Re: SXSW stuff

1999-04-22 Thread Bob Soron

At 3:04 PM -0400  on 4/22/99, the guy who said, "You have to
understand, Bob, Robbie Fulks and the Wacos *are* our music scene"

>Chicago scores extra negative style points for Moonshine Willy and
>the Handsome Family, two of the worst bands of all
>time (though, I did like a couple of HF songs Mark Wyatt played for
>me, and though I'm told they're quite nice people, they're not my
>bag of chips live).

The Handsome Family opened for Vic Chesnutt recently. Wow. The sucking
sounds are still echoing in Schuba's. The Timbuk 3 of alt country,
except with less content.

Nice voices, though (we were right up front and got the stage mix,
which was pretty good). And to be fair, this wasn't a crowd that wanted
to see anyone other than Chesnutt, and the HF knew it and handled it
humorously. (Among themselves. We could hear the off-mic stuff pretty
well.) Nonetheless, that isn't enough for me.


Re: SXSW stuff

1999-04-22 Thread Dave Purcell

Jim Roll wrote:

> There was a comment made in the (SXSW Saturday??) Statesman by the
> columnest on the inside cover, that named CHicago as a highly
> over-rated music scene in that he had never heard such bad singing
> and fake accents,etc.  I think he named Freakwater among others . .

Yep, I've said that out here, oh, 30 or 40 times . When I was 
there, if you take away Robbie Fulks, you're not left with much (the 
Wacos are fun, but face it, they're a rock band). Since then, the 
fabulous Kellys -- Kessler and Hogan -- have emerged, along with 
Anna Fermin, so perhaps things are getting better. Although 
Chicago scores extra negative style points for Moonshine Willy and 
the Handsome Family, two of the worst bands of all 
time (though, I did like a couple of HF songs Mark Wyatt played for 
me, and though I'm told they're quite nice people, they're not my 
bag of chips live). 

Bring it on, CK.


Northern Ky Roots Music:

Re: SXSW stuff

1999-04-22 Thread Don Yates

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, James Gerard Roll wrote:

> I don't really think the guy had to name names, he certainly said enough
> to identify who he was talking about.  Obviously not a big fan of
> insurgent/punk attitude.

Perhaps.  But the writer also made clear that combining country and rock
isn't necessarily a bad thing, and I can think of plenty of bands who do a
good job of it.  Then again, I can also think of plenty who don't.--don

Re: SXSW finally

1999-04-02 Thread RMould5417

Dave writes:

<< Meat Purveying Cherilyn wrote:
 > c) could someone please for the love of christ send me an album
 > title suggestion that will beat Jo's "When Chickens Cry." Please
 > please please 
 Can't be that many people who remember the Meatmen. I'd vote for 
 "We're the Meat Purveyors and You Suck."

Uhhh, Dave, wouldn't that be - 
"We're the Meat Purveyors, and You're Not My Cup 'O Tea? 

Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Joe X.

<< Dave
 Dave Purcell, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Northern Ky Roots Music:

Re: SXSW finally

1999-04-02 Thread Jeff Weiss

At 11:14 AM 4/2/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I want one of those damn 7" Meat Purv records with all the Madonna songs.
>Where can I get one other than at one of your sinful shows at the Hole?
It's on Bloodshot. Waterloo? Favorite mail order source? Begging on 6th and


Re: Offlist ==>Re: SXSW finally

1999-04-02 Thread KATIEJOM

yup, I'm having a banner day, sorry!

Offlist ==>Re: SXSW finally

1999-04-02 Thread KATIEJOM

> Thanks guys... I think the winner is "More Record Titles About Chickens."  
> Oy.

Hi Cherilyn,

I thought of this last night, kind of a play on Los Lobos, "Will the Wolf 
Survive""Will Los Polos survive?" (polo = chicken)

Does it fit the theme?  Kate.

re: SXSW finally

1999-04-02 Thread Cherilyn diMond

Thanks guys... I think the winner is "More Record Titles About Chickens."  Oy.


Re: SXSW finally

1999-04-02 Thread Jerald Corder

I want one of those damn 7" Meat Purv records with all the Madonna songs.
Where can I get one other than at one of your sinful shows at the Hole?


Re: SXSW finally

1999-04-02 Thread Dave Purcell

Meat Purveying Cherilyn wrote:

> c) could someone please for the love of christ send me an album
> title suggestion that will beat Jo's "When Chickens Cry." Please
> please please 

Can't be that many people who remember the Meatmen. I'd vote for 
"We're the Meat Purveyors and You Suck."


Northern Ky Roots Music:

Re: SXSW finally

1999-04-01 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 4/1/99 8:50:28 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< Or:  "Meat the Purveyors"?>>
..or "Beat the Meat Purveyors"


Re: SXSW finally

1999-04-01 Thread Barry Mazor

>Cherilyn diMond wrote:
> c) could someone please for the love of christ send me an album title
>suggestion that will beat
 Jo's "When Chickens Cry."

 And Joe G  suggested:
>"When Chickens Hurl"

See, now THAT's  perfect.

And I say that even though I'd tried to get Cherilyn to take "Special
Meals" or "Sticking to Our Guns" or  "When Cows Cry".. months ago..but I
think maybe Jo didn't go for 'em


Re: SXSW finally

1999-04-01 Thread BARNARD

Joe suggests:

> "Chicken Teeth On A Hardwood Floor"

Now that ain't bad...

Or perhaps: "(I spent two years in a hot van with her and all she can
think of is) When Chickens Cry?"

Or:  "Meat the Purveyors"?

Or simply:  "Swap Meat"?

Just trying to be helpful,

Re: SXSW finally

1999-04-01 Thread Joe Gracey

Cherilyn diMond wrote:
 c) could someone please
> for the love of christ send me an album title suggestion that will beat
> Jo's "When Chickens Cry." Please please please

"When Chickens Lip"

"Chicken Teeth On A Hardwood Floor"

"When Chickens Hurl"

You can use any of those for free.

Joe Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

Re: SXSW MOVIES of interest here

1999-03-25 Thread Ndubb

<< Ms. Elizabeth Hurley >>


Re: SXSW MOVIES of interest here

1999-03-25 Thread Barry Mazor

Mr. McConaughey was present--and played a large part in bringing the flick
to Austin--Mr. Woody Harrelson, the noticeable Ms. Elizabeth Hurley, Ms.
Ellen DeGeneres and pal Ms. Anne Heche,  Mr. Martin Landau,  director Ron
Howard and (big applause in hall here), the irreplaceable Clint Howard.
(Ms. Elfman was plugging the flick in NY).  Interesting fact: I had a
better seat than most of these people!


> So Barry, what movie stahs did you see???  Was McConaughey (sp?) there
>for the EdTV thing?  What about Elizabeth Hurley?  Jenna Elfman?  Did you
>invite any of them to Twangfest???
>I need responses on this!
>dominick dan

Re: SXSW MOVIES of interest here

1999-03-25 Thread Danlee2

 So Barry, what movie stahs did you see???  Was McConaughey (sp?) there
for the EdTV thing?  What about Elizabeth Hurley?  Jenna Elfman?  Did you
invite any of them to Twangfest???  

I need responses on this!

dominick dan

Re: SXSW report (long)

1999-03-24 Thread alnjen

>Head to panel discussion on Hank Williams. Most fascinating aspect was
>contributed by Greil Marcus, who talked about a movie that fancifully
>described the last show Hank played.

"Hank Williams: The Show He Never Gave", featuring the great Sneezy Waters,
from Ottawa, as Hank. Based on the play written by Maynard Collins which
toured North America from 1977 to 1993.  Waters nailed the role, winning
kudos from people like Minnie Pearl and Wesley Rose for his portrayal.
Waters also recorded a fine album of Williams covers in 1981.


