Looks like you put an incorrect "pp" extension on those source files. The first 
one needs to be named "downtown.html.pmd" and the other "uptown.html.pm".

> On May 17, 2019, at 10:52 AM, Eugene Wallingford <walli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>      I am new to Pollen and just working through the Quick Tour.  Everything 
> works as
>      expected until I get to the sections on Markdown mode and Pollen mode.  
> When I
>      render downtown.html.pmd, whether at the command line or with the 
> server, I see
>      a line of partially-processed plaintext:
> Pollen + Markdown —————— + You wanted Plutonium — you got it. + search for 
> Plutonium <https://google.com/search?q=Plutonium>
>      When I render uptown.html.pp, I see a line of Racket-y plaintext:
> '(h2 "Pollen markup") '(ul (li (p "You " (strong "wanted") " it — you " (em 
> "got") " it.")) "\n" (li (p (a ((href "https://google.com/search?q=racket 
> <https://google.com/search?q=racket>")) "search for Racket"))))
>      So Pollen is doing some processing of my files, but it doesn't seem to be
>      taking the final step.  Can someone point out what I'm missing?  Thanks.

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