Using 6.0 on an AMD64  wxMaxima seems to run for me.  

I installed the ports directory, and commented out the "Broken" tag in 
the makefile.  Did a make, and it ran for quite a while -- so many parts 
to it.  Encountered one problem the first time:  ran out of inodes...

(WTF!) Couldn't imagine how it is possible to run out of them on a 
standard install of 6.0 and only a few dozen ports installed.  Anyway 
without debugging that curiosity, I just moved the ports directory out of 
/usr and over to an unused, large and empty partition I had left over at 
the end of my hard drive. Put a symlink in /usr.  Then it seemed to take 
half of forever, but the make went to completion.  wxMaxima works fine.  
Or at least now I can integrate the equations to simulate getting my 
satellite into orbit....  :-)

I presume upstream fixed it.  So ports folk, give it a try in the latest 
6.1 or current.  

I can hardly believe it has been marked broken since back in 2014 and no 
one needed it that badly.  Well I guess xmaxima, or even just maxima for 
command line addicts is good enough.


On Mon, 21 Jul 2014, Edd Barrett wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 07:03:38PM +0100, Edd Barrett wrote:
> > Looks like wxMaxima uses a wx routine to start a server but encounters
> > an exception:
> I raised a bug upstream, but have not heard back...
> -- 
> Best Regards
> Edd Barrett

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