Boot Heel Drag can be heard on CJSW 90.9 FM , Calgary,AB
Tuesdays at 6:30 PM MST and on realaudio at

Re: SXSW report (long)

1999-03-23 Thread Debnumbers

In a message dated 3/23/99 5:34:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Head to Liberty Lunch to see Jim Roll (excellent set), >>

That's who I saw at Liberty Lunch that I really liked.  Thanks Jim, I saw you
there too didn't I?


1999-03-23 Thread Grant, Jonathan

ahhh the quinessential justification

-Original Message-
From: Melissa A. Garland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 1999 10:06 AM
To: passenger side
Subject: Re: SXSW

>>Best P2 moment: Melissa Garland proudly showing me her Zippy the
Pinhead tatoo at the BBQ<<

As a lurker, I am happy to have finally contributed something useful to
the list.  Now I feel the hangover was worth it.


Thanks ==> Re: SXSW (L-O-N-G)

1999-03-22 Thread KATIEJOM

Hi all,

Continued thanks for all those P2ers sharing SXSW stories with "the less
fortunate."  Sounds like a great time was had by all.

The Tom Waits' clips have also been much appreciated.  He's been one of my
favorites for over 20yrs.  Sounds like he's gotten even better with age.

During the Oscars, I was surprised to hear that Tom and his wife, Kathleen,
worked on the music for "Bunny," an animated feature.  Yet another reason to
spend more money!



1999-03-22 Thread Jamie Swedberg

Hey everyone--

Well, I hate weaseldom as much as the next person (nearly had to kill some
businessy-looking chick who elbowed her way in front of me at a show and, by
way of explanation or excuse, flashed a goddamn BADGE at me). But oh my god,
what a great time. Dan Bentele said it best--if you show up at stuff early,
you'll have little or no trouble getting in to see what you want, and you'll
have a blast. It is WORTH IT, ten times over.

Let me see if I can remember what I did. Difficult, since I left my Master
Schedule in Kari's car...

1. Jim Roll, backed by the Silos. Freaking incredible, great songs.
2. Brief and kinda boring time standing around in the Austin Music hall--saw
a few songs by David Garza (very Lenny Kravitz, imo), Kelly Willis, Bruce
Robison, Monte Warden.
3. Ted Roddy. Wow, extremely cool. And the Broken Spoke is definitely the
scene of scenes. Bill S. wanted to stay for Cornell Hurd, but others in the
party (including myself) were nearly unconscious from tiredness, and we went
back to the Austin Motel for some Z's.

1. Cherilyn's BBQ. Whole lot of fun. Saw a bunch of great bands, including
the Meat Purveyors, the Ex-Husbands, Langford with Kelly Hogan, the
Fencecutters, Jim Roll, the list goes on. Lots of dogs in attendance.
Kickass blackberry cobbler made by Jo Walston.
2. Robbie Fulks at Cheapo Records. What an outstanding performance, and
Robbie played all my requests! Every time I see him, I think he's outdone
himself, but it gets better and better.
3. Kim Richey. As usual, I hate the instrumentation on her songs (get that
damn synthesizer outta here!), but I really think she's a songwriting
genius. And her voice is s good live.
4. Abortive attempt to get in to see Wanda Jackson. Yeah right, "badges
only" by that late in the evening. This turned out to be serendipity,
because instead we saw...
5. The Tigerlilies. Everything Purcell has said is true. They're excellent,
a truly stunning guitar-pop band. They're also some of the nicest guys I've
had the privilege of meeting. I really wish more people had been there to
witness their set.

1. Bloodshot BBQ. Saw Devil In A Woodpile, The Blacks (wow, love 'em!!!),
and my goddess Neko Case.
2. Left BBQ temporarily to see Hillbilly Idol at Cheapo. Definitely the
right decision. I love these guys, and the vibe was terrific.
3. Returned to Bloodshot BBQ just as the Meat Purveyors were striking their
first note. Whew, made it! They ruled. Also pogoed a little to the Waco
Brothers--sheer chaos in the tent.
4. Heard a little of Dale Watson as I shopped in Under the Sun. Bought a
waycool new-old-stock cowboy hat which allowed folks to spot me from afar
for the remainder of SxSW.
5. Hung out at Maggie Mae's the rest of the night and caught Split Lip
Rayfield (who seemed startled, yet really jazzed, to be playing to a
completely PACKED house), the Hicks (UGH! horrible!), Slobberbone (you know
how I adore them) and Pumpskully ().
6. Had a bigass party outside our motel room, featuring a really fun
late-night bluegrass jam by members of Split Lip Rayfield, Slobberbone and
Hillbilly Idol. Remarkably, nobody in the motel complained. Lots of reckless
behavior, hope the photos come out  well. Got to bed at 6 am. Ouch.

1. Wandered in and out of the Checkered Past BBQ most of the day. Sunshine,
ahhh! Caught *great* sets by Lonesome Bob, the Old Joe Clarks, Hadacol, my
hero Paul Burch, Dave Schramm + friends (damn, what a guitarist he is...a
new fave of mine), and the Silos. Also saw Souled American and the Flatirons
but was not really that impressed with either.
2. Caught a couple of songs by Wayne Hancock before heading to...
3. The Bloodshot showcase! More great music from the Meat Purveyors, the
Blacks, Neko Case, and the Waco Bros. Didn't think much of Trailer Bride
(hmmm, seems like that woman was picking up a new instrument for each tune,
and upon closer examination, they were all tuned open to different keys so
she could just lay bars on them and "music" would play). Missed the Grievous
Angels because a bunch of us went across the street to see the Sadies. I
like both, so it was six of one, half dozen of the other.
4. Fell into coma.

To all of you who I saw there, it was GREAT to hang out with you. A special
hello to Dan Bentele, whom I'd been wanting to meet for some time; to Cherry
Lou and the Meat Pervs for the excellent party; to Smilin' Jim, our
wristband enabler (I owe you a batch of cookies or something, my friend); to
the Hockeysticks, whom I miss terribly since they moved away; and to my
awesome roommates (did everyone see Marie's Most Excellent Cowboy Shirt?).

Love you all, must wrap this up now.
Jamie S.



1999-03-22 Thread Melissa A. Garland

>>Best P2 moment: Melissa Garland proudly showing me her Zippy the Pinhead tatoo at 
>the BBQ<<

As a lurker, I am happy to have finally contributed something useful to
the list.  Now I feel the hangover was worth it.



1999-03-22 Thread Wynn Harris

What I remember, by Wynn Harris

What, where, who???  Don who?

Only kidding.

Hanging out with a bunch of P2ers for the first time, really, and having a
blast.  For a bunch of twang geeks, we sure know how to have a good
freakin' time!

Oh and then there was the music.

Hadacol, Jim Roll, Continental Drifters, Chip Robinson solo, Paul Burch,
Silos, jesus, there was so much and so little time...

CISCO, Cisco, Cisco, Beaver Nelson, Hazledine - boy that ND party rocked,
Alejandro at the Taco Express, the Yard Dog rules!  Ted Roddy at the Broken
Spoke, the Doolittle party with Say ZUZU and Todd Thibaud, the Blueground
Undergrass show at Maggie Mae's.

dissapointments: Freakwater, bad room and Reckless Kelly at the AMA -was
Steve Earle there?  I don't think so.

However, my all time favorite gig was the Brooders.  They rule  It's
good to see Randy and Michael back on stage.

BTW, smilin' Jim, you rock too and throw a GREAT party!  You'll never be
able to get out of it now.


