized the
compassion of Americans where immigration is concerned, to convince
Americans to support open borders and policies that would undermine
national security, public safety and the overall well-being of Americans.

She has aimed that weapon against Donald Trump and his supporters because
they understand the true significance of America’s borders and immigration

In Clinton’s parallel universe, anyone who would bar entry of aliens into
the United States for any reason is a bigot, a xenophobe or a hater who
sits in her mythical “basket of deplorables.”

For Hillary though, facts and the truth are impediments to her goals.

The former Secretary of State must know what is contained in the
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).  The State Department is responsible
for issuing visas to foreign nationals who seek to enter the United
States.  Title 8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens
is the section of the INA that guides the visa process.

The official website of the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs
<>, the division of
the State Department that is charged with issuing visas for foreign
nationals, contains the following pithy mission statement:

We protect the lives and interests of American citizens abroad and
strengthen the security of United States borders through vigilant
adjudication of visas and passports.

Hillary Clinton has promised to provide unknown millions of illegal aliens
with lawful status.  These are illegal aliens who evaded the inspections
process conducted at ports of entry altogether by entering the United
States without inspection.  She refers to them as “undocumented.”  In
reality they are un-vetted.

There would be no resources to conduct in-person interviews or field
investigations of these millions of aliens to determine their true
identities, including their true backgrounds or possible affiliations with
criminal or terrorist organizations.  It would even be impossible to
determine when they actually entered the United States.

Clinton is not alone in weaponizing the compassion of Americans where
immigration is concerned.  Terror operatives of ISIS, al-Qaeda and other
terror organizations have used the immigration system as a means of
entering the United States and embedding themselves in preparation for
deadly terror attacks.

Yet Hillary Clinton has promised (threatened?) to increase the number of
refugees that America would accept by more than 500%.  On September 20,
2015 CBS New’s Face the Nation reported, “*Hillary Clinton: U.S. should
take 65,000 Syrian refugees*

The massive flow of refugees out of Syria has provided ISIS with
opportunities to embed their operatives within that human tsunami.  This
was the concern voiced by CIA Director John Brennan.

On June 16, 2016 CBS News reported, “*ISIS working to send operatives to
the West, CIA Director John Brennan says*

Here is a significant excerpt from that news report:

*Giving the Senate Intelligence Committee an update on the threat from
extremists, Brennan said ISIS has been working to build an apparatus to
direct and inspire attacks against its foreign enemies, as in the recent
attacks in Paris and Brussels – ones the CIA believes were directed by ISIS

*“ISIL has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially serve as
operatives for attacks in the West,” Brennan said, using another acronym
for the group. He said ISIS probably is working to smuggle them into
countries, perhaps among refugee flows or through legitimate means of

*Brennan also noted the group’s call for followers to conduct so-called
lone-wolf attacks in their home countries. He called the attack in Orlando
a “heinous act of wanton violence” and an “assault on the values of
openness and tolerance” that define the United States as a nation.*

Brennan’s concerns are hardly new.

In my article “*Ignoring the 9/11 Commission’s Warnings*
Even as terrorists expand operations in Europe,” I cited a segment under
the heading “Terrorist Travel” found in *Chapter 12 of the 9/11 Commission
Report* <>.  Here
are a few key paragraphs from that segment:

*For terrorists, travel documents are as important as weapons. Terrorists
must travel clandestinely to meet, train, plan, case targets, and gain
access to attack. To them, international travel presents great danger,
because they must surface to pass through regulated channels, present
themselves to border security officials, or attempt to circumvent
inspection points.*


*We also found that had the immigration system set a higher bar for
determining whether individuals are who or what they claim to be-and
ensuring routine consequences for violations-it could potentially have
excluded, removed, or come into further contact with several hijackers who
did not appear to meet the terms for admitting short-term visitors.*


*Our investigation showed that two systemic weaknesses came together in our
border system’s inability to contribute to an effective defense against the
9/11 attacks: a lack of well-developed counterterrorism measures as a part
of border security and an immigration system not able to deliver on its
basic commitments, much less support counterterrorism. These weaknesses
have been reduced but are far from being overcome.*

The optimistic statement that weaknesses have been reduced was written long
before the Obama administration took office.  In my judgment, any progress
that may have been made was rolled back through Obama’s executive orders
and other impediments the administration erected to thwart immigration law
enforcement efforts.

The segment on Terrorist Travel ended with this recommendation:

*Recommendation: Targeting travel is at least as powerful a weapon against
terrorists as targeting their money. The United States should combine
terrorist travel intelligence, operations, and law enforcement in a
strategy to intercept terrorists, find terrorist travel facilitators, and
constrain terrorist mobility.*

Given the findings of the 9/11 Commission it is likely that Hillary Clinton
would place the members of the 9/11 Commission and their staff in her
“Basket of Deplorables” while ignoring that she herself should truly be the
first one who should be dumped into her own basket.

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