For now, app-route element use "pattern" property to match route path and 
produce "data" object, that could be used for navigation. So, maybe its 
better to use data binding directly in pattern? Somehow like this:

<app-location route="{{route}}"></app-location>

So, I can define property "element" in my component:

properties: {
        element: {
          type: String,
          notify: true

and use it in iron-selector or iron-pages:
<iron-selector selected="{{element}}" attr-for-selected="id">
  <a id="app-route" href="/app-route">
  <!-- other links-->

<iron-pages selected="{{element}}" attr-for-selected="id">
  <element-description id="app-route">
  <!-- other elements -->

And finally, upward binding for "element" property causes app-route to 
change "route" object, that cause app-location to change browser location. 
So, we dont need any scripted handlers :)

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