On Wed, 10 Apr 2013, Michael Bradley wrote:

I am using PolyML 5.5 and I am using the Futures library in IsapLib: https://github.com/iislucas/isaplib. All of the tasks are independent. I haven't had the chance to look properly into the debugging yet (revising!), but I'll let you know once I have.

It seems you are actually one of the maintainers of this spin-off library of Isabelle/ML, which was started by Lucas Dixon some years ago.

If there is anything to be amended in the master sources within Isabelle, I am ready to revisit certain fine points -- it has a natural bias towards particular applications within the proof assistant. (I am not accepting arbitrary patches, though, since these things are very delicate.)

Just keep us informed here about your findings -- it is very relevant for any high-performance applications of Poly/ML.

Note that for further exploration, "Future.ML_statistics := true" produces a property list with summary of the Poly/ML runtime status and Isabelle/ML future task queue and worker thread farm every 0.5s -- it subsumes PolyML.Statistics.getLocalStats in particular. To see any of the results, you need to provide a suitable implementation of Output.Private_Hooks.protocol_message_fn, e.g. to print it or store it somewhere else.

These global protocol hooks are normally managed by the Isabelle/ML session startup, so you have to imitate this manually. Alternatively, you can run under regular Isabelle/ML with Isabelle/jEdit, and then use its Monitor panel (the online chart-drawing of that data is still a bit crude).

Yet another way is to run your own ML monitoring thread that uses PolyML.Statistics.getLocalStats or similar peridically -- in Isabelle/ML this is built into the "scheduler thread" of the future task farm.

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