Thanks for all my friend. and thanks for Joe's proposal.
Last message is too long. can not reply it.
Actually, I lost mysql-devel pcre-devel packages
So I reinstall centos with these packages, and down postfix-2.9.3
Use the command make ,Everything working. I'm so glad

[root@mail ~]# make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
-I/usr/include/mysql -I/usr/include/sasl" \
AUXLIBS="-L/usr/lib64/sasl2 -lsasl2 -L/usr/lib64/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz
-lm -lldap -llber"

Finally, postfix-2.9.3 system got support with pcre, mysql and ldap.
Thank you for all my friend's time.


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