
Rob Arthan wrote:
Out of interest, I have tried this and it compiles OK. However I think that multi-threading is causing a problem with it. If I execute:

    val shell = Motif.XtAppInitialise "" "HelloWorld" "HW" [] [];
    val btn = Motif.XmCreatePushButton shell "hello-btn" [
        Motif.XmNlabelString "Hello World!"

I typically get the following error:

Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x6c)!

On one occasion it worked. but when I carry on and do:

    val _ = Motif.XtManageChild btn;
    val _ = Motif.XtRealizeWidget shell;

nothing happens. The example program in the documentation has similar problems.

I've added a call to XtToolkitThreadInitialize so that it now works. I've tried the example from and that seems to work now. Unfortunately this came too late to be included in the 5.3 release. If there are bug fixes that should really be back-ported to 5.3 I'll set up a -fixes branch in SVN and produce an update to 5.3 with just critical bug fixes included.

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