On 2015-10-28 05:52:26, Theo de Raadt <dera...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs
> Module name:  src
> Changes by:   dera...@cvs.openbsd.org 2015/10/28 05:52:26
> Modified files:
>       lib/libc/asr   : asr.c 
>       share/man/man5 : resolv.conf.5 
> Log message:
> Remove support for [addr]:port syntax from the "nameserver" line.
> This extension never made it to other systems.  (pledge is also happy
> with this.  The idea of DNS @ any port collides with pledge encouraring
> differentiation between DNS and non-DNS sockets)
> ok phessler jung sthen kettenis

Hello ports@,

I have a question on how to best migrate my installation of
ports/net/adsuck around this new change.

I currently run adsuck as a local process on a machine that also
runs unbound as a caching nameserver.  I have unbound running on and adsuck running on and find it convenient
to swap the hashmark between the following two lines in /etc/resolv.conf
when I want to quickly switch adsuck off for whatever reason:

nameserver []:54

Since obviously adsuck and unbound cannot both run on the same port,
what options do I have to move forward?

I was thinking that I could switch them and run unbound on port 54,
but since adsuck uses a copy of /etc/resolv.conf I would have no way
to point it to port 54 so that option is out.

I would have adsuck run on and unbound on
but I tried that in the past and remember that I hit some kind of
problem (it could very well have been user-error) and wasn't able to
get it to work.

How are other people running both adsuck and unbound on the same 
machine?  Would any of you mind sharing how your systems are setup?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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