Synchronize devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize with www/p5-WWW-Mechanize, which
was recently updated.

More recent versions of Test::WWW::Mechanize depend on LWP 6.02, which
hasn't hit OpenBSD's ports tree yet.

Tested on i386 and amd64.

Used by www/p5-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder, which still passes its tests
suite. Also used by devel/p5-SVN-Web as well as several Catalyst
modules. The p5-SVN-Web port currently doesn't pass its test suite no
matter whether p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize is updated or not.

I've got updates for p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst and other Catalyst
ports that I'll send to the respective maintainers. I've also forked
Jasper's openbsd-wip repository and started to push the updated ports to
the forked repository. See
for a list of ports.
diff --git a/devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize/Makefile 
index 2ff5ec8..6430c0e 100644
--- a/devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize/Makefile
+++ b/devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize/Makefile
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 # $OpenBSD: ports/devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize/Makefile,v 1.11 2010/12/03 
11:44:37 ajacoutot Exp $
-COMMENT=       test suite using WWW::Mechanize
+COMMENT=       test suite using WWW::Mechanize
 MODULES=       cpan
-DISTNAME=      Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.12
-REVISION=      2
+DISTNAME=      Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.30
 CATEGORIES=    www devel
-USE_GROFF =    Yes
 # Artitistic License
@@ -18,8 +16,11 @@ PERMIT_DISTFILES_FTP=        Yes
 RUN_DEPENDS=   devel/p5-Carp-Assert-More \
                devel/p5-Test-LongString \
+               www/p5-HTML-Lint \
+               www/p5-HTML-Tree \
                www/p5-HTTP-Server-Simple \
-               www/p5-WWW-Mechanize 
+               www/p5-WWW-Mechanize \
+               www/p5-URI
diff --git a/devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize/distinfo 
index 969ada0..1066be5 100644
--- a/devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize/distinfo
+++ b/devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-MD5 (Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.12.tar.gz) = IgntCXRafzTaMcNGGrc0/g==
-RMD160 (Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.12.tar.gz) = fnVWWvPlxZAKoW7pfPUXFkhuKi0=
-SHA1 (Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.12.tar.gz) = 3VzvhnJvlfUZf5NNK5nt/W5S/LQ=
-SHA256 (Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.12.tar.gz) = 
-SIZE (Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.12.tar.gz) = 11710
+MD5 (Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.30.tar.gz) = oNcNUB4m45j0e/Czpb4Egw==
+RMD160 (Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.30.tar.gz) = 2h8Srn/qyUhrEMN8/TVzYQ6iJvg=
+SHA1 (Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.30.tar.gz) = AlA31S0JaPnlpC6bu/DFAOeMqCk=
+SHA256 (Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.30.tar.gz) = 
+SIZE (Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.30.tar.gz) = 19234
diff --git a/devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize/patches/patch-t_content_lacks_t 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..719c9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize/patches/patch-t_content_lacks_t
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- t/content_lacks.t.orig     Mon Apr  5 07:49:01 2010
++++ t/content_lacks.t  Tue Oct 25 14:23:31 2011
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ test_out( q{not ok 1 - Shouldn't say it's a test page}
+ test_fail(+4);
+ test_diag(q(    searched: "<html>\x{0a}    <head>\x{0a}        <title>Test 
Page</title>"...) );
+ test_diag(q(   and found: "Test Page") );
+-test_diag(q( at position: 33) );
++test_diag(q( at position: 33 (line 3 column 16)) );
+ $mech->content_lacks( 'Test Page', q{Shouldn't say it's a test page} );
+ test_test( 'Handles not finding it' );

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