A few pkg/DESCRs have ISO-8859-1 characters in them. These look funny
in a UTF-8 terminal (one of two locales that OpenBSD supports, the other
being the ASCII-only C locale). It might be best to restrict them to
plain ASCII.

I would send a patch, but it would probably get weirded out by my mail

ISO-8859-1 characters:
archivers/ruby-archive-tar-minitar: acute a (0xE1) in "Fernandez"
devel/pcre: non-breaking space (0xA0) in "Perl 5"
comms/pilot-link: registered trademark symbol (0xAE) in "PalmOS(R)"
devel/cln: umlaut o (0xF6) in "Schoenhage-Strassen"
mail/getmail: soft hyphen (0xAD) in "supported"
mail/relaydb: soft hyphen (0xAD) in "decision"
x11/xbae: registered trademark symbol (0xAE) in "Motif(R)"

Anthony J. Bentley

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