Hi ports --

Attached is a new port, games/freesynd. FreeSynd is an open source reimplementation of the game Syndicate by Bullfrog.

FreeSynd is a cross-platform, GPLed reimplementation of the engine for
the classic Bullfrog game, Syndicate.

While freesynd is a game engine and is open source software, Syndicate
is proprietary software and must be purchased in order for freesynd to

This is another one of those engine-only packages, you have to already own the game for it to work. pkg/README has the details:


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

FreeSynd requires the original game files from Syndicate to work
properly.  These must be the original game, not Syndicate Plus.

While freesynd is a game engine and is open source software, Syndicate
is proprietary software and must be purchased in order for FreeSynd to

The game files (under DATA) as well as intro.xmi and syngame.xmi must
be placed in ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/freesnyd/data

It works well for me on amd64.



Attachment: freesynd.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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