under no circumstances, should PSEUDO_FLAVORS affect the *contents* of packages
being built.

Binary packages are supposed to be a reproducible process, with a specific
package name. So, for instance, ImageMagick- and 
ImageMagick- are
different packages. So should php-5.3.8p0 and php-5.3.8p0-no_suhosin.

As a rule, anything that actually affects the package should encode in the
fullpkgname, usually as the flavor extension, automatically.

Pseudo-flavors serve one specific purpose: when one wants to tweak the
build to produce LESS subpackages (or different ones).

For instance, print/poppler normally produces
poppler-0.16.7p1 poppler-qt-0.16.7p0 poppler-qt4-0.16.7p0

If you set FLAVOR=no_qt no_qt4
it will only produce

*but this is identical to the poppler-0.16.7.p1 it would produce without the 

Some more complicated cases, like flavors that do affect *some* subpackages,
but not all, are usually dealt with using FULLPKGNAME-* and FULLPKGPATH-*

For instance, qt4 is very careful to set its documentation to be without
FULLPKGPATH-html = x11/qt4,-html

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