
I am trying to build a flexible mail system using different combinations of mailing softwares (eg. Postfix & maildrop & Dovecot, Exim & Dovecot, qmail & maildrop & Courier IMAP ...), at any time system administrator may decide to interchange between combinations without making a design change. For that purpose I have chosen a hierarchy like this for storing mails (I am using qmail style Maildirs by the way):

   |-- user1
   |   |-- user1dom1.net
   |   |   |-- mailus...@user1dom1.net
   |   |   |   `-- Maildir
   |   |   `-- mailus...@user1dom1.net
   |   |       `-- Maildir
   |   `-- user1dom2.net
   |       `-- m...@user1dom2.net
   |           `-- Maildir
   `-- user2
       `-- user2dom.net
           `-- testu...@user2dom.net
               `-- Maildir

user1and user2 are Unix system users that may have zero or more mail accounts associated with their zero or more domains.

/var/mailsystem/[user] directory and all its subdirectories owned by Unix system user [user] and have 0700 file permissions.

When I use Postfix as MTA and maildrop as MDA, I have encountered a mail delivery problem related with user permissions. Here is my virtual trasnport line for maildrop in Postfix's master.cf file.

   maildrop  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
flags=DRhu user=user1 argv=/usr/local/bin/maildrop -V 6 -w 90 /var/mailsystem/user1/${nexthop}/${us...@${nexthop}/maildrop.rc

As you can see this only works for user user1 because of hardcoded user1 in service parameters. What I want to is to dynamically set corresponding user so that Postfix can invoke maildrop with that user's permissions and mail delivery be made with the correct user rights.

A solution for this problem may be setting maildrop's user id to root but since they may cause security compromise I don't like suid binaries.

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