[Portugal] job offer in LandCare NZ - Soil information systems

2017-10-11 Por tôpico jorge.dejesus
Hi to all I personally recommend any one applying for the following position in NZ, to work on soil information systems https://careers.sciencenewzealand.org/jobdetails/ajid/hOIm8/25052-Research-Software-Engineer,25052.html Jorge ___ Portugal

Re: [Portugal] Digest Portugal, volume 115, assunto 8

2017-10-11 Por tôpico Pedro Jorge de Sousa Ferreira
Não sei se sabem mas a ANMP disponibiliza as COS 1995, 2007 e 2010 de nível 5 (e outras cartografias), para todo o país: http://www.anmp.pt/index.php/2-uncategorised/512-carta-de-ocupacao-uso-do-solo-cos Cumps, Pedro Ferreira Às 20:00 de 10-10-2017,