1999-03-22 Thread Meshel

>It was great to see Neko Case for the first time,
>though the sound problems were disappointing. When did Mike Lemon start
>playing with her and is it a "permanent" thing?

this was their fourth gig together, and he's really excited about it.  It's
permanent as much as any gig in this crazy world is...


(Mike's formerly Mike Ireland's excellent guitarist, now pursuing other things)


1999-03-19 Thread JKellySC1


what fun! I will do a fairly comprehensive rundown later, but a couple of

Stubb's lineup of Wayne Hancock, Jeff Black, Radney foster, BR5-49, Leon
Russell (with Willie Nelson) and Doug Sahm was rained out after Hancock's
short performance. Also, the Fire Dept. raided the Continental Club last
nigght, cleared a packed house and made everyone line up to get back in with a
strict head count.

Other than that, it's been a blast!


Re: SXSW Report

1999-03-19 Thread M Rubin

I just saw Devil in a Woodpile half an hour ago at the conference site.
They didn't suck. Lots of soon-to-be out of work industry hacks wandering
around in a confused daze. Quite a lovely sight really.
All for now. Gotta go get the Maraichi band ready for the Bad Liver
showcase tonight. Toodles!

Mark Rubin

POB 49227, Austin TX 78765

Thanks ==> Re: SXSW Report

1999-03-19 Thread KATIEJOM


Much appreciated!!


>  Ok here's a few things I saw yesterday:
>  Cherilyn's P2 BBQ - The rain held out through the afternoon so the bands
>  played.  I saw Cherilyn's roomie Scott play (Bruce Springsteen cover of I'm
>  On Fire), The Meat Purveyors (Bruce cover of You Can Look But You Better
>  Touch) and the Ex Husbands (Bruce cover of Cadillac Ranch with special
>  "Cher-i-lyn's Ranch" lyrics at the end).  The Meat Purveyors also did their
>  great new song about Chad Hamilton called "I'm More Man Than you'll ever
>  and More Woman than you'll ever get" about Chad and Cherry Lou's... uh
>  relationship.  I am hoping it will make it on the next TMP cd.  The brisket
>  and tater salad was good and the Pearl was foamy, the airplanes made
>  passes over the house (they will be gone next year after the airport
>  I met a few P2ers that I knew by rep only like Meshel, Amy H. and CK.  Saw
>  Yates and Deborah, Slim, Chad H., Matt Cook, Bill Silvers, Jamie S., Jayne,
>  and quite a few others I am forgetting right now.
>  Went to a Sony party at Stubbs and saw a little of Old Pike, Bare Jr.  I
>  only seen Bare Jr. do acoustic in stores before so they were a little
>  and rocked the house.  Went across the street to the Doolittle party to
>  that the Bottle Rockets weren't going to make the party but ate and watched
>  Todd Thibaud for three good pop songs.  Back to Stubbs to catch Houndog,
>  David Hidalgo side project.  Good greasy, bluesy sounds.   Wayne Hancock
>  started his showcase outside an hour early so we got to see about thirty
>  minutes of that.
>  Next to Cheapo Discs as the rain starts to see Robbie Fulks.  Despite sound
>  problems Robbie was in good form,  "Burn Together, Tears only Run one
>  way",God Isn't Real", a new song that he said he just recorded with Kelly
>  Willis called "Parallel Bars" where he sang both parts of the duet.  He
>  brought up a songwriting friend, Dallas Wayne? to do a couple of songs.  
>  Well I better get to work, more later.  

Re: SXSW Report

1999-03-19 Thread Jerald Corder

Ok here's a few things I saw yesterday:

Cherilyn's P2 BBQ - The rain held out through the afternoon so the bands
played.  I saw Cherilyn's roomie Scott play (Bruce Springsteen cover of I'm
On Fire), The Meat Purveyors (Bruce cover of You Can Look But You Better Not
Touch) and the Ex Husbands (Bruce cover of Cadillac Ranch with special
"Cher-i-lyn's Ranch" lyrics at the end).  The Meat Purveyors also did their
great new song about Chad Hamilton called "I'm More Man Than you'll ever be,
and More Woman than you'll ever get" about Chad and Cherry Lou's... uh
relationship.  I am hoping it will make it on the next TMP cd.  The brisket
and tater salad was good and the Pearl was foamy, the airplanes made regular
passes over the house (they will be gone next year after the airport moves).
I met a few P2ers that I knew by rep only like Meshel, Amy H. and CK.  Saw
Yates and Deborah, Slim, Chad H., Matt Cook, Bill Silvers, Jamie S., Jayne,
and quite a few others I am forgetting right now.

Went to a Sony party at Stubbs and saw a little of Old Pike, Bare Jr.  I had
only seen Bare Jr. do acoustic in stores before so they were a little louder
and rocked the house.  Went across the street to the Doolittle party to find
that the Bottle Rockets weren't going to make the party but ate and watched
Todd Thibaud for three good pop songs.  Back to Stubbs to catch Houndog, the
David Hidalgo side project.  Good greasy, bluesy sounds.   Wayne Hancock
started his showcase outside an hour early so we got to see about thirty
minutes of that.

Next to Cheapo Discs as the rain starts to see Robbie Fulks.  Despite sound
problems Robbie was in good form,  "Burn Together, Tears only Run one
way",God Isn't Real", a new song that he said he just recorded with Kelly
Willis called "Parallel Bars" where he sang both parts of the duet.  He also
brought up a songwriting friend, Dallas Wayne? to do a couple of songs.  

Well I better get to work, more later.  


Re: SXSW Report

1999-03-19 Thread KATIEJOM

OK folks,

How about some details for the SXSW deprived?  Play nice, sharing is "a good


In a message dated 3/19/1999 9:22:27 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  I'll second that. For those of us who are complete suckers for Teenage
>  Fanclub (I'm raising my hand high and proud) remember this name: The Ice
>  Cream Hands.
>  Lordy.
>  >We are having fun. Lots of fun.
>  >
>  >More later.
>  >
>  >Slim - sleep deprived

Re: SXSW Report

1999-03-19 Thread Tar Hut Records

I'll second that. For those of us who are complete suckers for Teenage
Fanclub (I'm raising my hand high and proud) remember this name: The Ice
Cream Hands.


-Original Message-
To: passenger side <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, March 19, 1999 9:09 AM
Subject: SXSW Report

>We are having fun. Lots of fun.
>More later.
>Slim - sleep deprived

Re: SXSW rain?

1999-03-16 Thread Ph. Barnard

Miss Cherry Lou don't need no stinkin' badges...

> Really? Crap. Anyone planning on being at the BBQ -- if it's raining on
> Thursday at noon, call the house (number is in email invite thingy) -- I
> might have to move it to Saturday.

Well hey, I'll *be* there by then, so I wouldn't mind.  I'm *not* 
wishing for rain, don't get me wrong, but I would like to break my 
perfect record of having to miss that dang BBQ


Re: SXSW rain?

1999-03-16 Thread William F. Silvers

Cherilyn diMond wrote:

> >Yeah, we'll be there. Bring your raincoats, folks. Forcast is showers.
> Really? Crap. Anyone planning on being at the BBQ -- if it's raining on
> Thursday at noon, call the house (number is in email invite thingy) -- I
> might have to move it to Saturday.
> kill me,
> cherry lou.

Yup, if the Weather Channel website is to be believed, showers and a high of
70 degrees are predicted for Thursday.Friday mostly cloudy, still 70.
Saturday partly cloudy, still 70.
Cherilyn, don't make us choose between your bash and the Saturday ND/Miles
of Music thang, please? 


