Thanks Dave

>    I just tried the sheepdog example on Linux Mint 19. It loads
> up with a graphical display and separate menu over which I have no control.

It sbould also have printed out a pop11 instruction that you need to give to
start the action.

I've just realised that the start up instructions are both unclear and awkward
to follow.

I'll try later to produce a new file with clearer instructions and a better
start up mechanism.

The current version does not support the following steps properly.

-- Compile the file.

-- Run a command to set up the sheepdog display (with trees, small sheep pen in
the centre, several sheep, sheepdog and control panel).

-- Start the portion of the program that allows the user to alter the
configuration of sheep, trees and sheepdog (the pen can't be moved).

-- Start the rest of the program and activate the control panel.

At present you can't use the menu buttons on the control panel until *after* the
sheepdog has started moving, so you can't change the initial configuration,
which is bad, though you can use mouse to move trees, sheep, or sheepdog once
the program starts.

There should be a setup phase that activates the control panel without starting
the sheepdog scheduler.

I had forgotten that the instructions printed out are confusing (my
fault, around 2004).
I think the control panel definition and a few other things should be modified.

It worked for me mainly because I knew what to do to start up, but it did not
give me a chance to change the configuration before the sheepdog started
fetching sheep, which should be an option.

It's possible that the above comments will enable you to use your understanding
of pop11 to figure out how to get the program running!!

But I'll try to produce something clearer/better later.

Sorry to have wasted your time -- but thanks for very useful feedback. I now
realise that the program file needs to be redesigned for use by a 'general'
pop11 user.


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