
(Robert, i'm cc-ing you because it's a dependency of www/rt.) 

Here is an update for www/p5-Starlet, a simple, high-performance
PSGI/Plack HTTP server.

What's new upstream (more at [1], it's too big)

- unbundle Plack::Standalone::Server::Prefork::Server::Starter
- listen to multiple ports passed from Server::Starter 
- HTTP/1.1 and Unix domain socket support
- worker processes always receive different sequence of values when
calling "rand()"

What's new in the port: 

- Dropped the www/p5-libwww dependency because it now requires
www/p5-Plack instead.
- Updated DESCR to mention that it now supports HTTP/1.1.

Testing (noarch): 

- 'make test' passes
- Tried several simple psgi scripts from [2] with 'plackup -s Starlet
--port=12345 file.psgi', it works as expected. 
- More importantly, since www/rt depends on it, i installed and ran it,
with 'rt-server --port 8080' as this call use Starlet according
to /usr/local/sbin/rt-server. I created/closed/reopened tickets,
uploaded images and other files, made replies and comments, it's fine. 

All comments and feedback are welcome!


[1] https://metacpan.org/changes/distribution/Starlet
[2] https://github.com/davorg/easy-psgi

Attachment: p5-Starlet.diff
Description: Binary data

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