Re: SXSW update: final

1999-03-16 Thread Debnumbers

Deb Sommer is staying at the La Quinta Capitol is anyone cares.

She will also be attending as many parties as possible -- non-badge this year
but may also be found at the Flagpole and ATHfest booth in the convention
center (if they make me) promoting her book "Hot Wax and Dusty Tracks: A Guide
to Music Landmarks in the South" (Volume 1)  They'll have flyers there.  I
don't think they need me -- I'd rather have fun and party 

Deb Sommer

Re: SXSW and me

1999-03-16 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 3/16/99 9:40:29 AM Central Standard Time,

<< > maybe his dog ate his party schedule?
 Na, his printer didn't work.  But he'll have it by tomorrow, really!! >>

Matt, were just funnin' with you. hope to see you at some of the parties.
Introduce yourself.

HEY! I have a great idea! Why don't the poor unwashed without badges wear
those blue "HELLO my name is..." tags?

Slim - hopefully washed

RE: SXSW and me

1999-03-16 Thread BARNARD

> maybe his dog ate his party schedule?

Na, his printer didn't work.  But he'll have it by tomorrow, really!!


RE: SXSW and me

1999-03-16 Thread Grant, Jonathan

maybe his dog ate his party schedule?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 9:15 AM
To: passenger side
Subject: Re: SXSW and me

In a message dated 3/16/99 1:05:03 AM Central Standard Time,

<< I'll be in Austin for SXSW.
 I'd like to go to the parties, etc.
 But I don't have a clue where they are.  I'd like to meet all you guys
 (again, probably).
 Someone help me out. >>

Does this remind anyone of the kid who waits until the last minute to do
school science project?

You have only had a year to plan this.


Re: SXSW and me

1999-03-16 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 3/16/99 1:05:03 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< I'll be in Austin for SXSW.
 I'd like to go to the parties, etc.
 But I don't have a clue where they are.  I'd like to meet all you guys
 (again, probably).
 Someone help me out. >>

Does this remind anyone of the kid who waits until the last minute to do his
school science project?

You have only had a year to plan this.


Re: SXSW and me

1999-03-16 Thread Bill Silvers

At 01:01 AM 3/16/1999 Matt wrote:

>Here's the deal.
>I'm shooting a commercial in Nac. tommorow, so I can check my mail (I
>own no Austin computer).
>I'll be in Austin for SXSW.
>I'd like to go to the parties, etc.
>But I don't have a clue where they are.  I'd like to meet all you guys
>(again, probably).
>Someone help me out.
>--Matt Cook

Hey Matt,
We've never met, face to face anyway, and I know there's other P2ers in the
same boat who regret not meeting you. Why not just make it easy on us all
and show up for Cherilyn's party and get it over with?


n.p. Foster & Lloyd FASTER AND LLOUDER
"The truth ain't always what we need, sometimes we need to hear a beautiful
lie." -Bill Lloyd

Re: SXSW update: final

1999-03-15 Thread LindaRay64

It has been determined that yours truly will have a room at the Days Inn
University-Downtown.  What good it will do anyone to know that remains to be
seen.  In my experience, there's never been live music in my hotel room so
I've generally been where there is.  Still. . .there's a first time for

See you at the P2 party!


Re: SxSW note: Tigerlillies

1999-03-15 Thread Christopher M Knaus

Hey there,

Dave sez...

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 12:02:33 -0500 "Dave Purcell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>A special SxSW note for you lucky bastards who are going. I know 
>there are a zillion great bands playing and you can't possibly see 
>everyone you want to see. But if you get a chance, please try to 
>work the Tigerlillies into your schedule (I'm not sure when they're 
Since I have my elaborate SXSW matrix in front of me, The Tigerlillies
play Maggie Mae's East Thursday at 1am.
>P.S. Are you still out here, Susan?
Stop calline me Susan.

CK - already in Austin and the weather is beee yooo tiful.
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Re: Excuse me? (was: Re: SXSW)

1999-03-14 Thread Douglas Baxter

Absolutely correct I have not been to Pittsburgh. To save a little face here
allow me to bow out gracefully by saying that I am saving Pittsburgh to the
last moment like the cherry on the icecream float.


Excuse me? (was: Re: SXSW)

1999-03-14 Thread Masonsod

In a message dated 3/14/99 5:33:14 PM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< As we prepare to leave for that big CSRF in the second best city in North
 America (immediately behind Victoria, B.C.) >>

Obviously you haven't been to Pittsburgh.

Mitch Matthews (P-burgh's biggest outta-town fan)
Gravel Train/Sunken Road

Re: SXSW news

1999-03-12 Thread Meshel

>If you've sprung for a wristband (currently still available at all Star
>Tickets outlets, albeit at the increased price of
>$95), you're most likely interested in the latest on which acts are playing
> SXSW proper, like say for instance Tom
>Waits (!!), who has confirmed as a festival showcase as we go to press:

sorry, couldn't help it.

Re: SXSW news

1999-03-12 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 3/12/99 10:13:07 AM Central Standard Time,

<< you're most likely interested in the latest on which acts are playing
  SXSW proper, like say for instance Tom
 Waits (!!),  >>

Dammit, quit telling people! I wanna get in!

Slim np- Bluegrass Mandolin Extravaganza (WOW!)

Re: SXSW off festival page updated...

1999-03-12 Thread Kelly Kessler

I hereby declare that I am in awe of Stacey's Web prowess, and impressed by
her tireless efforts to keep everyone (the world!) up to the minute on
what's going on in twangdom.

And, hey, Stacey, thanks belatedly for the P2 survey.  (I believe you were
offline when the results were posted.)

Gary Floyd (was Re: SXSW news)

1999-03-12 Thread Carl Abraham Zimring

Excerpts from internet.listserv.postcard2: 12-Mar-99 SXSW news by
> Other names that might be of interest include former Dicks leader Gary
> Floyd, who's playing as part of his new
> band, Black Kali Ma

Is this an acoustic or electric band?  Floyd is one hellaciously
talented singer and I hope to hear him do more acoustic stuff (though
there's some excellent rawk on the Dicks' compilation worth checking out
of you like political punk).   Doesn't Innerstate have a new Floyd
record out?  Russ?

Carl Z. 

Re: SXSW update II

1999-03-11 Thread Amy Haugesag

>Don't I qualify as an Austinite?  I realize I've only lived here for twelve
>years   Or maybe I don't qualify as a P2er...  Well, either way, I'll
>be around and looking forward to seeing everyone everywhere I go.
Erm, the omission was purely unintentional, John. I left off a few other
Austinites the first time too. And hey, at least I didn't get your gender
wrong, as I did with Wynn Harris.


Re: SXSW update II

1999-03-11 Thread JP Riedie

Don't I qualify as an Austinite?  I realize I've only lived here for twelve
years   Or maybe I don't qualify as a P2er...  Well, either way, I'll
be around and looking forward to seeing everyone everywhere I go.

