*WikiLeaks is Breaking Scandal Upon Scandal… but the Media is Ignoring Them*

By Warner Todd Huston <http://constitution.com/author/warner-todd-huston>
October 12, 2016

If you get most of your news from the old media establishment consisting of
newspapers and TV network news, you’d be forgiven for not knowing about the
damaging information contained in the latest batch of hacked emails
publicly released by the whistleblower site WikiLeaks. That would be
because the old media is systematically ignoring the story. Why? Because
what is contained in these emails is thoroughly damaging to the Democrat
Party as well as to Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

As news about a decade-old recording of Donald Trump’s locker room banter
continues to take the lion’s share of the old media’s attention, others
have been digesting the 2 thousand emails from Hillary’s top campaign aide
John Podesta. And what these emails say about the collusion of the media
with team Hillary, the backroom vendetta Democrats had for Democrat
candidate Bernie Sanders, the general hatred that Democrats have for the
American people, and Team Hillary’s criminal actions is truly illuminating.

This particular batch of emails are hacked messages sent to and from
Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta. He is a long-term associate of the
Clintons and was President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff from 1998 until
2001. Podesta also owns the Podesta Group, a major lobbying firm, and is
the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a far left-wing
Washington DC-based think tank.

If you are interested in reading the raw emails posted by WikiLeaks for
yourself, you can find them at their Podesta email section:

Some of the most disgusting, if unsurprising, revelations in the email dump
is the bald collusion between Democrat Party operatives and the sold out
media. Disgusting for its bias, yet unsurprising for the fact that at this
point that bias seems to be a given.

One email, for instance, shows *The New York Times* reporter and CNBC
anchor John Harwood writing Podesta to offer tips
on how Hillary can destroy other candidates for president and bragging that
he attacked Donald Trump when he was a “moderator” at one of the primary
season debates.

Despite his status as a “journalist,” Harwood clearly saw his job as
“moderator” of the debate as one of destroying Republicans in an effort to
aid Hillary’s campaign for president.

In another email, *The New York Times’* Nicholas Kristoff is seen
corresponding with Podesta to supply Bill Clinton with all the questions
he planned to ask during an upcoming interview giving Team Hillary all the
time it needed to come up with “spontaneous” replies he could dutifully
“report” as fact.

These are just two of many, but in a side note it is interesting to hear
far left-wing “reporter” Gwen Ifill claiming that if the media were not all
wee-weed up (as the President might say
about the 10-year-old Trump locker room tape they would be forced to report
about these damning WikiLeaks revelations.

In a recent episode of the PBS news show “Washington Week,” Ifill admitted
that the media is focusing on the silly Trump tape and ignoring the damning
emails released by the hacker website saying, “Now, absent this
bombshell…we would have been paying attention a lot more tonight to some
revelations from WikiLeaks about Hillary Clinton’s email…”

Of course, the Trump tape is not in any way more important than the
WikiLeaks release. But the media would much rather ignore the more
important story because it makes Hillary and Democrats look bad.

And looking bad, indeed. Other emails seem to prove that the Obama State
Department worked directly with Hillary’s campaign
while responding to a Freedom of Information Act request to release
Hillary’s emails when she was Obama’s Secretary of State. This is notable
because Hillary should have had nothing at all to do with the State Dept’s
release of the emails as she had already resigned from her office, was no
longer in the employ of the federal government, and had already launched
her campaign for president.

Despite all that, here was Obama’s State Department coordinating the
release of official government documents with a mere candidate for
president who should have had no role at all in such efforts. But clearly
Obama’s administration was trying to give Hillary a heads up about what was
being released so she could mount a defense or destroy other emails that
may be connected to those being released.

Another part of the Podesta email dump also contained an 80-page document
with excerpts of some of the many speeches Hillary gave to various banks,
investment groups, and corporations, speeches she has adamantly refused to
make public. This document sort of shows why she wanted to keep these
speeches under wraps because some of the things she said during these
appearances is shocking, to say the least.

In one such segment Hillary shared classified information
about the Obama admin’s efforts against terrorism. During a 2013 speech to
a ­Toronto business organization she divulged classified details about
Obama’s hunt for Osama bin Laden in 2011. This was an illegal disclosure
and alone should have sent her to jail… like it would anyone else.

Speaking of others being jailed for what Hillary has done, I must bring to
your attention the recent case of Harold Martin
Mr. Martin was arrested for having classified information in his car and
home. The FBI insisted that Martin broke our national security laws despite
there being no proof he intended to sell the information or give it to the
nation’s enemies. But this is exactly the reverse of the standard the
corrupt FBI applied to Hillary. She had classified information in her home
but FBI director Comey decided that since Hillary didn’t “intend” to do
anything bad with the info, then she was obviously innocent. Why the double
standard? I know YOU can answer that.

Speaking of illegal activity, the email dump also seems to show John
Podesta’s efforts to commit voter fraud in Colorado

The email in question reveals Podesta himself relating the story of having
met two people in Colorado who admitted to flooding the polls with
ineligible voters in order to make sure Hillary beat Senator Bernie Sanders
during the Democrat primary.

As we come to mentioning Bernie Sanders, there is much to show just how
unfair the Democrat Party was to the erstwhile socialist Senator from
Vermont and Democrat candidate for President.

The WikiLeaks releases shows that the coordination between Team Hillary and
the Democrat National Committee did not stop after DNC Chairperson Debbie
Wasserman Schultz was kicked out of her chairmanship for working behind the
scenes to destroy Bernie Sanders despite her official role as facilitator
of all Democrat candidates.

The email dump
shows that new DNC head Donna Brazile was also up to her armpits in the
effort to torpedo Sanders in favor of Hillary.

Contempt for Sanders isn’t the only hate revealed by the emails. The emails
are also filled with evidence that Hillary, Podesta, and her supporters are
full of contempt for Americans. In one message a supporter writing to
Podesta insisted that most Americans are illiterate
saying, “There are too many functional illiterates now in the world and
more than half of the population of the United States are a part of the
irrational masses that the illiteracy produces.”

This same adviser went on to insist that both Bernie Sanders and Donald
Trump are employing the sort of “Nazi tactics” pioneered by Nazi
propagandist Joseph Goebels.

Another missive revealed that Clinton daughter Chelsea was heartlessly more
with public relations than in helping a Clinton Foundation employee that
was reportedly on the verge of suicide. That wasn’t the only time Chelsea
Clinton was mentioned in the email leak. In another she was called a
“spoiled brat”
by Clinton operative Doug Band.

Finally, of these emails I’ll mention here, in an email written by Hillary
to Podesta, the Democrat candidate for president revealed that the
governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia are directly funding ISIS. And yet,
Hillary and her pseudo charity have taken tens of millions from these very

There are far more damaging emails like those above, but at a hefty 2,000
emails — and those are just the first batch, apparently — are far too many
and varied for me to get into all them here. You can see a growing
compilation <http://www.breitbart.com/tag/wikileaks/> at Breitbart News if
you are interested.

But suffice to say, these emails are far more consequential and important
than a 10-year-old audio tape of Donald Trump’s locker room talk about a

Naturally, the media isn’t interested.

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Posted by: "Beowulf" <beow...@westerndefense.net>

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