On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Rocco Scappatura
<rocco.scappat...@infracom.it> wrote:
> Thanks Peter,
>> > My aim, anyway, is to apply a such policy for outgoing messages
>> > (including internal-to-internal messages). So I have to define a
>> group
>> > which contains the IPs enabled for relay through my mail server.
>> smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = check_policy_service inet:foo:12345
>> Postfix will send something like:
>> request=smtpd_access_policy
>> protocol_state=END-OF-MESSAGE
>> protocol_name=ESMTP
>> client_address=
>> client_name=
>> reverse_client_name=
>> helo_name=[]
>> sender=sen...@example.com
>> recipient...@domain.org
>> recipient_count=1
>> instance=581.4821e789.60a46.0
>> size=500
>> etrn_domain=
>> sasl_method=PLAIN
>> sasl_username=sen...@example.com
>> sasl_sender=
>> ccert_subject=
>> ccert_issuer=
>> ccert_fingerprint=
>> encryption_protocol=
>> encryption_cipher=
>> encryption_keysize=0
> What do you mean? When Postix sends thevalues above?

That's an example payload from postfix to a policy server at the
end-of-message section (when the client sends a "\r\n.\r\n").  My
suggestion assumes that a simple policy server act as the outbound
throttle.  It can reference whatever backend suits you.

>> Take the "sasl_username", and use it as a key to lookup the number of
>> messages sent in your homebrew database.  Then add an entry with a
>> count equal to "recipient_count".  If the number < some pre-defined
>> threshold within time period, then allow it.  Otherwise reject it with
>> some meaningful text.
> How do I "take" the "sasl_username"? So youre solution assumes that
> anybody uses sasl? This is not in general true..

True.  But you can be creative, and employ a policy like:

  * SASL auth'd users can send X messages per T period
  * Unauth'd users are key'd to their IP, so that IP can send X
messages per T period
  * whatever, whatever, etc. etc.

> I have no fields that maintain the number of messages sent for each
> mailbox. Anyway, from my Ips there are users that use their own email
> addresses as sender for outgoing email (i.e.: email address in domains
> other then mine). With you re solution I can't manage such situations..

Ok, without your DB schema, I'm left to my imagination.  The thing is
that you can use any unique identifier.  In my scenerio, the sasl
username + FQDN is unique enough, so it doesn't matter what domain the
user is in.  And, if you support domainless authentication, you can
always code in a provision that authentications without a "@" have a
certain domain name appended, etc etc.

> Anyway, I thought to some mechanism to point out an email als outgoing
> and then to input it to the policyd server.. It is possible to implemnt
> a such mechanism?

Sorry, I'm missing your point here.


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