James Hand:

Wednesday, 10 PMBroken Spoke
Thursday, 6PM   Under the Sun
Saturday, 3pm   Cheapo Discs

Asylum Street Spankers

Saturday, 1AM  Pecan Street Ale house

>At the request of Barry Mazor, who's leaving shortly for his
>all-expenses-paid, staying-at-the-swanky-Omni trip to Austin, I'm posting
>the updated list of P2ers at the Best Li'l CSRF in Texas. Lots of folks
>piped up to let me know they'd be there after my last call. If you're going
>and you still haven't let me know, you have until Monday to do so; after
>that, I'll be gone.
>Marie Arsenault
>Austin Motel
>Junior Barnard
>I'm sure Junior mentioned where he's staying, but I fergit
>Doug Baxter and his wife, Christine
>Doug wisely omitted mention of where he's staying
>Dan Bentele
>Austin Motel, I think
>Rusty Berther (upping the Australian P2 quotient to 2)
>accomodations ???
>Sophie Best
>staying at Smilin' Jim's
>Jim Catalano
>staying at an accomodation to be named later
>Jim Cox
>staying in some generic apartment he rented
>John Flippo
>Austin Motel
>Richard Flohil
>staying at Erica Wissolik's
>Randi Fratkin
>staying at Erica Wissolik's
>Wynn Harris
>staying at his dad's
>Steve Kirsch
>staying at Smilin' Jim's
>Chris Knaus & Meshel Watkins
>Austin Motel
>Jake London
>Austin Motel
>Barry Mazor
>Omni Hotel
>Alex "I Can't Believe I Left Him Off the Last List Since the Party Is In
>His Room Every Night" Millar
>Austin Motel
>Linda Ray
>accomodations to be determined
>Jim Roll and Laura Eckenrod
>staying at a friend's house
>Bill Silvers
>Austin Motel
>Deb "Numbers" Sommers
>staying somewhere, I'm sure
>Tiffany Suiters
>Southard House
>Jamie Swedberg
>Austin Motel
>Stacey Taylor, I think
>Austin Motel
>(er, is Stacey still planning to attend? Someone let me know, please.)
>Jeff Weiss & Corrie Gregory
>Neal Weiss & Colleen Morrissey
>Austin Motel
>Don Yates & Deborah Malarek
>staying at Laura Fowler's
>me and  my husband Eric
>Austin Motel
>and of course, the Austinites:
>Jim Caligiuri
>Jayne Cravens
>Jim Fagan
>Laura Fowler (and too, I assume?)
>Jerald Corder
>Chad Hamilton
>Cherilyn DiMond
>Slim Kelly
>Erika Wissolik
>--Amy, wishing I had the energy to make an intelligent response to Todd's
>and Will's UT posts but too dumbfounded by Neal's casual dismissal of Son
>Volt to speak. Oh, and Jay is SO cuter than Jeff--get real, Neal.

Re: SXSW update II

1999-03-11 Thread Don Yates

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, William T. Cocke wrote:

> I don't think I'm blowing anyone's cover here, but I've 
> known Wynn for a long time and can attest to the fact that 
> she's a she .

And a scrappy one at that.--don

Re: SXSW update II

1999-03-11 Thread William T. Cocke

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:44:42 -0500 Amy Haugesag 

> Wynn Harris
> staying at his dad's

I don't think I'm blowing anyone's cover here, but I've 
known Wynn for a long time and can attest to the fact that 
she's a she .

William Cocke
Senior Writer
HSC Development
University of Virginia
(804) 924-8432

Re: SXSW update II

1999-03-11 Thread Hellcountry

-Original Message-
From: Amy Haugesag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Stacey Taylor, I think
>Austin Motel
>(er, is Stacey still planning to attend? Someone let me know, please.)

Yes, I'm still attending, just in deep lurk mode after my move.
I'm currently working on putting up a page of all the off-SXSW events that
I've caught in various emails...and somehow I'm missing all the Yard Dog and
Broken Spoke events...does anyone have those handy?

I'll post the address when I finish it...should be in a few hours.
Sure looks like Junior and others who opt to forego the wristbands will have
plenty of options...too many.


Re: SXSW update II

1999-03-11 Thread Barry Mazor

><< At the request of Barry Mazor, who's leaving shortly for his   all

>must be some kinda well-known workin' weasel!
>Linda my case, more like an unknown workin weasel, know, one more
runna-the-mill ink-stained wretch with no bylines in music any more  Of
course, "wease"l is the highest known compliment on P2...right...?


Kind of liking this typing  in the wee hours thing.  Less typos.

Re: SXSW update II

1999-03-11 Thread LindaRay64

In a message dated 3/10/99 10:56:52 PM Central Standard Time,

<< At the request of Barry Mazor, who's leaving shortly for his
 all-expenses-paid, staying-at-the-swanky-Omni trip to Austin,  >>

must be some kinda well-known workin' weasel!


Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-09 Thread Tiffany Suiters

Here is the tentative schedule of acts at
Cheapo Records on Lamar and 10th 
Wednesday, March 17th: 
7:00pm Courtney Audain & FUZE (Austin) R&B/Pop influenced by
World Beat

Thursday, March 18th: 
Noon: The Billygoats (Nashville, TN) Pop-a-billy 
1:00pm Tony Maserati (Austin) 50's Rock & Roll 
2:00pm T. Jarrod Bonta (Austin) Country Swing 
3:00pm The Dusty 45's (Seattle, WA) High energy rockabilly, swing 
4:00pm James Intveld (Los Angeles, CA) Supurb roots-americana 
5:00pm Split Lip Rayfield (Wichita, KS) Psycho-bluegrass 
6:00pm The Horton Brothers (Austin) Boppin hillbilly harmonies 
7:00pm The Jive Bombers (Austin) snappy traditional swing 
8:00pm Robbie Fulks
Friday, March 19th: 
Noon: Eric Hisaw (Austin) Southwest folk 
1:00pm Dallas Wayne (Finland) Country, folk-rock 
2:00 Vic Valore (Minneapolis, MN) Ratpack lounge/swing 
3:00 Hillbilly Idol (Cleveland, OH) Roots country 
4:00 The Piners (Portland, ME) Americana 
5:00 (TBA) 
6:00 Stephen Lee Canner (Austin, TX) Hillbilly bop 
7:00 American Standards (Austin, TX) Texas hot-rockabilly
Saturday, March 19th: 
Noon: Honey Dogs (Minneapolis, MN) country rock 
1:00 pm Paul Burch (Nashville, TN) 
2:00 Three Cent Stomp (Chicago, IL) Swing 
3:00 (TBA) 
4:00 Hot Head Swing Band (Minneapolis, MN) 20's Hot Jazz 
5:00 Chrome Addicts (Sacramento, CA) Adrenaline-based blues 
6:00 (TBA)7:00 (TBA) 

Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread BARNARD

Thankya Joe, for the info on this Saturday night show at the Texas


Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread Joe Gracey

BARNARD wrote:
> There's also some kind of Saturday morning do at the Texacali Grill.
> Danny Young's thing.  Details anyone?
> --junior

Also, don't forget the Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Kimmie Rhodes,  loads of
other people Saturday night at the Texas Union Ballroom. Benefit for
donald Lindsey.
Joe Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread BARNARD

Ooooh-wee!  That Saturday morning lineup at the Texacali might even make
me wake up before 2:00 pm!  Many thanks, Slim.  You will find me there,
trying to wake up with a Shiner breakfast platter


Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread BARNARD

Slim wonders:
> Are y'all deleting my posts?  I have  long list of nonSXSW gigs already, and
> just did another.

Whoops .  My excuse is that I've just gotten back into town and haven't
been subscribed since last Wednesday night.  So whatever transpired from
then till now is unbeknownst to me, etc...

If you've still got those posts, Slim, I'd be much obliged...

Lemme know offlist and thanks for the heads-up.  As mentioned, I'm only
talking non-wristband events here.


Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 3/8/99 6:50:21 PM Central Standard Time,

<< There's also some kind of Saturday morning do at the Texacali Grill.
 Danny Young's thing.  Details anyone? >>

Texicali Grill
4PM Ponty Bone
6PM Mandy Mercer

Saturday: (11AM-3PM)
The South Austin All-Star Extravaganza featuring:
Cornell Hurd
Johnny Bush
Clay Blaker
Doug Sahm
Rip Masters
Howard Kalish
Kelly Spinks
The Hollisters


Re: SXSW hype-age

1999-03-08 Thread Ndubb

<< Yeah but they don't let non-weasels into their little party.  Plus I'd
 much rather be at Cherry Lou's where nobody is worried about commercial
 responsibility.  That phrase makes their free beer hard to drink.  Wait
 did I just say, oh nevermind. >>

Oh shit. You see, this is why I like to not even think about scheduling my
SXSW life until I've kissed the Texas grounds and tasted my first Shiner. Now
I gotta split myself in two, at least. 

My head hurts.


Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread Jeff Weiss

At 05:41 PM 3/8/99 -0600, you wrote:
>BARNARD wrote:
>> Is there a web listing anywhere of all the non-festival events, the
>> SXSoWhat shows at various places like the Carousel, etc?
>You find out anything Junior, let me know. I still have thoughts of trying to
>round up info for a weekend post on the whole affair.Looks like you were
on to
>something going sans-wristband though...

Former p2er John Conquest puts out his "We Don't Need No Stinking Badges"
issue every year right about this time. 


Miles of Music mail order
FREE printed Catalog: (818) 883-9975 fax: (818) 992-8302, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Alt-Country, rockabilly, bluegrass, folk, power pop and tons more.

Re: SXSW hype-age

1999-03-08 Thread Chad Hamilton

Club Deville is on Red River between 8th and 9th - across the street
from Stubbs.  Pretty cool bar.  Pretty commercially responsible label.

Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread BARNARD

There's also some kind of Saturday morning do at the Texacali Grill.
Danny Young's thing.  Details anyone?


Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread BARNARD

Bill says:

> You find out anything Junior, let me know. I still have thoughts of trying to
> round up info for a weekend post on the whole affair.Looks like you were on to
> something going sans-wristband though...

Yeah, as I think I mentioned, I've decided to forego the wristband (half
the time you don't get in anyhow!) and spend my time at "unofficial"
shows.  I don't know the lineup at each joint, but if you figure in
--Threadgill's (lineup just posted by Slim), 
--Ego's (around the corner from Threadgill's and just North of the
Austin Motel on South Congress), 
--The Little Longhorn (way north on Burnet), 
--The Carousel (1 block north  of 51st just as you cross over I35, right
at the airport), 
PLUS all the instores, all the parties, all the special shows in the
afternoons at the Spoke and elsewhere--

A bunch of these joints have organized themselves loosely and are having 
"South By So What" shows like the one I mentioned on Thursday at the
Carousel.  Anyway, it all adds up to plenty of action without the
weaseldom *or* the wristband...

I'll only have two nights anyhow, so this is already 10 times as much
music as I can possibly take in.

That's the plan, at any rate ,

Re: SXSW hype-age

1999-03-08 Thread John Flippo

Would this be one of those invitation only affairs?
-Original Message-
To: passenger side <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, March 08, 1999 4:03 PM
Subject: SXSW hype-age

>Dumbling through the onslaught of snail mail about SXSW events, one I came
>across that I might as well *pen* in to the date book is the Doolittle BBQ
>Club DeVille, featuring Mount Pilot, Trish Murphy, Todd Thibaud,
>and the Bottle Rockets. All this before the sun even goes down on Thursday.
>Yeah buddy, life is (gonna be) good.
>Psyching myself up for kid-in-candy-store status,
>Neal Weiss
>np - Alejandro, Bourbonitis Blues

Re: SXSW hype-age

1999-03-08 Thread Chad Hamilton

> Dumbling through the onslaught of snail mail about SXSW events, one I came across 
>that I might as well *pen* in to the date book is the Doolittle BBQ at Club DeVille,

Yeah but they don't let non-weasels into their little party.  Plus I'd
much rather be at Cherry Lou's where nobody is worried about commercial
responsibility.  That phrase makes their free beer hard to drink.  Wait
did I just say, oh nevermind.

Are there any must sees for Wed. night from anyone's perspective? 
Thursday thru the end are looking great but Wed. seems a little weak to


Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 3/8/99 5:42:20 PM Central Standard Time,

<< > Is there a web listing anywhere of all the non-festival events, the
 > SXSoWhat shows at various places like the Carousel, etc?
 You find out anything Junior, let me know. I still have thoughts of trying to
 round up info for a weekend post on the whole affair.Looks like you were on
 something going sans-wristband though... >>

Are y'all deleting my posts?  I have  long list of nonSXSW gigs already, and
just did another.


Re: SXSW hype-age

1999-03-08 Thread marie arsenault

Hey, what time does this start and do you have an address
for Club DeVille?


>Dumbling through the onslaught of snail mail about SXSW events, one I came
>across that I might as well *pen* in to the date book is the Doolittle BBQ at
>Club DeVille, featuring Mount Pilot, Trish Murphy, Todd Thibaud, Slobberbone
>and the Bottle Rockets. All this before the sun even goes down on Thursday.

Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread JKellySC1

Haven't seen a website, but the 3rd Coast Music issue has a lot of listings.

Here is another one (NO FIGHTING!!!):

Threadgills South
Dale Watson 7:30PM

Don Walser 7:30PM
Chapparal 10PM

2PM:b Ruthie & the Wranglers
3:15PM: Trigger Gospel
4:30PM: Hazel Dean , no wait, Hazeldine
6:30: Los Hermanos Cruz
8PM; some TBA Cajun band
9:30PM: Los Aztex
11PM: Jet Set Zydeco

(Kid's Show)
10AM: Red Dirt Rangers
1PM: Damian Green
2PM: EveMonses & Gary Clark
3:15PM: Aaron Chesson
4:30PM: Red Headed Stepchild
(Grownups show)
7PM: Jimmy LaFave with Betty Elders, Burns Sisters, Gail Davies, Red Dirt
Rangers, etc.

Gospel Brunch with Asylum Street Spankers 11ish
(more acts TBA on Sunday)


Re: SXSW: off-festival events??

1999-03-08 Thread William F. Silvers

BARNARD wrote:

> Is there a web listing anywhere of all the non-festival events, the
> SXSoWhat shows at various places like the Carousel, etc?

You find out anything Junior, let me know. I still have thoughts of trying to
round up info for a weekend post on the whole affair.Looks like you were on to
something going sans-wristband though...


Re: sxsw "Under The Sun"

1999-03-08 Thread Jennifer Sperandeo


>To: "passenger side" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: sxsw "Under The Sun"
>Date: Sun, Mar 7, 1999, 1:36 PM

>>>>Maybe Smilin' Jim can tell us which of these acts are going to be
>their labels' problems.
>Maybe Jon can explain how playing in a vintage clothes store during SXSW is
>like playing ar CRS in front of a few hundred radio programmers.

Re: sxsw "Under The Sun"

1999-03-07 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 3/7/99 2:05:52 PM Central Standard Time,

<< >>Maybe Jim can explain blah blah blah CSRF blah CRS blah blah woof woof.

If posting schedules is going to elicit these kinds of pissing contests I
won't do it. 

Jon, you ain't coming, so what you got the redass about?

np - 700 horsepower stock cars "ZOOO"

RE: sxsw "Under The Sun"

1999-03-07 Thread Jim_Caligiuri

>>Maybe Jim can explain blah blah blah CSRF blah CRS blah blah woof woof.
May be I can, may be I can't may be I just don't care, today.

RE: sxsw "Under The Sun"

1999-03-07 Thread Jon Weisberger

> >>>Maybe Smilin' Jim can tell us which of these acts are going to be
> solving
> their labels' problems.
> Maybe Jon can explain how playing in a vintage clothes store
> during SXSW is
> like playing ar CRS in front of a few hundred radio programmers.

