Arief Yudhawarman wrote:

Hai milisers,

Tanya nich, ada ndak di postfix rule quota untuk besar email keluar ?
Misalnya per user bisa diset quotanya 10MB untuk trafik email keluar.
Saat ini saya mau buat service mail untuk member warnet, kuatirnya
saya ada user yg nakalan kirim email besar2 dan banyak2, kan bisa
lemot tuh koneksi internetnya.

 Sender throttling module allows quota enforcement.  Currently
  you may throttle based on amount of mails and total mail size
  sent over a given period of time which you define.

  Eg: You  can enforce that [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not send more
than 1000 mails or 1gig of mail (whichever limit is hit first)
  in say a 5 minute  period.

  There are 3 possible sender throttling methods:

-> 1) Throttle by (envelope) From address

INSERT INTO throttle \

VALUES ('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', # from address
          50,                # maximum messages per time unit
250000000, # size in bytes (250 megs) (maximum is 2gig)
          86400,             # time unit in seconds (1 day)
          10240000,          # maximum message size (10 meg)
          UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),  # current time
          10);               # priority of record




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