I have a few postfix systems on fedora38 with nearly identical
configurations. I'd like to be able to push changes to them from a third
system without having to login to them directly to do so. What's the
best/most secure way to do this?

For example, I'd like to push the recipient access file to both systems
since they both relay mail for the same domains. Currently I'm doing this
with rsync/ssh as root but would like to use a regular user.

Postifx complains when changing ownership of these files to a regular
user, so I thought of using setfacl on the individual files I need. Will
that cause a problem?

# setfacl -m g:appuser:rwx /etc/postfix
# setfacl -m g:appuser:wx /etc/postfix/client_checks.cidr
# setfacl -m g:appuser:wx /etc/postfix/recipient_checks

$ postmap recipient_checks
$ ls -l recipient_checks*
-rw-rwxr--+ 1 root    root    1065 Nov 15  2020 recipient_checks
-rw-r--r--  1 appuser appuser 2305 Mar  6 18:37 recipient_checks.cdb
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