Maybe Jim can explain how *any* of the gazillion showcases, concerts, etc.
at SXSW is going to solve any music business's problems.  Of course, the
hype for SXSW doesn't claim that they will, but then, the hype for the CRS
didn't, either.

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: sxsw "Under The Sun"

1999-03-07 Thread Jim_Caligiuri

>>>Maybe Smilin' Jim can tell us which of these acts are going to be
their labels' problems.
Maybe Jon can explain how playing in a vintage clothes store during SXSW is
like playing ar CRS in front of a few hundred radio programmers.

RE: sxsw "Under The Sun"

1999-03-07 Thread Jon Weisberger

> Here is  the tentative schedule of performers in the back yard
> area at Under The Sun...

Maybe Smilin' Jim can tell us which of these acts are going to be solving
their labels' problems.

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SXSW schedule

1999-03-03 Thread Ph. Barnard

Jerker, just put "sxsw" into any search engine and the website should 
come right up, I assume?


Re: SXSW party--heads up!

1999-02-28 Thread Chadborne


do you have anymore info on this - like what the name of the benefit concert
is/what the charity is?

you can send it me directly, if you'd like



 << That reminds me:  isn't Kinky having a benefit in Austin for his wildlife
  charity (or some other wildlife charity) a week or two before Tfest?
  Do any of you Austinites know the lineup for that show?  I vaguely recall
  a couple of big names >>
 March 10 at La Zona Rosa - JJ Walker, J. Ely, RE Keen, B.Hancock, M. Ball, JD
 Gilmore, Ray Benson, LR Parnell, J. McMurtry, Aus. Lounge Lizards,
 Geezinslaws, all backed up by  Double Trouble, Steven Bruton, ponty Bone,
 Alvin Crow, and others.
 tickets are only $100.
 Slim - NOT going 

Re: SXSW party--heads up!

1999-02-27 Thread BARNARD

That's a great lineup for Kinky's benefit, but at $100-a-plate you're
gonna get a strange crowd indeed  Nobody has that kind of bucks
excpept socialites, politicians, and drug dealers!

I'll go for the afternoon party at the Spoke .

ALSO:  I just read on the hillbilly list that WANDA JACKSON will be
signing autographs at Cheapo Friday about 5:00 or so  Cool.  


Re: SXSW party--heads up!

1999-02-27 Thread JKellySC1

In a message dated 2/27/99 2:05:07 PM Central Standard Time,

<< That reminds me:  isn't Kinky having a benefit in Austin for his wildlife
 charity (or some other wildlife charity) a week or two before Tfest?
 Do any of you Austinites know the lineup for that show?  I vaguely recall
 a couple of big names >>

March 10 at La Zona Rosa - JJ Walker, J. Ely, RE Keen, B.Hancock, M. Ball, JD
Gilmore, Ray Benson, LR Parnell, J. McMurtry, Aus. Lounge Lizards,
Geezinslaws, all backed up by  Double Trouble, Steven Bruton, ponty Bone,
Alvin Crow, and others.

tickets are only $100.

Slim - NOT going 

Re: SXSW party--heads up!

1999-02-27 Thread BARNARD

Wow, Robbie, Kinky, and Lonesome Bob on the same bill.  Not too shabby!

That reminds me:  isn't Kinky having a benefit in Austin for his wildlife
charity (or some other wildlife charity) a week or two before Tfest?
Do any of you Austinites know the lineup for that show?  I vaguely recall
a couple of big names


Re: SXSW query: Broken Spoke??

1999-02-25 Thread Barry Mazor

And meanwhie, besides the Saturday SXSW line-up there, culminating with
Walser-Hancock-Watson, there's the  "now I know I'm really in town"
Wednesday night line-up at the Broken Spoke--which includes James Hand,
Charlie Burton and the Texas 2 Steppers,  Ted Roddy's Tearjoint Troubadors,
and Cordell Hurd.

This sounds like the probable best best for that Wednesday night start--
though I don't know who've they got lined up between speeches at those
Austin Music Awards...

If you're inclined, Mr. Jeff Beck will also be at La Zona Rosa!  And
yeah--Lullaby for the Working Class,, Mount Pilot and (is this right?) Jim
Roll at Liberty Lunch...or Jo Carol Pierce and Fred Eaglesmith at the Hole
in the Wall...

on it goes--but I bet I get to the Broken Spoke for  at least the later
part of Wednesday.

Barry M.

Re: SXSW query: Broken Spoke??

1999-02-25 Thread JP Riedie

>Does Broken Spoke do wristband admission during SXSW, or are they
>independent of the whole thing?  I have hazy and contradictory
>memories on this one 

Although your memories are probably hazy from the drink, the Spoke's SXSW
role is usually confusing.  For many years they remained independent and
booked their regulars during the big week.  Then they relented and gave up
Thursdays.  Then, when the conference began programming music on Wednesdays
the Spoke gave 'em that night too.  But until last year Friday and Saturday
were not SXSW nights.  (Chris Wall traditionally played Friday)  Last year
Friday was given over and just yesterday Mr. White of the Spoke called me
to say that Jimmie Dale Gilmore had cancelled his Saturday show (rumor had
it that Dave Alvin was going to join him).  So he gave the night to SXSW.

This is the history of SXSW encroachment upon the last of the true Texas
dance halls.

This time of year is a real drag, what with everybody in town up in arms
over wrist band price, music awards, showcase slots and bitching and
moaning about how the conference has hopelessly lost touch with everything.
I would boycott except that there's so much free food and beer.  And all
the women I meet leave after three days.

Re: SXSW query: Broken Spoke??

1999-02-25 Thread Jeff Weiss

At 02:47 PM 2/25/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Yep they're part of the CRSF.

Wouldn't that be CSRF (Corporate Sponsored Rat Fuck) for those playing
along at home who weren't here last year.


Miles of Music mail order
FREE printed Catalog: (818) 883-9975 fax: (818) 992-8302, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Alt-Country, rockabilly, bluegrass, folk, power pop and tons more.

Re: SXSW query: Broken Spoke??

1999-02-25 Thread louicm

On Thu, 25 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Yep they're part of the CRSF.
> Jim, smilin' and smilin'

The CRSF? The Corporate Rat-Sponsored Fuck? Hey, I almost like
that better.


Re: SXSW query: Broken Spoke??

1999-02-25 Thread Joe Gracey

"Ph. Barnard" wrote:
> Does Broken Spoke do wristband admission during SXSW, or are they
> independent of the whole thing?  I have hazy and contradictory
> memories on this one 
> --junior

No, they are not part of SXSW. BTW, it looks like Kimmie Rhodes is doing
a benefit thing for David Lindley's family at the Texas Union Ballroom
on Saturday night with Jimmie Dale Gilmore and a host of other people.
More details as I know them.
Joe Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

Re: SXSW query: Broken Spoke??

1999-02-25 Thread Jim_Caligiuri

Yep they're part of the CRSF.
Jim, smilin' and smilin'

Re: SXSW query: Broken Spoke??

1999-02-25 Thread Hellcountry

The Broken Spoke is listed as one of the official venues this year.
Your wristband'll get you in.


-Original Message-
From: Ph. Barnard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does Broken Spoke do wristband admission during SXSW, or are they 
independent of the whole thing?  I have hazy and contradictory 
memories on this one   


Re: SXSW Friday impossible

1999-02-24 Thread BARNARD

Nice list, Barry.  If I make it, you'll find me at the Spoke!!


