Hello Sebastian

Recently, Sebastian Reitenbach posted an update of gpsd with the comment:
 "gpsd only supports libusb-1.0, which does not support OpenBSD (yet)..."

Since quite a while, I have been working on a port of Gnuradio for
OpenBSD.  The new Universal Hardware Driver (UHD) for the Universal
Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) also depends on libusb-1.0, which is
not just an update of our libusb-0.1 as described in

Is there any work in progress of porting libusb-1.0 to OpenBSD, or
re-implementing a compatible API such as in FreeBSD?  Eventually,
another approach might be to implement a wrapper around libusb-0.1
which emulates libusb-1.0 (the inverse has been done).

If so, I am interested in trying to help, or to assist with testing it
with both gpsd and UHD/USRP1.

Thank you,

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