Re: SXSW Friday impossible

1999-02-24 Thread Owen Bly

I'd say go for the Blazers...we've played with them down in L.A., and they
just knock me out.  They're performing alot of newer stuff that's alot more
conjunto-oriented, as well as their killer rock material.  I just think the
world of 'em as a live band...


>There's always gotta be one killer schedule night down there--and this time
>it's gotta be Friday for P2 types.
>All at once (more or less) now:
>Austin Music Hall:
>   Jim Lauderdale, Continental Drifters, Patty Griffin, Robert Earl Keen,
>Lucinda Williams
>Broken Spoke:
>Hillbilly Idol, Countrypolitans, Don Walser, Wayne Hancock, Dale Watson
>Continental Club:
>Heather MIles, Rosie Flores, The Blazers
>Liberty Lunch:
>Donna the Buffalo, Clarence Gatemouth Brown, Terry Allen, Guy Clark, Bad
>Saengerrunde Hall:
>Old Joe Clarks, Flatirons, Silos, Hadacol
>Scholz Beer Garden:
>Devil in a Woodpile, Paul Burch, Tommy Womack, Lonesome Bob
>...and there are others out there like--Mercury Rev, Freakwater, Calexico,
>Sparklehorse, and so it goes. And that's one night.  I still don't have
>anything to say against SXSW except my knees start to give out sometime on
>Elderly Barry.
> Getting ready.

Owen Bly
Ranchero Records
Oakland, CA

Re: sxsw criticisms (long)

1999-02-22 Thread Ndubb

<< In fact, if it wasn't for a fortuitous encounter with the sister of Don
Walser's drummer on the first day of the conference, >>

Anyone else obsessing on this part of Don's last post? Hmmm...


Re: sxsw criticisms (long)

1999-02-22 Thread Don Yates

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  Dale
> > Watson and The Hot Club Of Cowtown both claim to be signed to Hightone
> > after SXSW gigs, btw.
>   Hot Club had a huge buzz on them going into their gig.

No, they didn't -- at least not outside of Austin.  I had heard nothing
about them before SXSW last year.  In fact, if it wasn't for a fortuitous
encounter with the sister of Don Walser's drummer on the first day of the 
conference, I might've totally missed them when I was down there.--don
(back from the Gavin weaselfest and New Orleans, where Corey Harris, Kelly
Willis and Bruce Robison were the highlights -- not to mention hosting a
li'l performance/interview seminar with a fella you all have been chattin'
about recently by the name of Bobby Bare.  Bare Jr. fans will be happy to 
know that Bare Sr. considers "Daddy What If" to be one of his career
high points.)


1999-02-18 Thread katahdin

I also have an Austin motel reservation that I won't be using 'cause I'm
staying with folks in town. If you want it, write me offlist sometime
before Saturday (that's when I'm cancelling it). It's from the 17th thru
the 21st (leaving on the 22nd). 

Steve Kirsch

"I've been thinking with my guts since I was 14 years old, and, frankly
between you and me, I have come to the conclusion that my guts have shit
brains." -- Nick Hornby, "High Fidelity"

Re: sxsw criticisms

1999-02-18 Thread Kelly Kessler

I've thoroughly enjoyed this thread.  While having a hard time not siding
with the populist musician voices of Nancy, Kip, and poor, grumpy Erin (who,
like Cheryl & Wall almost always makes me laugh), it's also helpful to hear
the pragmatic, weasel's-eye view from Jim C. et al.  Aesthetics meets the
real world, and is it ever a mixed bag.

When my band was young, we bought the dream and spent dough we did not have
made from gigs and temp jobs that rot your brain to play the Cactus Cafe at
SXSW.  We thought the miraculous might happen.  Debt when you're
middle-class is a livable ball and chain; debt when you're poor is a cement
overcoat.  The fact is, my band was good; we really had something.  What we
lacked was savvy: we had no industry connections and no knowledge of how to
get them. We couldn't afford to stay, so we flew in that afternoon, stayed
up all night, flew out the next morning. We played, we caught Jimmy LaFave
at the Hole In the Wall, we went home.  Occasionally now, people are
impressed to see SXSW on our resumes. End of story.

Ross Whitwam says Garth Brooks' music is what bugs him, Garth's
ambitiousness doesn't offend him at all.  I say the two are inseparable.
Without ambition, ain't nobody gonna ever hear your music.  Aesthetically
speaking, though, it is one dicey bedfellow, and it is the rare event when
the pure pleasure of music and the push to get it heard aren't actually in
conflict.  In Garth's case, the music is sufficiently subsumed by his
ambition to the point where it is impossible for me to find any enjoyment in
his songs (although, in all fairness, I have found his cover of Billy Joel's
"Shameless" to be a powerful emetic and therefore somewhat useful.)

SXSW, NEA, and the rest pay the musicians jacksquat while others profit.
Nothing can make this an O.K. thing for the musicians.  For the listeners,
it's an incredible opportunity to hear live music.  For the business, it's
business as usual.


Re: sxsw criticisms (my take)

1999-02-18 Thread Ross Whitwam

At 5:34 PM -0800 17/2/99, stuart wrote:
>Ross Whitwam wrote:
>> If this is the case, and I have no reason to dispute it,
>> why should poor old Garth get such a ragging around here
>> for all *his* efforts at self-marketing?  It's just a difference
>> of scale, isn't it?
>Well sure.  But its also the same difference of scale that gives the
>rich and poor equal rights to sleep under the bridge.

Exactly.  If someone is forced by circumstances to sleep under
a bridge, that's a shame.  If someone choses to live under
a bridge, I'd consider that an odd choice and not necessarily
one that reflects well on him or her, but who am I to begrudge
that person the right to do so?

>Scale matters.
>Plus it's the damn spectacle of Lord Garth that I find so annoying.

I suspect you're not alone in that.  I just don't see why
hustle and self-promotion were positive things when Garth
was as unknown as any tyro heading to SXSW for the first time,
but bad things now that he's corporational.  His music I
might legitimately dislike, but his drive and ambition, however
misdirected I might find them, do not offend me at all.

Molecular Pharmacology & Therapeutics Program
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NYC

Re: SXSW Saturday

1999-02-18 Thread Chad Hamilton

Matt Cook wrote:
> Damn, now I wish I was in three places at once.

The Flaming Lips and Sparklehorse are actually Friday night.
Chad Hamilton
University of Texas
Graduate School of Business

Re: SXSW Saturday

1999-02-18 Thread Ndubb

<< Who are incidentally playing before the Flaming Lips.  Does anyone know
 if this is going to be a true Flaming Lips' gig or more of that
 synchronized car stereo crap?

I think it's a real one. I suspect they have to get back to making
conventional records after that 4 CD thing they did last, which probably sold
about ten copies total. 

NW, who kinda liked the synchronized car crap. 

Re: SXSW Saturday

1999-02-18 Thread Matt Cook

Damn, now I wish I was in three places at once.

--Matt Cook

Chad Hamilton wrote:
> > Guess this opens up my Saturday night again. And I was suddenly panicking that it 
>would be opposite Sparklehorse.
> Who are incidentally playing before the Flaming Lips.  Does anyone know
> if this is going to be a true Flaming Lips' gig or more of that
> synchronized car stereo crap?
> Chad

Re: SXSW Saturday

1999-02-18 Thread Chad Hamilton

> Guess this opens up my Saturday night again. And I was suddenly panicking that it 
>would be opposite Sparklehorse.

Who are incidentally playing before the Flaming Lips.  Does anyone know
if this is going to be a true Flaming Lips' gig or more of that
synchronized car stereo crap?

Chad Hamilton
University of Texas
Graduate School of Business

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